Racist Chanting

Looks like the ref could be in trouble for not following procedure. CSKA are going to look so ridiculous when this is over.
Jumanji said:
So are CSKA responsible for fabricating the quotes then?

Well who better than a fellow black Ivorian teammate to discredit yayas claims ? It's backward but they probably believe they are big enough and clever enough to get away with it. Morons who have no idea who they are taking on.
bobmcfc said:
Looks like the ref could be in trouble for not following procedure. CSKA are going to look so ridiculous when this is over.

Yes. Story below is from the UEFA site (link here - http://www.uefa.org/disciplinary/news/newsid=2016097.html):

Investigation into anti-racism protocol requested

Published: Friday 25 October 2013, 11.56CET

Michel Platini has requested an internal investigation to find out why the protocol for dealing with incidents of a racist nature was not applied at PFC CSKA Moskva on Wednesday.

Further to the opening of disciplinary proceedings against PFC CSKA Moskva following the alleged racist behaviour of some of their supporters at the UEFA Champions League match between CSKA and Manchester City FC on 23 October, UEFA President Michel Platini has requested that the UEFA administration immediately conduct an internal investigation to understand why the three-step protocol established to deal with incidents of a racist nature was not implemented.

This protocol empowers the referee to stop the match and ask for a public address system announcement to be made urging spectators to stop such racist conduct and warn that the game will be suspended and subsequently abandoned should such unacceptable behaviour continue. The procedure is as follows:

• First step: if the referee becomes aware of serious racist behaviour, or is informed of it by the fourth official, he shall, as a first step, halt the game and ask for an announcement to be made requesting the public to immediately desist from such racist behaviour.

• Second step: if the racist behaviour does not cease once the game has restarted, the referee shall suspend the match for a reasonable period of time, and ask the teams go to the dressing rooms. A further announcement shall be made to the public.

• Third and final step: if the racist conduct does not end after the game has then resumed, the referee shall definitively abandon the match as a last resort. The UEFA delegate will assist the referee, through the fourth official, in determining whether the racist behaviour has stopped, and any decision to abandon the fixture will only be taken after all other possible measures have been implemented and the impact of abandoning the match on the security of the players and public has been assessed.

UEFA will publish the findings of this internal investigation once the disciplinary case has been dealt with by UEFA's independent Control and Disciplinary Body on 30 October.
We've really got to make sure we're all goody two shoes at the home game against this lot. I suggest doing the Yaya song for the whole game or as long as physically possible.

They'll be kicking shit out of our players all match as a red wont matter and they're a cert for the Europa League anyway.

Anything from us fans will be under the microscope as well.

Much as I'd like us to rip them a new one. Three points and none of ours injured or sent off will do nicely.
UEFA need to undertake a full and thorough investigation into this. If they prove / conclude that racist chanting took place, they need to address not just that but also CSKA's official statement on the matter.
CSKA are going to be in very serious trouble i'd imagine, Doumbia will now have to clarify to Uefa if the quote is true or not and if he denies it I don't fancy CSKA playing in Europe again this year.

I also reckon Doumbia will be a free agent, do we need another striker?
Not read the entire thread but Samuels piece in the Fail is very good. Some of the examples he uses to illustrate the issues in Russia are quite mind boggling.

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