Quick questions

Considering I was once banned for calling Matty boring, I can count 4 or 5 sure fire bannings in those last 15 pages. Excellent reading. Quality stuff.
UUBlue said:
YCNMIU said:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day (even though it is wrong 86,398 times a day).

Furthermore, a broken clock is not wrong 86,398 times a day. There are an infinite number of time intervals in a day. Infinity divided by 2 is also infinity, which surely means a stopped clock is never correct.

This is surely incorrect. Time is arbitrary; the interval between one second and the next is finite, therefore the clock will indeed be correct twice a day because we measure time with whichever units we choose ;)

Has Balotelli signed yet?
Stevie's Wings said:
UUBlue said:
Furthermore, a broken clock is not wrong 86,398 times a day. There are an infinite number of time intervals in a day. Infinity divided by 2 is also infinity, which surely means a stopped clock is never correct.

This is surely incorrect. Time is arbitrary; the interval between one second and the next is finite, therefore the clock will indeed be correct twice a day because we measure time with whichever units we choose ;)

Has Balotelli signed yet?

If only there was someone ITK about.


YCNMIU said:
Not going to pretend that I am in any way surprised that Ajay has flounced off, cos I'm not.

The situation was that he was given a clear and attainable option in order to prove or disprove his ITK status.

He realised he'd been put in somewhat of a checkmate position, and so took umbrage at the first possible opportunity and threw his toys out of the pram.

Btw, I'm ITK (but not with ADUG, with God) and he bought a load of rain before the WC and will unleash it on Manchester sometime before the transfer window (it's currently training with it's previous cloud).



Some weeks ago I proposed a very serious, practical way he could prove his itkness with no risk to his sources, himself or his anonymity. He immediately dismissed this as "childish" and added me to his ignore list.

From that moment on I knew he was full of shite. I had an open mind before that.
Jealousy in grown men! A Clear sign of weakness...<br /><br />-- Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:50 pm --<br /><br />
bluemoonmatt said:
Considering I was once banned for calling Matty boring, I can count 4 or 5 sure fire bannings in those last 15 pages. Excellent reading. Quality stuff.

The thing here is it was matty you called boring, a mod, and therefore he has rank lol show the mods with rank respect boy!!!!
The problem with Ajay is that he posted for his own ego and self importance only and not to enlighten fellow blues, posting that you know something but wont or cant say is a pointless exercise which he knows from much experience will wind up many.

If someone gave me good info but told me not to leak it i could do three things

tell everyone anyhow
respect my source
tell everyone i know something they dont

the first would make me untrustworthy, the second makes me a stand up guy who could be trusted with more info, the third would make me a smug sod.

I think all those who feel sorry for Ajay should look more closely at his motives
bluebean said:
Jealousy in grown men! A Clear sign of weakness...

-- Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:50 pm --

bluemoonmatt said:
Considering I was once banned for calling Matty boring, I can count 4 or 5 sure fire bannings in those last 15 pages. Excellent reading. Quality stuff.

The thing here is it was matty you called boring, a mod, and therefore he has rank lol show the mods with rank respect boy!!!!
Matty is a mod yes, Matty also talks a lot of sense (normally). I find talk of cliques rather embarrassing. There are people who agree with other people on a range of subjects (Ajay included). I agree with a shitload of what cheesy (another mod) says on football, however get it onto politics and he talks shite ;-) IMO

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