QPR Post Match

Looks like Chelsea's title. Once again we are an embarrassment to the title of Champion's.

Saved by Agüero's individual brilliance.

Pellegrini is clueless. Happy clappers can shout "double winner" until the cows come home but he is a spinless little man.

Yaya as captain another insult to the integrity of the club.
Some HORRENDOUS performances.

Sagna Clichy Fernando Yaya Navas Nasri were all hopeless!

Mangala wasn't particularly good neither.

Pellegeini is failing to motivate these players or get them into the right mentality that is needed.

Kun Agüero is a God!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Why were we fucking about with the ball at the back when there's just a minute left? Get it forward.

Well, have we ever won with a late winner under Pellegrini ? I doubt he has instructed players to settle for a draw rather than push for a win. I can't remember a single late win under Pellers.
We control the game then get sloppy and concede.
Aguero the genius scores out of nowhere
We control the game then get sloppy and concede
Aguero the genius scores out of nowhere

Story of our season pretty much.

And why Chelsea will walk away with the title.
We look severely short of confidence and without Aguero we would be mid table at best. Thank god for Sergio, a truly world class player at the top of his game.
Aguero must be wondering what he is playing with at the minute. He's good enough to play in any team in the world and he's pulling these donkeys out of the shite week in week out. What is going on at our club?
Think that result may have just signed Pellers' P45.
Eventually players like Aguero and Silva will simply leave. Too many games both have been surrounded by mediocrity. The only player i'm confident that would stick with us in the long term is Kompany.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Why were we fucking about with the ball at the back when there's just a minute left? Get it forward.

Well, have we ever won with a late winner under Pellegrini ? I doubt he has instructed players to settle for a draw rather than push for a win. I can't remember a single late win under Pellers.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
taxi for pellegrini..simply shocking

Maybe if you repeat it enough times it might actually happen. Any ideas on which manager to replace him with in the month of November?

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