Questions from a Rag

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? All the way

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? Emphatically yes

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? Toss up between Silva and Aguero if he is fit but I wouldn't bet against Mario embarassing DeGea either

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? Clattenberg

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United? It would be stupid to write off Chelski

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season? Us, you Chelski and any one of Spuds, red dippers or arsenal

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? No not really, DeGea as a reserve keeper maybe but TBH Evra hasn't looked good this season, Vidic would be sent off every other game if he played for someone else and Wooney is not as good as any of our strikers

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? Colin Bell

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? Tough one this Keene (Haaland), Buchan (Bell), Ratboy but I enjoy him trying to be neutral on Sky (can't wait to se him squirm on Sun), but overall Lou Macari complete twat of a man even went as far as to cheat your own trainees

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?Surprisingly Cantona, dirty bastard on the pitch but there was a thread on here recently about how nice he was to some kids in hospital which always goes down well with me

11. What is your prediction for the match?

Before Clattneberg was announced as the ref I was confident that we we would do you 3-0, 5-0 if you defend like you did aginst Arsenal, now I'll take take the draw although I expect us to win by 1.
citykev28 said:
11. What is your prediction for the match? - We'll be lucky to get a draw if the ref acts like the one-arm man that was in charge last season. Every time there was a challenge, the same arm kept popping up. Added to the fact that Bellamy got coined when waiting to take a corner, the result was directly affected but nothing done afterwards in the semi and the added time for a goal celebration rule that was only ever enforced for the 4-3, I reckon desicions have a history of going United's way in Old Trafford derbies.

You've missed a whole year out and a Rooney shin in.
SeanJason said:
1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?

I think winning the prem is realistic, if not then I would quite happily finnish 2nd.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?Yes, Yes, and Yes.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?The Magician from Spain, Silva.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? Rooney

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?Yes

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?City, United, Chelsea and Liverpool

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?
8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?
Shaun Wright-Phillips

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?
Rooney, Fletcher, Ronaldo and most of all Neville

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?
11. What is your prediction for the match?
1-2 to the Blues!!!
OP, Let's see what you think or your own questions about us and the derby.

1. Manchester U have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?

2. Do you guys think SAF is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success this season?

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

4. Which City player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?

7. Is there any player from City's current squad that you would take for your team?

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

9. Which City player do you dislike the most (past or present)?

10. If any, which City player have you respected or admired the most past or present?

11. What is your prediction for the match?
SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?
Win it

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?
None of them. if We play well we will win. End of story

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
No Chelsea are looking good. If City win on Sunday no-one will catch us and I think it will seriously damage Utds season

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
City, Chelsea, Utd, Spurs

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?
No, not 1. Their atitude stinks and would destroy our team spirit

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?
The lot of them

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?
None of them

11. What is your prediction for the match?
3-1 City
1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? Top 2

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? Definitley

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? Silva

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? Rooney

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
Looking likely, although Chelsea are lurking

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season? Us, you Chelski and Spurs

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? Vidic

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? It was Kinky but he's been overtaken by Silva

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? Roy Keane.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? Kanchelskis. Ripped us apart in derbies but not a complete twat.

11. What is your prediction for the match?

Head says 2-2. Heart says 1-2
1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? realistically i think the title is there to be won, we have the team to do it.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? if we want o win things macini is our man, the way he as handled the tevez situation was brilliant and the first step is him showing the players who is in charge and he wont be taken for a mug.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? david silva and david silva again.. if we are to break them doing silva is our man!

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? hernandes, pops out of nowhere and bags alot of goals, also he has got some pace!

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
without a doubt i don't think liverpool chelsea arsenal or spurs have got what it takes and there squads are nothing compared to the manchester clubs.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
not sure on the order but definately city and united top two followed by chelsea and l'pool although i think they will be a few points away.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? vidic

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?
shaun wright phillips but de jong is very close!

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?
evra, arrogant little prick!

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? paul scholes

11. What is your prediction for the match?
1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go? WIN IT

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success? SO FAR SO GOOD

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet? DAVID SILVA

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet? CHICK PEA

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team? WOULD HAVE HAD EVRA BEFORE WE GOT CLICHY

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player? UWE ROSLER

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)? NEVILLE,OR WES BROWN

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present? BRIAN KIDD

11. What is your prediction for the match?
1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?
Top three, but I think us, yourselves and Chelsea will be very close up until the final stages. My heart says we'll win it, but my head reminds me that this is City we are talking about.

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?
Absolutely. His handling of Tevez is confirmation of that.

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?
David Silva. I just hope that Clattenberg is on top of it when your players try to stop him playing this weekend. Fletcher being the prime candidate.

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?
Rooney probably. I think Clichy will sort out Nani for us, but Rooney is one of those annoying types that can do nothing for 80 mins and then win you the match.

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?
No, as stated above Chelsea should not be discounted. I think our biggest challenge will be maintaining the levels of performance, and a lack of experience of being in a title race when it comes to the final stages.

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?
Us, You, Chelsea and Liverpool.

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?
We have a question mark hanging over Kolo and Lescott long term, so Vidic would be an interesting addition, but for reasons stated about it woudl have to be Rooney. Fancy as swap with The Jackal?

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?
David White. Was Tony Coton until he joined the dark side.

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?
Gary Neville. He's actually not as bad as I thought he would be as a pundit, but he's still Fergie's little pet, and for that he loses most of respect that he'd maybe have otherwise.

*edit* Scrap that, how could I forget Roy Keane! Spoilt little thug, doesn't deserve any kind of career in the game.

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?
Probably Scholes. He's fairly respectful in the way he goes about things and was up front about the England thing. He even enjoys the occasional joke - recently he claimed he was not a bad tackler just vengeful.! Ha ha!

11. What is your prediction for the match?
It's with deep regret that I predict 2-1 to you. I had 1-1 until I saw the ref, and unfortunately I think he, or we, will have in to the atmosphere and concede in the final twenty mins. Although if we get on the ball a bit it could be a different story, as I can't see Vidic, Jones, Smalling or Wio coping with Aguero and Silva.
SeanJason said:
How's it going fellas? I come in peace...just asking some questions about the big upcoming derby and getting some views about our teams.

1. Manchester City have had a great start to the season. How far do you realistically think you'll go?

2. Do you guys think Mancini is the right manager to lead you to league and CL success?

3. Who do you consider to be your best player and the biggest threat when we meet?

4. Which United player do you consider to be the biggest threat when we meet?

5. Do you think the title will be a two horse race between City and United?

6. Who do you have in your top four come the end of the season?

7. Is there any player from United's current squad that you would take for your team?

8. Who is your favourite all time Manchester City player?

9. Which United player do you dislike the most (past or present)?

10. If any, which United player have you respected or admired the most past or present?

11. What is your prediction for the match?


1. Realistically we will win the league


3. David Silva

4. Nani

5. Wouldn't rule out Chelsea. Would even like Spurs to be in there - I quite like Spurs and the twitcher.

6. Man City, Man United, Chelsea, Spurs - Liverpool 5th.

7. Nani, Wellbeck

8. Kaz Deyna

9. Wayne Rooney. Great player, shitbag as an individual.

10. There's loads-Bobby Charlton, Dennis Law, Teddy Sheringham, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Andy Cole

11. Difficult one. In the Charity Shield United were well impressive. Given that United's performances have been tailing off lately (Norwich, Liverpool) I am going for a City win.

OK I've got a question for you. Considering SAF's record in Europe is he a top manager or do you regret not supporting the actual Manchester team who have actually got a bit of character and history?

Never mind about Sunday, we won't rub it in!

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