Racist Chanting

sir baconface said:
Riggers_Norden Blue said:
black mamba said:
I was actually thinking that the CSKA supporters were a pretty good bunch of fans , until one of the match commentator pointed out the racist chanting aimed at Yaya ....... there was absolutely no need for that , and they had black players themselves , which made their chants even more mystifying.

Hundreds of them ended up with no shirts on on a freezing Moscow night , and quite how a lone City banner came to be stuck upside down on the railings in front of their end was baffling ....... unless they'd nicked it off someone !

It was my flag the hanging upside down in their end ( a sign of disrespect) Walking to the coaches we were ambushed by a gang of their fans, and my flag was nicked from my bag. fortunately they legged it at that point, otherwise who knows how badly we could have been injured.

There is a happy ending, as I reported the flag to the Stewards who in conjunction with the CITY SLO retrieved the flag

Glad to hear you're safe and sound, Riggers.

Thanks, other than that incident it was a good trip, unfortunately the same fate was bestowed upon shaun riley and his mates.
cordonbleu said:
I'm no cynic said:
cordonbleu said:
CSKA DF Berezutski who was subbed early in the 1st half and sat on the bench said on the phone, " I did not hear any shouting during the match, nothing like that. And not heard anyone talking about it after the game. I was very surprised when told about Yaya Toure '.

CSKA FW Doumbia, a fellow Ivorian footballer, remarked today that Yaya greatly exaggerated.

He would only upset his own club's owners, manager, players and supporters by saying that he'd heard these chants. The more witnesses that come forward, especially from within, the more likely it is that CSKA would be punished. Doumbia is only towing the company line.

Possible. On the other hand, you cannot just dismiss what they say just because they are not what you don't want to hear, or do not support your assertions.
Whilst you could possibly be right it is certainly the case that the Sky reporter who was at the ground confirmed to the commentators during the game that he could also hear the chants and that they most certainly were racist.

This is just CSKA circling the waggons and trying to bluff their way out of it in the hope that if they just blanket deny the whole incident there won't be enough proof for UEFA to actually do anything about it. It speaks volumes about the club, those involved in it, and the Russian culture in general that, rather than deal with the issue, as an English club would, they try and deceive people oevr it and brush it under the carpet.
Tried to stay off this subject as it irks me so, but just skipping through some of the comments just makes me realise how disappointed I am in some 'fans'.

Some have tried to justify this being glossed over by comparing it to other types of abuse; singing about player deaths and players wives, for example. I don't condone anything like that, at all, but the racial thing is a whole other level.

What's the MOST common chant to be heard in backward places like Russia and Italy, not to mention our own shores from time to time(mostly in certain pubs, mind)?? Monkey chants. It's as 'universal' for racists as you can get. Singling out players in foreign lands in something you wouldn't understand unless you spoke the local lingo.

Monkey noises are understood everywhere.

I, for one, would love to see Black players walk off the pitch or boycott the World Cup, but it won't happen cos they will fear sanctions as it's 'every greedy man for themselves' with footballers.
I believe that the referee was Romanian(?) so all he has to say I is he couldn’t understand the Cote D’Ivoir French that Yaya was using ,
or the Russian ,or the English , Serbian Croat ,and any other language that Yaya can speak.
Twatini still gets free gas from Gazprom . No case to answer so Uefa draws a veil over the affair, English teams get thrown out of the competition – case sorted -Bobs yer Uncle!!
.......................….bleedin’ English clubs always causing trouble.
Yaya has now threatened a black player boycott of the 2018 World Cup. Good on him: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/oct/24/yaya-toure-boycott-world-cup-russia" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.theguardian.com/football/201 ... cup-russia</a>
Doumbia's official fan page on Facebook (link here - https://www.facebook.com/seydou.doumbia.official.fanpage) now contains the following statement:

Dear Friends and Fans,

Following our 1-2 defeat to Manchester City in the Champions League on Wednesday, I want to clarify my position after my Ivory Coast team mate and friend Yaya Toure accused CSKA fans of racism.

I want to insist that I did not talk to any journalist about these facts so none of the quotes you read in the press came from me.

Thanks to all for your continued and faithful support.
andrewmswift said:
Yaya has now threatened a black player boycott of the 2018 World Cup. Good on him: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/oct/24/yaya-toure-boycott-world-cup-russia" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.theguardian.com/football/201 ... cup-russia</a>
I agree with him too and if they go through with it I'd fully expect other nations to do the same in support.
We should all be in this together to beat racism.
petrusha said:
Doumbia's official fan page on Facebook (link here - https://www.facebook.com/seydou.doumbia.official.fanpage) now contains the following statement:

Dear Friends and Fans,

Following our 1-2 defeat to Manchester City in the Champions League on Wednesday, I want to clarify my position after my Ivory Coast team mate and friend Yaya Toure accused CSKA fans of racism.

I want to insist that I did not talk to any journalist about these facts so none of the quotes you read in the press came from me.

Thanks to all for your continued and faithful support.

Cheers for that ... not surprised at all ... the reported quotes from him sounded incredibly off. I said earlier in the thread that the only way I could see him making them was if he was forced to by CSKA. Strange thing to say but I'm glad they were fabricated.
BillyShears said:
petrusha said:
Doumbia's official fan page on Facebook (link here - https://www.facebook.com/seydou.doumbia.official.fanpage) now contains the following statement:

Dear Friends and Fans,

Following our 1-2 defeat to Manchester City in the Champions League on Wednesday, I want to clarify my position after my Ivory Coast team mate and friend Yaya Toure accused CSKA fans of racism.

I want to insist that I did not talk to any journalist about these facts so none of the quotes you read in the press came from me.

Thanks to all for your continued and faithful support.

Cheers for that ... not surprised at all ... the reported quotes from him sounded incredibly off. I said earlier in the thread that the only way I could see him making them was if he was forced to by CSKA. Strange thing to say but I'm glad they were fabricated.

that is fucking fascinating though, where did the first reports of his quotes come from? was it a russian outlet trying to cover CSKA's tracks? wow.

CSKA don't have a leg to stand on here, and for once the entirety of the British media will be supporting City
andrewmswift said:
BillyShears said:
petrusha said:
Doumbia's official fan page on Facebook (link here - https://www.facebook.com/seydou.doumbia.official.fanpage) now contains the following statement:

Cheers for that ... not surprised at all ... the reported quotes from him sounded incredibly off. I said earlier in the thread that the only way I could see him making them was if he was forced to by CSKA. Strange thing to say but I'm glad they were fabricated.

that is fucking fascinating though, where did the first reports of his quotes come from? was it a russian outlet trying to cover CSKA's tracks? wow.

CSKA don't have a leg to stand on here, and for once the entirety of the British media will be supporting City

The quotes originally came from CSKA's official site. Text below, or follow the link to the English language version here - http://pfc-cska.com/en/news/?id=7271:

PFC CSKA against racism!


We are surprised and disappointed by statements of Manchester City FC player Yaya Toure and other members of the English club on the alleged racially motivated insults from PFC CSKA fans during yesterday's Champions League match at Arena Khimki.

Having carefully studied the video of the game, we found no racist insults from PFC CSKA supporters to the guests, and the match delegate confirmed it after the final whistle. In many episodes of the encounter, especially with the attacks on our goal, fans made disapproving noises, booed and whistled to put pressure on the opposite side's players regardless of their race. In particular, this happened in the moments with Alvaro Negredo, when he scored an illegal goal, and Edin Dzeko at the end of the second half, when he played against PFC CSKA goalkeeper in a dangerous manner. It is not clear, why the Ivorian midfielder of Manchester City took it all personally.

Commenting on the statement of Yaya Toure shortly after the match, PFC CSKA Ivorian striker Seydou Doumbia said: “I've heard nothing of this from our fans. Yes, they are noisy and try to put maximum pressure on the opponent, but they make no racist chants. So my fellow Cote d'Ivoire international has obviously overreacted a little bit”.

It is also important that in the whole history of participation in European cups our club has never been observed or punished for racist behavior of fans.

In any case, we regret the incident, although believe that the accusations of racism are unfounded. PFC CSKA has always actively fought and will continue to fight against racism!

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