Questions from a Rag

SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?

11. What is your prediction for the match?


1. 1st or 2nd in PL.
2. yes, wouldn't swap him for anyone.
3. silva, but to be fair everyone poses a threat.
4. rooney.
5. yes.
6. city, utd, chelsea, spurs/pool.
7. jones.
8. mike doyle.
9. fuck knows, where do i begin.
10. george best, what that man could do with a football.
11. draw 2-2.
SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? - I think we can go all the way, for me it depends on how we juggle the Premier League, Europe and FA cup, and obviously keeping our key players fit.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? -He's done a top job, knows what it takes to win a league as a player and manager. As for the CL I think it'll take time to build up that experience and know how no matter who's in charge.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? - Silva. The best player in the Premiership.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? - Rooney. With the controversy of the last couple of weeks he's bound to be desperate to score.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United? - Yes. Chelsea are very good side but I think their squad is too old to cope with all three competitions at the business end of the season.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season? - City, United, Chelsea, Liverpool (no particular order!)

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? - Vidic would be superb next to Kompany

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? - Shaun Goater has to be up there. Silva, Yaya and Super Mario are all making their cases though.

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? - Gary Neville, no explanation needed.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? - Denis Law, Owen Hargreaves ;-)

11. What is your prediction for the match? - 1 all. I think it's a game both sides will 'rather not lose' than go for the win.

1. We'll win the league this season, not hopeful of a good showing in the Champions League
2. League yes, CL no
3. Best player Silva, biggest threat Kun
4. Hernandez will get your late consolation, if you count that as a threat
5. No
6. City 1st, Chelsea 2nd, scum 3rd, red dippers 4th
7. Vidic, maybe Young
8. Uwe Rosler
9. All of them but especially that inbred **** Keane and Cuntona
10. Denis Law, Hargreaves and until recently Tevez
11. 1-3

Now fuck off Baconface and do your own research on our team!
1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?
League? Europe? Cups? I think we'll win something again and come close in another competition. I'm a bit vague but it's only October.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?
Yes in the league but I'm undecided in Europe. His record at Inter in the CL wasn't great and City could've done better in the Europa last season.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?
Silva is our best player but De Jong will be the biggest threat. He can really stifle an opponents attack.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?
Rooney. One chance is all he needs.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
No. I think Chelsea will push it, too.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
City, United, Chelsea and Liverpool. No particular order.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?
Evra. Clichy has started well but left back has been a problem for too long.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?
Shaun Goater. He wasn't the most gifted but he's my favorite because of the passion he showed and his commitment to City.

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?
Beckham. He's a grossly overrated tosser that wants to be a celebrity over a Footballer. G Neville came second.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?
I've struggled with this one. Scholes was largely a model pro but hated City. I'll go with Denis Law.

11. What is your prediction for the match?
1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?

If we can carry on the way we are going and keep all our players fit then I think we will definitely be second or first, hopefully the latter.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?

100%. He has done a great job for us and after sorting out our defensive problem under Hughes it now means we have more freedom to attack, which has being evident this season. He has not got a great record in the champions league for Inter but I feel he can lead us to Champions League success but not for a few seasons to be honest.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

Well their is too many to choose from but at the moment it has to be David Silva. On Sunday I think our most dangerous players will be Silva, Aguero and Mario.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?

Probably Rooney the prick. Can't stand him, great player though. Nani's main problem is inconsistency yet the little shit always seems to turn up against us and on his day he is almost unplayable.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?

No, Chelsea will definitely be in their. Juan Mata will be key for them this season.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?

City, United, Chelsea, Tottenham. Think Liverpool will crumble at the end of the season.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?

Although currently over-rated imo Tom Cleverley is still a good player with a bright future, wouldn't mind him or Jones. Obviously players like Rooney but personally would rather re-sign Jo than have that shrek play for us.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

Considering I'm only 15 so never saw the great players like Bell, Summerbee or Franny Lee play my favourite player is probably Shauny Wright but can easily see it becoming someone like Kompany, De Jong or Richards come their retirement.

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?

Where do I start? I fucking despise Nani and camel face Ferdinand but Rooney has got to be the only footballer I have ever hated with a passion. Would love him to break both legs on Sunday. Oh, and Roy Keane was a fucking tosser as well. Oh, and Gary Neville. Oh, and Yorke.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?

I suppose to some degree you have to respect people like Scholes and Giggs for what they have achieved but personally don't like any really. If I had to say the scum players I don't dislike too much are Valencia and Vidic.

11. What is your prediction for the match?

Think it will be a 2-2 draw but am gonna go for a 3-1 win, Balotelli the one to watch out for.
Decided to reply as you have a relatively reasonable posting history:

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? Can't split the top two at present. We'll either win it or come second, on present projections the derbies are going to be monumental although that being said there's another 30 to go so there's always room for surprise results.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? League yes - not too sure about CL - jury out but obviously more than willing to give time based on domestic record thus far.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? Silva. The creative hub of the team. That being said Aguero being fit would be a huge boost.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? Rooney, has a good record against us. That being said stopping supply from presumably Nani and Young will be vital.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United? Without a doubt.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season? City, Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? Possibly Vidic, Evra, Nani, Rooney. No more.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? Hard to split Kinkladze and Silva. One was possibly a catalyst in us going down two leagues but gave me some beautiful, beautiful memories. The other is genuinely world class.

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? Neville, Rooney or Keane. It's hard to split them.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? Scholes.

11. What is your prediction for the match? Hoping for a win but would take a point.
a question from a blue.....

why have you called yourself a rag? you do know we call it you lot to take the piss?

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