Quick questions

Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Rammy said:
Legendary thread, fully enjoyed catching up on the last 15 pages.

Can't be arsed commenting further than that, pointless.

I kept a distinguished back burner, very enjoyable for nothing more than seeing again who the bullies are.

Well, I tried to play my part.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
YCNMIU said:
Thank god it wasnt someone with a vested interest who said that.

I mean, imagine if it would have been a poster who claims that they are ITK who makes ludicrous claims but rarely got anything apart from the obvious right, they would have got slaughtered.

welcome to the forum, your contribution is going to be invaluable to the bluemoon reputation.

As, so very often, is yours.
20sbc07 said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
I kept a distinguished back burner, very enjoyable for nothing more than seeing again who the bullies are.

Im not sure how you get the idea of "bullies".

One person winds everyone up.
Other people pull him up about it so they are "bullies"?

You attitude and the attitude of some other people on here is shocking. 'He sais he has info so it must be true and no one must ever question him on it'.

How do you live life never questioning things or pulling people up who have done things wrong? You must live in silence letting everything go and being pushed around. Its not being bullies, far from it.

i couldn't give a flying fuck about ajay, don't know him, not really arsed about what he has to say, its an open forum and people have a right to question whoever and whatever is posted, but let me put it this way, earlier in the thread he was asked by trigger to reveal 'privately' his credentials, fair enough request but a certain poster, and he knows who he is takes it upon himself to interject constantly to amplify a witch hunt and have a sly dig at our kid, he's to civil to respond like me. First and foremost if a person has to be endorsed like people are asking, i'll ask ric now to enter and back up who he is and let that be the end of it, instead of the kiddy antics of some.
GStar said:
As enjoyable as it is to read, the willy waving has not much to do with the topic.

Abusing poster, claiming itk or not, really isn't on. There's a difference between criticism and abuse.

This is what I was trying to say in my post to all the abuse Ajay recieved. He may be ITK or a WUM I dont know, but either way he doesnt deserve the shite he gets imo.
GStar said:
As enjoyable as it is to read, the willy waving has not much to do with the topic.

Abusing poster, claiming itk or not, really isn't on. There's a difference between criticism and abuse.

some actual sense at last.
not my fault! said:
GStar said:
As enjoyable as it is to read, the willy waving has not much to do with the topic.

Abusing poster, claiming itk or not, really isn't on. There's a difference between criticism and abuse.

This is what I was trying to say in my post to all the abuse Ajay recieved. He may be ITK or a WUM I dont know, but either way he doesnt deserve the shite he gets imo.

If he's a WUM then he does deserve the abuse that he receives - within certain limits, naturally - quite simply due to the fact that he is trying to say that he is not a WUM, but someone who is genuinely ITK.

Intentionally lying or making stuff up is worthy of abuse.

He was given the opportunity to put it all to bed, but chose to flounce off (once again, his choice).
YCNMIU said:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day (even though it is wrong 86,398 times a day).

Not necessarily. A broken clock could mean a cracked face, but that wouldn't affect its time keeping. Also, a clock could be working perfectly well, but be 5 hour fast. This clock, even though working, would never give an accurate time. A stopped clock on the other hand, is correct twice a day. The only trouble is, you have to know the correct time to know when the broken clock is correct, and most watches and clocks are to some extent, inaccurate. I recommend one of those Casio Wave Ceptors, that correct themselves every day with the MSF atomic radio time synchronisation signal from Rugby.

Furthermore, a broken clock is not wrong 86,398 times a day. There are an infinite number of time intervals in a day. Infinity divided by 2 is also infinity, which surely means a stopped clock is never correct.

I hope this helps to clarify the question about clocks, if not transfers.
YCNMIU said:
not my fault! said:
This is what I was trying to say in my post to all the abuse Ajay recieved. He may be ITK or a WUM I dont know, but either way he doesnt deserve the shite he gets imo.

If he's a WUM then he does deserve the abuse that he receives - within certain limits, naturally - quite simply due to the fact that he is trying to say that he is not a WUM, but someone who is genuinely ITK.

Intentionally lying or making stuff up is worthy of abuse.

He was given the opportunity to put it all to bed, but chose to flounce off (once again, his choice).

The point is NO ONE deserves abuse, to be questioned yes but not abused imo. In reality I think you mean what I have said but you didnt put it that way.
Not necessarily. Ajay could mean anything, but that wouldn't affect him posting. Also, player could be working perfectly well, but at another club cos we don't want anyone to know. Ajay, even though he had signed, would never give an accurate post. An ITK on the other hand, is correct twice transfer window. The only trouble is, you have to know the players are to know when the Ajay is correct, and most of his posts are to a large extent, inaccurate. I recommend one of those official websites, that correct themselves every day with new and interesting REAL stories.

Furthermore, Ajay is not wrong 86,398 times a day. There are an infinite number of predictions/posts in a day. Infinity divided by 2 is also infinity, which surely means Ajay is never correct.

I hope this helps to clarify the question about Ajay, if not clocks.

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