
Poor Security Management.

I work in this industry and notice a lot how appalling the operations are when I'm walking past all the queues towards my entrance (K)

It is harder to manage such a volume of people and conduct searching but one big thing needs introducing and fuck Political Correctness.

Selective Searching -

On the big queues, I'd have one male, one female floating around the queue and targeting the obvious people with another guy patrolling with them with a sniffer dog that can pick up explosives.

Bin Laden there with his rucksack, he's getting searched.

Little old Mavis who's been going to watch City since Hyde Road days does not need to be fucking searched and hasn't been recruited by ISIL

I haven't been searched once ever since going to watch City, yet analysing myself such as age/dress sense and so on I'd say I could possibly be a drug user and may be taking cocaine into the stadium (so I should be searched)

As its pissing me off now going into the toilets to see the kids all on the sniff. Its getting in there somehow.

These jobsworths won't search the gang of young lads all coked up but will search Little Old Mavis and whinge about her Flask.

So yea, people come In and let it free flow, with selective searching operating around the Entrances.

Also, police presence at the Entrances of The Etihad Campus and they would be looking for Intel such as Bin Laden and his ruck sack.

If some fucker wanted to cause damage they'd let their explosives off outside the stadium as there are so much more people (caused by the fucking queues)
Yes it isn't live on TV but it would still have an affect.

Pisspoor management and from my perspective of working In crowd control and so on I can justify my opinion.
Well said mate
As an example, every morning of the working week there are thousands of commuters stood around on platforms at tube stations. It's an enclosed space that would give a maximum effect to an explosive device and also bring the city of London to a standstill. This would have far more impact than blowing up football supporters outside a stadium
Errr July 7th 2005 ? The biggest impact that had, was making intelligence better to prevent further attacks, and so far its worked.

A terrorist exploding himself amongst a crowd, has exactly the same media impact at a train station, on a train (London 2005, Madrid 2004), an airport (Belgium and others), or in a football stadium (none successful that I can recall), and to the terrorist it creates the same thing, terror, their whole reason for being a terrorist in the first place. The only target for a terrorist outrage is a large crowd with maximum collateral damage, it doesn't matter where it is.

Now the terrorist has a new tactic, drive a lorry into a crowd, its difficult to drive into a train station or an airport building, as measures were taken years ago to stop it, but other gatherings of people are easier targets. Yesterday it could easily have been the queues extending beyond the security cordon because of our inefficient searching routine. So, City, by doing this badly, have succeeded in creating a new target.

As I said earlier, our queues are being tagged as being for security reasons, but they're not, if they were they'd be effective, they're there to create an issue that forces people to turn up earlier, as people don't like queues, that is why they are coincidentally (yeah right) taking food and drink off people going in, to get them to buy it when they go inside earlier.
As an example, every morning of the working week there are thousands of commuters stood around on platforms at tube stations. It's an enclosed space that would give a maximum effect to an explosive device and also bring the city of London to a standstill. This would have far more impact than blowing up football supporters outside a stadium

Blowing football supporters up inside a stadium whilst the game was being broadcast live across the world to an audience of millions would demonstrate the terrorist's power and threat

Blowing themselves up outside is no different.

It would be all over social media in minutes.

If somenody is going to blow themselves and others up, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Even if he or she was stopped outside the entrance, they will just blow themselves up there, as happened in Paris.

With 100's queuing up,.you can imagine the carnage outside the stadium.
Take as long as they need. Get there in plenty of time. Take my little lad to the game. Want to come home safely together too.

You're far far more likely to injure yourselves driving to the stadium, and or crossing the road at Turing way than from being blown up by a terrorist.

Don't fear terrorism.

And anyway, if I could die in any one place City Stadium would probably be my first choice

The scariest thing is that I think it's inevitable that eventually there will be a terrorist attack at a premier league game. I know that the police will have constant feelers out there and currently they'll be high, but not at the highest they could go to, hence the searches aren't as rigorous. If the threat picks up I'd expect more thorough searches.

I can't believe they aren't deploying armed police around the campus on match days. It would be a massacre if a gang of 10 nutters turned up with automatic rifles. I know it's not ideal for everyone, but just turn up 15 minutes earlier to the game, get in the ground as quickly as possible and make the stewards jobs as easy as it can be. I know it might seem like a ballache but it has to be done or something horrible could happen.
Some dickhead steward outside turnstile P was having a right go at some bloke, interupting him, not letting him speak and generally being very intimidating and in his face. Regardless of what had happended the steward had lost it and wasnt following any form of training he may have (not) received.

Obviously a bouncer at some shitty nightclub at the weekend who takes great pleasure in bullying members of the general public trying to get into the groud to watch a football match ffs. The c*nt was lucky someone didnt knock him on his arse the way he was speaking to this bloke. I felt like clocking him from behind myself.

Showsec are a general farce and the club needs to take a serious look on how they manage the security and stewarding elements as I dont see anything whatsoever that puts them in a positive light.
Im in 318 ,got there yesterday with my 9 year old in the queue about 1.10,got in at abt 1.35....the queue was big by even normal standards..as usual and as the norm this season,they only randomly searched people,as usual my son who has never ever been checked or had his plastic bag carrying my pies his soft drink crisps etc was not looked at,,why ? Im all for proper security because I honestly believe there is a serious threat for a prem league game,but either do it 100 % proper or stop pissing about.

I got frisked but about 10 to 15 people in front of me didn't,then as I was going through the turnstile a steward inside was saying " get them him quick "
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I can't believe they aren't deploying armed police around the campus on match days.
I'm sure the police probably are on stand by somewhere close, but they're not going to advertise the fact.

This thread is about the queues though, the queues are being caused by City implementing a so called security check badly.

If they were serious about it, they would employ specialists, and enough of them, to the job properly and efficiently. That they aren't doing that tells you all you need to know. In fact they are creating a bigger issue by creating these queues in the first place.
Something of a myth developing here that the searches are resulting in increased queue times. The searches are 5 or 6 yards in front of the turnstiles and as long as there is a continuous (even 2 or 3 people will do) flow of punters between that search point and the turnstile itself, that search will have little or no impact on how long the queue is. The turnstile software/mechanism would not work any faster if there were no searches! The biggest problem is simply not enough available turnstiles

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