Racism in Football

I completely agree with what you say about bigots, yes.

However, if you hear the words, understand the words and sing the words of a song/ chant you know is discriminatory it's YOU, the individual, making an active choice to participate. That, no longer, becomes 'ignorant', but wilful.

Nobody can force you to take part.
But that's the thing, sometimes you don't realize what you are saying, or you think it's OK in a specific context.

I'm sure 99% of 90's rappers didn't actually thought about gay people when using the F word.

Another example: one of my best friends is gay, and when we go to matches, he sings along those songs with homophobic slurs like it's nothing.
The fact that this isn't a new chant, and it's one that's been going since 2022, completely washes away any excuses about ignorance.
It's ignorant because here it is used as an anti-colonialism chant, while omitting how racist it is. It also lacks self-awareness, since every single person in Argentina has immigrant ancestry.

But then again, nobody here thinks twice about the lyrics nor take it as serious as in other parts of the World. That's where the "ignorance" comes from.
It's ignorant because here it is used as an anti-colonialism chant, while omitting how racist it is. It also lacks self-awareness, since every single person in Argentina has immigrant ancestry.

It was also transphobic and homophobic as well as racist, and this chant has been in existence since 2022, so I’m afraid ignorance is not enough of an excuse. I also don’t buy the anti colonial argument because they specifically targeted the black French players with no mention of Griezmann, the Hernandez brothers, Giroud etc who have Spanish, Italian and German heritage.
It was also transphobic and homophobic as well as racist, and this chant has been in existence since 2022, so I’m afraid ignorance is not enough of an excuse. I also don’t buy the anti colonial argument because they specifically targeted the black French players with no mention of Griezmann, the Hernandez brothers, Giroud etc who have Spanish, Italian and German heritage.
But that's exactly the ignorance, the folks that made that song didn't think of the white players as French immigrants.

If yall think this song is bad, you don't want to hear the original version, which Nueva Chicago made for Duck Sud (two lower tier Argentinian teams) XD
But that's the thing, sometimes you don't realize what you are saying, or you think it's OK in a specific context.

I'm sure 99% of 90's rappers didn't actually thought about gay people when using the F word.

Another example: one of my best friends is gay, and when we go to matches, he sings along those songs with homophobic slurs like it's nothing.

My friend, you will NEVER meet a 90s rapper that will throw his hands up and say they didn't know about the F word. None!

Even the women that used it, back in the day, did so because it WAS a slur! As re-education has taken hold, it might be 2%-5% that use it like it's 'cool' now. I might have heard in once in 10 years, if that, with new music.

You seem bright and articulate your discussion well, but you're making excuses when you don't need to.

As for one of your best friends singing along, that seems like him accepting the situation just to be 'one of the boys' and 'going along to get along'. Not judging him, but it's almost like self-hate to join in with chants that are about him, in reality.

Just an outside PoV and I don't know him.
My first thought from the short clip was: 'hang on, maybe they are actually just saying France are cheating, in a way, rather than digging out the players' but the more verses you read, the worse it gets. There's no defending it.

This is not one of those occasions where PC-Culture is looking for offence and forcing it. We do still need to understand other parts of the world are further behind on these matters and make sure the reaction is proportionate/reasonable.
It's ignorant because here it is used as an anti-colonialism chant, while omitting how racist it is. It also lacks self-awareness, since every single person in Argentina has immigrant ancestry.

But then again, nobody here thinks twice about the lyrics nor take it as serious as in other parts of the World. That's where the "ignorance" comes from.

Interesting as I just msgd you with the bit on the end regarding self-hate.

What you say is true about the immigrant ancestry and I could just as much attach the 'self-hate' observation to the nationals that sing this, too.

They're just watered down.
It was also transphobic and homophobic as well as racist, and this chant has been in existence since 2022, so I’m afraid ignorance is not enough of an excuse. I also don’t buy the anti colonial argument because they specifically targeted the black French players with no mention of Griezmann, the Hernandez brothers, Giroud etc who have Spanish, Italian and German heritage.

Yes, this was the point made before.

I wasn't completely sure, but you know better than I.
What's Argentina's role, that it supossedly harbored Nazis? Ok, how's that any more significant than having a zoo of black people in 1994?

Sorry, I know you have multiple people all firing questions at you but could you explain what this ‘zoo of black people in 1994’ refers to?

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