Questions from a Rag

I'll try and give you proper answers because I'm not a tribalistic moron who can't discuss things rationally and appreciate genuine interest from other fans.

SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?
- League: we should be right in the mix come the end of the season. I think United will win it due to the experience of the squad, but it'll be squeaky bum time.
- Cups: Expecting a decent run in the domestic cups given the size of the squad. Not too optimistic about the CL; I doubt we'll make it out of the (extremely tough) group.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?

Mancini is an underrated manager. His great success in Italy seems to have been wholly written off because of Calciopoli, but this ignores the fine detail. For example, in the 06-07 season, Inter went on a run of SEVENTEEN consecutive victories, lost one game all season, and finished on 97 points, an Italian record. AC Milan and Juventus were weak, for sure, but that fact alone cannot explain such an incredible run.

Mancini is eminently capable of winning the league. The jury is out on his ability to do well in Europe.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

It should be pretty obvious to most that our best player right now is David Silva. However, Silva tends to be at his best when we dominate; he can fade when possession isn't heavily weighted in our favour. So, in terms of threat, I'd plump for Aguero or Balotelli, who are unpredictable players and capable of producing those moments of brilliance that turn the big games.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?

2 players stand out: Rooney and Nani. Nani is similar to Balotelli (although admittedly more consistent) in terms of his unpredictability and ability to turn a game in an instant. And Rooney is a superb player, and always a threat, for his ability to find space and spread the play quickly to the flanks as much as his goalscoring.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?

I wouldn't write off Chelsea.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?

Man Utd; Man City; Chelsea; Liverpool (although I'd prefer Tottenham)

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?

I'd have Vidic, Rooney, Nani straight away. Anderson if he maintains his form. Rafael or Smalling to compete with Richards at right-back. Last season I'd have said Evra and Fletcher, but they seem to be a bit rubbish now.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

Kinkladze, but if Silva keeps on playing the way he is now....

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?

Roy Keane, for THAT tackle.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?

Van Der Sar (I've met him, lovely bloke).

11. What is your prediction for the match?

2-1 United, a late goal as usual.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? ...... TOP TWO FINISH

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? ........ YES

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? ........ SILVA

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? ...... WELLBECK/A VERY PROMISING YOUNG KID WHO'S EAGER TO IMPRESS ... OR HERNANDEZ/WHO HAS THE SOLKSJAER GOAL TOUCH ABOUT HIM

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United? ....... NO

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season? ....... UNITED/CITY/CHELSEA/PROBABLY SPURS

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? ....... PROBABLY THREE OR FOUR

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? ......... SILVA

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? ........ KEANE

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? ........ GIGGS

11. What is your prediction for the match? ...... 1-1
SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? All the way, we are good enough to win every comp. we enter

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?
He is the best manager we have had for many years, im sure he can take us all the way. He has Class and always show respect to other managers and teams.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?
David Silva and Kun Aguero no doub.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?
Rooney, hands down he is one of the best players of his generation and in the world.
the little mexican scares the hell out of me as well. :)

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
No, chelsea will have their say, for sure.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
City, United,Chelsea and Spurs.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?
there are plenty, Rooney,CHicarito,Jones,Vidic,Nani,Smalling.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?
I really disliked Gary Nev, when he played, because of his antics, however my respect for him has been restored now when he is a pundit, one of the best in my book. Trust me this hurts to say :)

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?
Giggs and Scoles, and ofcource the norwegian Gunnar!

11. What is your prediction for the match?
City to win 3-1

My answers in bold, i wish you good luck tonight! and hopefully we gets a good game with no BS on Sunday!
SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? WHOEVER FINISHES ABOVE US WILL WIN THE LEAGUE

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? YES BUT NOT CHAMPIONS LEAGUE THIS YEAR

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? SILVA

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? NANI

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United? YES

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season? US UNITED, CHELSEA LIVERPOOL

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? VIDIC

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? KINKLADZE (the first city player i seen who could actually beat a man, im only 26)

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? GARY NEVILLE

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? ROY KEANE (says it how it is, i.e prawn sandwichs)

11. What is your prediction for the match? 2-2

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?
Difficult to say with no previous title challenges to go off. So far so good, but we still must improve in a lot of areas. Even though there are a few players in United's squad who have never been there and done it, and even though there are players in our squad who have with other clubs; the ethos of United as a club is geared up for winning the title and at City it is all fresh and naive. I think we will go all the way and be there challenging right up to the last day of the season. If Chelsea and United are there too it will be a close call.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?
Very hard to tell at this moment. Again through lack of examples. But what i can go off is our form away from home against top teams in the last 12 months (i'm counting top teams as top half Prem from last season and in Europe) and our record is something like Played16, Won3 (Salzburg away last season, Fulham away last season and Spurs away this season). We were shown up for serious lack of pace in centre mid against Bayern thew other week, we wont win the CL like that. This doesn't mean Bobby Manc wont bring CL success to City, but i don't think our current midfield (or a midfield containing Barry) will win it. Bobby has said he wants another 4 year contract this week and everything he has done with us as a club so far has been an improvement, in all aspects not just on the pitch. This is our first CL campaign so it's just a case of improving every season.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?
Our best player is David Silva. Our other most effective player in all big games in Nigel de Jong. I'd go as far to say that in every big game we've played (and we've beaten a fair few at home) de Jong has been our MOTM!

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?
Rooney or Nani

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
No, Chelsea will definately be there. I thought they were by far the better team against United at OT a few weeks ago. They had 10 shots before you even had one. On another day it could esily have been 6-1 to Chelsea. I've never seen a United team concede so many chances as this current one is doing this season - how you've only conceded 6 goals i'll never know!

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
City, United, Chelsea, Spurs

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?
Uwe Rösler

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?
I'm not one of them people who will automatically hate a player just because he plays for United. Players just happen to play for teams and they come and go and a lot of the time players are long gone and are associated with another club. But I despised Gary Neville and always thought Roy Keane was a dick. Loved giving it out but made himself look a right **** as he wasn't cool enough to get it back without losing his head. Vieira used to laugh at him and make jokes knowing Keane would bite because he just wasn't cool - remember the tunnel incident?

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?
Schmeichel, van der Saar, Stam, Giggs, Rooney when he's just getting on with his game, plus others. You don't win titles undeservedly.

11. What is your prediction for the match?
I don't make match predictions!

As a 'rag' I'd like to do this as honest as poss...

1. Manchester U have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?

Champions again. SF in Champions League.

2. Do you guys think SAF is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success this season?

Of course.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

Young or Ronney.

4. Which City player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?

Silva or Balotelli.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?


6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?

United / City / Chelsea / Liverpool.

7. Is there any player from City's current squad that you would take for your team?

Loads: NDJ / Kompany / Silva / Aguero / Dzeko.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

Niall Quinn or David White.

9. Which City player do you dislike the most (past or present)?

Bosvelt / Dickov.

10. If any, which City player have you respected or admired the most past or present?

Many over the years. Currently Silva is admired massively ( no dig with the massive btw. )

11. What is your prediction for the match?

2 - 1 United.
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? 2nd, you'll just about do it. This time...

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? Yes, no doubt.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? David Silva.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? It's tight, between Rooney and Clattenburg this year.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United? Yes.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season? You, Us, Chelsea and Tottenham.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? Hate to admit it but Rooney is class.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? Favourite? Kinky, all the way.

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? Ratface and Keane. Can't choose between them.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? Cantona. Hated him but his skill was awesome. Ryan Giggs also has to be admired on the pitch, if not off it...

11. What is your prediction for the match? Score draw.
SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?

Its too early to tell if we will pushing for the title. I cant speak for every blue but I would still be happy with champions league qualification. If we are top of the league by a distance a Christmas i might start getting excited.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?

So far Mancini has done a great job with the backing of the board. Hes been given money, and in my opinion almost every player he has signed has done very well. Mancnin has also won the hearts of the fans, and we are now playing football that we could have only dreamt about in the past. Like he said himself though, football can change, if the team starts playing badly, the manager will fall into question. however i for one will stick by him , as changing mangers too often is poor practice

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

Silva is a threat with his passing, however I think now more than ever we have alot of players in form, so it really depends how they play on the day. When we played you in the FA semi and wouldnt of expected Yaya to be the danger point, but he played well on the day. If all players are on form, the danger man would probly be Aguero, as his finishing can be clinical.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?

Either Nani or Young because they are both so quick and dangerous when they run close to the box. On the other hand Hernadez and Rooney are dangerous meeting there crosses, so really your whole forward line scares me.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?

At this point, you cannot discount Chelsea, i think they will be in the running.Id imagine that it would either be a two horse race with Celase and Utd or three horse with us included.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?

Three teams mentioned above, and on current form id say Liverpool will finish fourth. At this moment I dont think Arsenal are strong enough.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?

Id take Vidic and Nani. Although i think Nani would be roatated based on tactical decsions.

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

Shaun Goater

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?

Most of them, but probly Neville

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?

Honestly, none of them, hated all of them, oh wait, Terry Cooke and Tevez for a brief moment.

11. What is your prediction for the match?

I hope we win

SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? WIN IT

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? NEXT SEASON,YES.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? AGUERRO

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? HERNANDEZ

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? ONLY VIDIC

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? THE KING

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? SOOO MANY TO CHOSE - KEANE being the worst

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? CITY LEGEND DENIS LAW

11. What is your prediction for the match? 2-2


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