Racist Chanting

beehive_bob said:
Just don't understand why there seems to be any doubt at all about the fact that racist chanting occurred. As an example, it was clearly audible watching SS2 when Yaya won the free kick outside the box. For Cska to then come out with a statement saying they heard nothing is despicable and shows that they're far more interested in trying to cover their own back rather than properly deal with the fact that there are problems with sections of their support.

The Muscovites have an aural disability that would make a wonderful partner to Wenger's inability to 'see' things that the world has seen in technicolour! And HD!
Prestwich_Blue said:
sweynforkbeard said:
If you say that there has never been a notion of Russian superiority then I am sure you must be right. But the vast majority of the nations of Eastern Europe had their people treated as inferiors from the late 1940s until the late 1980s - that is an undeniable fact.
An Estonian friend of mine came over for the Derby and we were talking about how the war affected Estonia. His statement was quite stark. "Estonians welcomed the Germans initially on the grounds they couldn't be worse than the Russians. They were seen as the lesser of two evils." Huge numbers were deported to Siberia from the Baltic states in order to destroy their national identity in the same way the Chinese are trying to do to Tibet.

But you can't blanket blame Russia or Russians for that. It was largely one man's paranoia.
The peoples of Latvia,Lithuania and Finland would probably agree as well many of them preferred the German's to the Russian's which tells some tale, don't think the Polish were over keen after being stabbed in the back in 1939 and having 22000 of their troops shot through the back of the head at Katyn either. Russia's history a'int whiter than white.
To suggest because Russia didn't have to travel overseas to enslave people is somehow a better form of enslavement is, well quite frankly bollocks.
Didn't Russia enslave any country that happened to be unfortunate enough
to be reachable by land, hence the mighty Soviet Union.
I think it's downright disgusting that they are accusing a person who has just be racially abused of lying about it. The punishment should be 100 times stronger for that alone. Backwards fucking cunts. Can't believe they've given the world cup to a country that abuses black players and the winter Olympics to the same country that is forcing gay athletes to hide their sexuality. I guess money is more important than human rights though. I despair I really fucking do.
Whilst I'm glad that people are outraged by what black players and gays suffer in Russia I do worry that some get on a high horse that Clyde Best and Alan Turing, to name but two, might have had issue with not that long ago. We did not cure our own problems of overt racism in football overnight and will not achieve it in Russia by demonising all Russians, Muscovites or even CSKA Moscow fans.
Prestwich_Blue said:
sweynforkbeard said:
If you say that there has never been a notion of Russian superiority then I am sure you must be right. But the vast majority of the nations of Eastern Europe had their people treated as inferiors from the late 1940s until the late 1980s - that is an undeniable fact.
An Estonian friend of mine came over for the Derby and we were talking about how the war affected Estonia. His statement was quite stark. "Estonians welcomed the Germans initially on the grounds they couldn't be worse than the Russians. They were seen as the lesser of two evils." Huge numbers were deported to Siberia from the Baltic states in order to destroy their national identity in the same way the Chinese are trying to do to Tibet.

But you can't blanket blame Russia or Russians for that. It was largely one man's paranoia.

Good post PB

But let's get back to the matter in hand;....

Are we going to tip toe around this disgraceful insulting moronic hate-filled shyte just becaues dear old Zodiac says that his compatriots are a bit disorientated cos the Soviet Union fell 20 years ago..

Sorry .. that's like saying .. I'm sad cos my wife left me so I'll beat up a passer by.

I'm sure that the post-soviet socio-political turmoil for ethnic Russians (used to being top dogs vis a vis the oppressed nations of the Soviet blok BTW) is a reality , but , sorry, if they want to play with the rest of us , they need to button their fookin lip and reflect upon what's really going on here...

Whilst they do so, to protect players (and, I would imagine, fans of diverse ethnicities) I suggest:

1 Step 1 ; a first warning and their fans banned from all home matches in that competition
if that doesn't do the trick
2 step 2 = step 1 plus points deductions
and then
3 step 3 Ban the fookers from the competition for the next 2 seasons

And what will Twattini, Gill and co do????

Yup, the square route of fook all.. because they haven't got the guts
dom said:
And what will Twattini, Gill and co do????

Yup, the square route of fook all.. because they haven't got the guts

Not about guts, it's about whether they want to start down the slippery slope of dealing with offensive chanting.
Johnsonontheleft said:
dom said:
And what will Twattini, Gill and co do????

Yup, the square route of fook all.. because they haven't got the guts

Not about guts, it's about whether they want to start down the slippery slope of dealing with offensive chanting.

No offence M8 but this line was dealt with a long way back on the thread

'Offensive' chanting :

Example 1: Against a footballer who decides to shit on his former club in public/ shag his brother's wife / fiddle taxes/ shag a prossie whist his wife is preggers...etc

Example 2: A footballer is born : black / gay / lesbian/ arab/ chinese etc

Come on , I'm sure those intellectual giants and brave stalwarts of their own organisation's captain's armbands might just be able to defend their own written policy statements....
its straightforwardly a disgrace. as a mixed race, life time (37 year) blue who travels home and away, and after long deliberation, i didn't go to moscow for this game. i was warned against it by mates who've been over there following other teams, and the government page actually advised caution for non-whites. madness. having seen and heard what happened, bar what actually happened on the pitch, i'm glad i didn't go.

my old man is from jamaica, moved here as a teenager, and he's a blue. 65 years old, been a season ticket holder for years. also decided not to make the trip because of concern about racism. i'm just glad he didn't go and suffer this shite. my folks have been to every other home and away for years.

in what world can this be tolerated? despite the protest, nothing will happen. i'm glad yaya didn't walk off. its better we beat them. but until something of scale happens, this will just continue, with pitiful fines making f all difference.

how on earth have they been awarded a world cup?
Victory Street said:
Whilst I'm glad that people are outraged by what black players and gays suffer in Russia I do worry that some get on a high horse that Clyde Best and Alan Turing, to name but two, might have had issue with not that long ago. We did not cure our own problems of overt racism in football overnight and will not achieve it in Russia by demonising all Russians, Muscovites or even CSKA Moscow fans.

It's not that we are non-racists. We are still struggling to eradicate racism in UK and elsewhere.

In fact, it has taken decades to officially overcome prejudices and discrimination in the West. It was British and Americans who put pressures on several other European nations to vote against a proposal for Abolition of Racial Discrimination put forward by a non-European country at the League of Nations. Led by the leaders of British and American governments a call for racial equality was then totally rejected.

As you imply, a total eradication is probably impossible, but there is still hope.

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