Questions from RAWK

What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

An excellent performance wasn't to be expected with the whole squad having only had one training session together. The performance itself was a game of two halves. First half, we were pretty poor, second half was very good and I thought we controlled the game very well. The defence was excellent as was Joe Hart. On another day we might have nicked all 3 points but I was very happy to come away with a point.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

I watched the whole game on Sky. I didn't think either side were that impressive, and on the basis of that game I am not too worried either side will finish above us this season. Arsenal need to invest heavily before they are competing for major honours again as do Liverpool. I think Liverpool will finish in the top 6 whilst Arsenal will finish in the top 4.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

Ideally i would be happy with a top 4 finish and a domestic cup, I predict the following...

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

This is a tough one purely because we now have many, many important players. Yaya Toure in my eyes is THE most important, he has the ability to DICTATE every game and without him dictating games would become much more difficult. Every player in the squad is important, it goes without saying that unless every member of the starting 11 you will find it harder to win football matches.

Your worst player(s)?

Definitely Micah Richards. He makes some excellent tackles a looks a lot sharper fitness wise this season than he did last HOWEVER, the boy is not a footballer when the ball is at his feet.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

The 3-2 at COMS (2 seasons ago) was a killer. We were 2-0 up and absolutely cruising only to lose the game 3-2 thanks to a list minuite Kuyt goal.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?

Most you will have heard of, the likes of Adam Johnson, Balotelli ETC.

Ones you may not have heard of are Vladimir Weiss (Young tricky winger), Dedryk Boyata (Brilliant Centre half), Alex Nimley (Now this kid can play, forward.)

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

Providing Milner is signed in time to have a few training sessions and Balotelli impresses in training expect to see the following line up...

GK Given RB Boateng CB Kompany CB Toure LB Kolarov DM De Jong CM Yaya Toure CM Milner ACM Silva ST Tevez ST Balotelli

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?

We never win at home and we never win away, we lost last week and we lost today, we don't give a fuck cos' wer'e all pissed up. MCFC OK.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?

Without question Gerrard and Torres, stop these two, stop Liverpool.

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?

Not one single player. I would say Reina but with Joe Hart and Shay Given he wouldn't get a game. Again, I would say Mascherano but with De Jong there would he really get a game ? The rest seem distinctly average.

Care to predict the score?

Manchester City 2
Liverpool 1
What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?
It was a great point, Spurs were much the better side in the 1st half but we came back strong in the 2nd half and it was probably even in that half. After their demolition of us in the same fixture last season it was a good improvement and we'll only get better.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?
Both teams looked decidedly average. Torres doesn't look fit and there seems to be no magic spark, nullifying Gerrard will be the key for us next monday.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?
I think we'll get 4th, hopefully win a cup(maybe 2 if we play really well), but with the money we've spent we've got to expect to do better than the last time we were in each trophy, it's only natural to hope for progression.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?
I think the whole team is very important. Obviously Carlos and David(Silva) will be big up front, and we need our defence and keeper need to perform as well as they did on saturday. At this level the whole team needs to deliver together if you want to challenge for silverware, but I think Captain Carlos is the talisman.

Your worst player(s)?
We're at the point where we don't have any bad players to be honest, our worst performer on saturday was probably Micah, but I don't think we have any real weakness apart from our lack of time together and cohesiveness, but that will come throughout the season.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?
Michael Owen's hattrick the season we came back up wasn't nice, as was the 3-2 a couple of years ago. Our win at yours when Anelka scored was sweet and I honestly think we were better than you in the 2 games last season and can beat you, twice, if we play positively that is.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?
Not really, our academy hasn't brought anything through recently, and none of them will get near the team it seems. A shame, but in a few years I think we'll be bringing through talent good enough to play for a top 4 club, the academy just has to play catch-up in development to the first team, and that's not as quick or easy as just spending money on first teamers.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?
Hopefully a 4-3-1-2 or a 4-4-2, because we need to attack you and not be afraid like we were last season. I think if we go for it, we can beat anyone, that will hopefully be the difference this season, that we go for the win in the big games.

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?
Blue Moon lol, I'll leave it up to the South Standers to go through their hymn book for you.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?
G&T as always, just through reputation. Fernando doesn't look fit, but you never know with a quality striker like him. Gerrard as always will be a threat, but apart from that you're just a solid side, but not spectacular.

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?
I would have said Reina but after today and Hart's performance I think we're ok, so no, just Torres if he stayed fit, Gerrard's getting on a bit.

Care to predict the score?
If we attack, 3-1 to City. If we don't, maybe 1-0 City or 0-0. Up to you, Mr Mancini.
citygirl77 said:
Ric said:
Sorry, it's a Liverpool forum:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>


THX ...?? :*)
Ric said:
As with last season, RAWK have sent through some questions ahead of the game next Monday. If anyone fancies responding just leave your answers below.


What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?
Garbage 1st half better 2nd.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?
Decent game,you need a goalie though.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?
No idea & that's a serious answer.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?
Tevez,Torres,Hart,Boateng,the brothers,AK....we have a few more aswell.

Your worst player(s)?
I don't do that.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?
The game where we got relegated & you tried to give us the game that would have saved us but we refused to comply.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?
A few have gone out & lone but Alea Nimely & Greg Cunningham are 2 to watch.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?
3-3-4-1 or perhaps not.

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?
Feed the goat & he will score,a bit of a reminder of where we've come from

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?
Skirtel if only to annoy fans of our club who believe his type of player is a thing of the past.

Care to predict the score?3-1 to City....i hope.

A question for you lot,seeing as the mega rich Littlewoods pools Moores family ploughed mega money into you to make you the trophy winning team you became,don't you think it's a tad hypocritical for some of your fans to have a go at us for spending money to acheive what you achieved ??
Ric said:
As with last season, RAWK have sent through some questions ahead of the game next Monday. If anyone fancies responding just leave your answers below.


What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?
White Hart Lane's a difficult place to go at the best of times. I'm happy with taking a point off them there, considering the drubbing we got there last year. A lot of positives to take from the game; if 0-0 away at Spurs is what we get from an unfamiliar, less prepared than usual side I'm looking forward to the middle of the season.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?
In all honesty before Cole got sent off it was quite a cagey game. Afterwards both sides had their moments, thought you did well with 10 men though, until that howler. Think the draw was my preferred result.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?
Hoping for a top 4 finish; with the players at our disposal this is a real possibility and some might say a minimum aim. As for the cups I'm hoping we get at least one of the three so we can take that bastard banner down at the swamp.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?
If he keeps up last year's form then Tevez without a doubt. Also need Yaya Toure playing well in centre mid.

Your worst player(s)?
Richards had a mare on Saturday, hoping Boateng's fit.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?
Skrtel Kung-Fu kicking Jo in the back a couple of years ago, still don't know how he got away with it.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?
The obvious in Hart, AJ and Weiss, but Boyata and Ibrahim look like excellent prospects.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?
------------de Jong---------------
(assuming Milner signs, if not Barry)

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?
Favourite is bluemoon, but I like the song about United's debt as well.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?
If he plays, got to be Torres.

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?
Wouldn't have minded snapping Cole up in the summer.

Care to predict the score?
Think we'll nick it, 2-1.
Ric said:
As with last season, RAWK have sent through some questions ahead of the game next Monday. If anyone fancies responding just leave your answers below.


What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

Happy with the point. Spurs probably deserved all 3 points.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

A very difficlut game for you guys after Joe got the red card, but you did well.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

I think we can win it all. Probably got the best squad, player for player.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

Tevez, kolo and De jong

Your worst player(s)?


Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

We deserved the victory in anfield last season.

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?

Ben mee. great talent.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

Hart, Richards, kolo, Kompany, kolarov-Jong,barry,toure-johnson, tevez Silva

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?
"Fergie sign him up fergie sign him up"

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?

I respect Daniel agger alot. Great mentality and the best ball playing CB in europe
Care to predict the score

What did you think of the opening game against Spurs? 1st half was hard, spurs played really good, second half was MUCH better, joe hart = amazing enough said

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it? both defences were really good a draw was a fair result

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?
PREM - 4th
FA CUP - Winners
CARLING CUP - Quarter Final
UEFA CUP - Semi Final

Who do you think is your most important player(s)? Tevez,Silva,Yaya,Kompany,Hart

Your worst player(s)?
Bridge & Richards

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?
Not really

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?Nimely and Boyata

What sort of line-up will be put out against us? Prob same as Spurs

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation? Tevez is a blue

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most? Gerrard

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?
no offence but no

Care to predict the score? 2-1 to Manchester City
Ric said:
As with last season, RAWK have sent through some questions ahead of the game next Monday. If anyone fancies responding just leave your answers below.


What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

Your worst player(s)?

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?

Care to predict the score?

Im not falling for this Woy, get your scouts to a game and get the report in the normal manner.

What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?
Very difficult first half lucky to go in 0-0 at half time, But much improved second half, Happy to take a point away to Tottenham.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?
First half Arsenal were on top possesion wise without really creating anything, Second half thought both sided defended really well. Point was a fair result in the end.

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?
PREM - 3rd
FA CUP - Semi-Finals
UEFA CUP - Semi- Finals or Final.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?
The whole 25 players that are involved are most important :)

Your worst player(s)?
We got rid of most of them, But the ones who are still here Bridge, Jo, Vieira.

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?
Not really

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?Nimely, Boyata, Cunningham look promising prospects.

What sort of line-up will be put out against us?
Hart, Boateng, K.Toure, Kompany, Kolarov, De Jong, Yaya Toure, Barry, A.Johnson, Silva, Tevez.

Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation?

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?
Torres and Gerrard, Jovanovic looks a decent player.

Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?
Pepe Reina is a quality keeper.

Care to predict the score?
Man City1-0 Liverpool
What did you think of the opening game against Spurs?

Was more than happy to take a point away from WHL. After the first half, I was fearing the worst. Not many teams will take points away from the Lane so happy with the outcome.

And Liverpool's against Arsenal, if you saw it?

Was not impressed by Arsenal, did not really create much against 10 men. Liverpool did well and still looked dangerous even though down to 10..

What are your expectations for this season? Care to predict where you'll come in the league and how far you'll get in the three cup competitions?

We need to finish in the top 4 this year, otherwise it will be seen as a failure, so i predict 4th, Europa League winners, FA and Carling Cup semi-final.

Who do you think is your most important player(s)?

Tevez,Y.Toure, Hart, Kompany

Your worst player(s)?

Santa Cruz, Jo

Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with?

Steve Lomas keeping the ball at the corner flag, when we were going down

Any young up and coming players in the squad that we might not know about?


What sort of line-up will be put out against us?

Drop SWP and play Adebayor/Bolotelli, drop Barry and play A.Johnson and if fit Boatang for Richards,otherwise same team against spurs.

Which Liverpool player will you fear the most?


Apart from Torres and Gerrard, any Liverpool players you'd fancy pulling on the City shirt?


Care to predict the score?

2-1. City

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