Rag Cafe in Meltdown (merged)

jrb said:
If you had to some up their fans, this post on the match day thread would be perfect. Lol!

Fuck me, what a day.

Left Milton Keynes at 8am, hungover and tired. Stood on a train the whole way, no fuckings seats. Got the tram from Piccadilly to OT, mainly full of thier terrible songs (not bitter they do have awful songs). Great atmosphere and a load of beers in Sam Platts.

Out played by City for 75 minutes (good for the first 15). Easy to blame the defence but they literally got no support. Totally exposed time and time again. Correct decision on the red card.

Silva gave us a footballing lesson. What a player.

Least i was at Piccadilly again by the time the scummy twats got thier last 3 goals.

Then they go rambling on about our songs. :-? They didn't get the irony of us singing "We are Man City we do what we want" at OT. Think about it you thick f***er's. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f11/manchester-united-vs-manchester-city-341838/index44.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f11/manchester-u ... dex44.html</a>

That's right, let's nick songs from Villa, Spurs, etc, Let's make up nursery rhymes and learn them via a fat c*** who sings into a mic to a pub full of sheep from the London, the South of England, Dublin and the Far East. Let's spend the first minute to the last minute singning about City, Liverpool, Leeds, etc.
That's definately a Blue mate.
Get on this! - <a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f7/plastic-age-my-waning-enthusiasm-top-flight-football-341715/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f7/plastic-age-m ... ll-341715/</a> I

It's that wanker Cuntanoid talking shit again - check out the first few lines of his OP:

I'll preface this rant with some history of my relationship with football. I started supporting United in roughly 1985 as a 9 year old kid. Through the dark days of the late 80s I loved every kick of the ball that I watched. Even when you'd go into watching a game knowing you were going to lose, it was all good - the excitement and the fact that the teams you were watching represented a lifetime of heritage. The other teams around you, and even in the lower leagues were all part of the whole - football teams, playing against each other in a meritocratic league structure. English football on the whole wasn't in the best shape. But even so I would be able to soak up the authenticity of it all and enjoy the rollercoaster for what it was. I remember watching Liverpool with Barnes, Beardsley et al absolutely demolish us one day and, although pissed off that we'd lost so badly, admired the impressive display of football I'd witnessed. Because deep down I realised that that was a team which had been cultivated over a long period of time. They were at the top and they had worked hard to get there.

The rise of Sky, TV football and money in the Premier League through the nineties is well documented. Football began to become big business. Of course as a United fan we were spoiled in terms of success, but to be fair because of the the way things had built up in terms of squad recruitment and the unprecedented excellence of SAFs managerial abilities, it was always on the cards. But to see a football team rise from mid-table to title challengers, to at long last become title winners, then to multiple title winners and finally to European Champions was a special thing, and I'm privaleged to have lived through it.

But from around about the turn of this century onwards, English football began to become less about the football itself and more about the business aspect. Transfers and murky deals became part of the soap opera. Agents, third party ownerships, oligarchs, oil money and plasticity. Two clubs in particular have massively contributed to the cheapening of the core element - the game itself. Although both Chelsea and City had reasonable history before their takeovers, they have within the space of a few years taken the basic ethos of succeeding in the game and ripped it up completely, laying down new parameters based on their own greed to achieve success quickly. A few years ago we were rivalled by Arsenal, Liverpool and Leeds United. Although each of those teams provoke thoughts of hatred and their own part in our history, at least they were proper football clubs, and I have genuine feelings of competivity when I think of their tussles with us over the year. But seeing City on top of the league this weekend, and having them and Chelsea as our only rival for the title this time around....I can't even feel up for it to be honest. I should be looking at Nasri, Silva, Aguerro et al smashing teams and feeling pissed off and awed in equal measures. Yet all I can think of is how fucked up the English game is now, that it all comes down to the richest owners. And that quite soon, City might win the League, just as Chelsea did, and it will be all because they bought it.

In 1988 Liverpool obliterated all comers to win the league comfortably and I was extremely jealous, but realised at the time that they were by far the top team and deserved it. The fact Wimbledon beat them in the Cup Final and spoiled their double is also significant - I doubt such an occasion will happen again in the near future. If City win the league this year it will be a case of...'well they were bound to at some point spending all that money'. The question is - is football at the top level irreparably changed?

What is totally laughable is that this fuckwit thinks he witnessed some really shite times following United from 1985. I'd like to point out to Cuntanoid that aside from mid-table finishes in 1987 and 1989 (which in themselves were hardly a fucking disaster), supporting United from 1985 onwards has been a piece of fucking piss. The way that prick goes on, you'd think he was a supporter of Torquay United not Manchester United. That wanker isn't fit to be called a football fan and the sooner he gives up on the game completely the fucking better IMO. Jesus, most reds I know would rip that **** to shreds if he came out with that sort of crap.

Funnily enough, plenty of reds in that thread don't have a problem with City's spending. Neither do 2 of the Arsenal fans (Jopub & cesc's mullet) which is surprising but perhaps they're aware that Arsenal have spent their way to success at some point in their history. Perhaps that hypocritical twat Cuntanoid should do the same and read up on United's history and how they bought their way to success before casting aspersions about other clubs! As for "plasticity", the irony of a United fan moaning about that is downright fucking laughable.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f6/were-gonna-go-unbeaten-league-342061/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f6/were-gonna-go ... ue-342061/</a>

This is the best thread ever on Ragcafe.

I simply love the support this bub gets at the end LOL ;)
skyblue romeo said:

This is the best thread ever on Ragcafe.

I simply love the support this bub gets at the end LOL ;)

Sorry, just couldn't help it........

Claiming we are going to go all season unbeaten and then suffering the worst and most humiliating defeat i have ever witnessed, by our greatest rivals, and to suffer it at OT surely it has got be right up there!

This defeat and the manner of it will hurt for a long, long, long time!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f6/sundays-nightmare-analysis-342439/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f6/sundays-night ... is-342439/</a>

Another interesting read

The most significant element of the second half was not any clever decision making, but the sheer ruthlessness with which City opened up United. There was no intention of keeping the ball, frustrating United and bringing out the olés from the visiting supporters – they tore United’s defence apart in a manner the Premier League has rarely, if ever, seen.
M18CTID said:
Get on this! - <a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f7/plastic-age-my-waning-enthusiasm-top-flight-football-341715/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f7/plastic-age-m ... ll-341715/</a> I

It's that wanker Cuntanoid talking shit again - check out the first few lines of his OP:

I'll preface this rant with some history of my relationship with football. I started supporting United in roughly 1985 as a 9 year old kid. Through the dark days of the late 80s I loved every kick of the ball that I watched. Even when you'd go into watching a game knowing you were going to lose, it was all good - the excitement and the fact that the teams you were watching represented a lifetime of heritage. The other teams around you, and even in the lower leagues were all part of the whole - football teams, playing against each other in a meritocratic league structure. English football on the whole wasn't in the best shape. But even so I would be able to soak up the authenticity of it all and enjoy the rollercoaster for what it was. I remember watching Liverpool with Barnes, Beardsley et al absolutely demolish us one day and, although pissed off that we'd lost so badly, admired the impressive display of football I'd witnessed. Because deep down I realised that that was a team which had been cultivated over a long period of time. They were at the top and they had worked hard to get there.

The rise of Sky, TV football and money in the Premier League through the nineties is well documented. Football began to become big business. Of course as a United fan we were spoiled in terms of success, but to be fair because of the the way things had built up in terms of squad recruitment and the unprecedented excellence of SAFs managerial abilities, it was always on the cards. But to see a football team rise from mid-table to title challengers, to at long last become title winners, then to multiple title winners and finally to European Champions was a special thing, and I'm privaleged to have lived through it.

But from around about the turn of this century onwards, English football began to become less about the football itself and more about the business aspect. Transfers and murky deals became part of the soap opera. Agents, third party ownerships, oligarchs, oil money and plasticity. Two clubs in particular have massively contributed to the cheapening of the core element - the game itself. Although both Chelsea and City had reasonable history before their takeovers, they have within the space of a few years taken the basic ethos of succeeding in the game and ripped it up completely, laying down new parameters based on their own greed to achieve success quickly. A few years ago we were rivalled by Arsenal, Liverpool and Leeds United. Although each of those teams provoke thoughts of hatred and their own part in our history, at least they were proper football clubs, and I have genuine feelings of competivity when I think of their tussles with us over the year. But seeing City on top of the league this weekend, and having them and Chelsea as our only rival for the title this time around....I can't even feel up for it to be honest. I should be looking at Nasri, Silva, Aguerro et al smashing teams and feeling pissed off and awed in equal measures. Yet all I can think of is how fucked up the English game is now, that it all comes down to the richest owners. And that quite soon, City might win the League, just as Chelsea did, and it will be all because they bought it.

In 1988 Liverpool obliterated all comers to win the league comfortably and I was extremely jealous, but realised at the time that they were by far the top team and deserved it. The fact Wimbledon beat them in the Cup Final and spoiled their double is also significant - I doubt such an occasion will happen again in the near future. If City win the league this year it will be a case of...'well they were bound to at some point spending all that money'. The question is - is football at the top level irreparably changed?

What is totally laughable is that this fuckwit thinks he witnessed some really shite times following United from 1985. I'd like to point out to Cuntanoid that aside from mid-table finishes in 1987 and 1989 (which in themselves were hardly a fucking disaster), supporting United from 1985 onwards has been a piece of fucking piss. The way that prick goes on, you'd think he was a supporter of Torquay United not Manchester United. That wanker isn't fit to be called a football fan and the sooner he gives up on the game completely the fucking better IMO. Jesus, most reds I know would rip that **** to shreds if he came out with that sort of crap.

Funnily enough, plenty of reds in that thread don't have a problem with City's spending. Neither do 2 of the Arsenal fans (Jopub & cesc's mullet) which is surprising but perhaps they're aware that Arsenal have spent their way to success at some point in their history. Perhaps that hypocritical twat Cuntanoid should do the same and read up on United's history and how they bought their way to success before casting aspersions about other clubs! As for "plasticity", the irony of a United fan moaning about that is downright fucking laughable.

This wet behind the ears gobshite absolutely typifies the mentality of around 90% of Manchester United 'supporters.' I watched my first match in 1959 and have seen both the upside of City and, far more of the downside over the past 50 years and during that time I like to think that I've never indulged in such self pitying, entitlement deserving, ill informed bilge during all those years. They have latched on to this team, like so many others, and now, after years of success have no comprehension of the feeling of getting battered, so trot out the hackneyed shit that they have heard others of their ilk spouting.
This reference to Arsenal, Liverpool etc is another pathetic attempt by a prick who thinks his team should automatically top the league, at deflecting his fear and realisation that they may now not meet his deserved aspirations, so he attempts a back - handed compliment for these teams to bolster his 'Worthiness.' A fair few rags I know have accepted that they are now in a different world, with good grace, as most are decent blokes who have followed the team for years. They don't deserve to have to listen to shite like that from their own wankers and are probably as embarrased as we are scornful of the crap written about their club.
I love it when sky 4 supporters start talking up how much they respect the teams that they used to despise before we started to threaten them.

The love in between some rags and some scousers is fantastic, shows just how far we've come.
M18CTID said:
Get on this! - <a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f7/plastic-age-my-waning-enthusiasm-top-flight-football-341715/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f7/plastic-age-m ... ll-341715/</a> I

It's that wanker Cuntanoid talking shit again - check out the first few lines of his OP:

I'll preface this rant with some history of my relationship with football. I started supporting United in roughly 1985 as a 9 year old kid. Through the dark days of the late 80s I loved every kick of the ball that I watched. Even when you'd go into watching a game knowing you were going to lose, it was all good - the excitement and the fact that the teams you were watching represented a lifetime of heritage. The other teams around you, and even in the lower leagues were all part of the whole - football teams, playing against each other in a meritocratic league structure. English football on the whole wasn't in the best shape. But even so I would be able to soak up the authenticity of it all and enjoy the rollercoaster for what it was. I remember watching Liverpool with Barnes, Beardsley et al absolutely demolish us one day and, although pissed off that we'd lost so badly, admired the impressive display of football I'd witnessed. Because deep down I realised that that was a team which had been cultivated over a long period of time. They were at the top and they had worked hard to get there.

The rise of Sky, TV football and money in the Premier League through the nineties is well documented. Football began to become big business. Of course as a United fan we were spoiled in terms of success, but to be fair because of the the way things had built up in terms of squad recruitment and the unprecedented excellence of SAFs managerial abilities, it was always on the cards. But to see a football team rise from mid-table to title challengers, to at long last become title winners, then to multiple title winners and finally to European Champions was a special thing, and I'm privaleged to have lived through it.

But from around about the turn of this century onwards, English football began to become less about the football itself and more about the business aspect. Transfers and murky deals became part of the soap opera. Agents, third party ownerships, oligarchs, oil money and plasticity. Two clubs in particular have massively contributed to the cheapening of the core element - the game itself. Although both Chelsea and City had reasonable history before their takeovers, they have within the space of a few years taken the basic ethos of succeeding in the game and ripped it up completely, laying down new parameters based on their own greed to achieve success quickly. A few years ago we were rivalled by Arsenal, Liverpool and Leeds United. Although each of those teams provoke thoughts of hatred and their own part in our history, at least they were proper football clubs, and I have genuine feelings of competivity when I think of their tussles with us over the year. But seeing City on top of the league this weekend, and having them and Chelsea as our only rival for the title this time around....I can't even feel up for it to be honest. I should be looking at Nasri, Silva, Aguerro et al smashing teams and feeling pissed off and awed in equal measures. Yet all I can think of is how fucked up the English game is now, that it all comes down to the richest owners. And that quite soon, City might win the League, just as Chelsea did, and it will be all because they bought it.

In 1988 Liverpool obliterated all comers to win the league comfortably and I was extremely jealous, but realised at the time that they were by far the top team and deserved it. The fact Wimbledon beat them in the Cup Final and spoiled their double is also significant - I doubt such an occasion will happen again in the near future. If City win the league this year it will be a case of...'well they were bound to at some point spending all that money'. The question is - is football at the top level irreparably changed?

What is totally laughable is that this fuckwit thinks he witnessed some really shite times following United from 1985. I'd like to point out to Cuntanoid that aside from mid-table finishes in 1987 and 1989 (which in themselves were hardly a fucking disaster), supporting United from 1985 onwards has been a piece of fucking piss. The way that prick goes on, you'd think he was a supporter of Torquay United not Manchester United. That wanker isn't fit to be called a football fan and the sooner he gives up on the game completely the fucking better IMO. Jesus, most reds I know would rip that **** to shreds if he came out with that sort of crap.

Funnily enough, plenty of reds in that thread don't have a problem with City's spending. Neither do 2 of the Arsenal fans (Jopub & cesc's mullet) which is surprising but perhaps they're aware that Arsenal have spent their way to success at some point in their history. Perhaps that hypocritical twat Cuntanoid should do the same and read up on United's history and how they bought their way to success before casting aspersions about other clubs! As for "plasticity", the irony of a United fan moaning about that is downright fucking laughable.

Also forgetting that Leeds fell to bits trying to buy the league and Liverpool have spent 5 trillion on French and Spanish flops since 1998
I love thinking about how it`s eating away at these cnuts
realising just how good we are becoming.

The realisation that Sheikh Mansour is here for a very very long time
That Mancini is the real deal
That the players are gelling
That Silva and co can handle a rainy night in Stoke
That we don`t have a dodgey defence
That we are not going to implode....ect ect

not just the rag w@nkers but a lot of the green eyed
spurs,villa,scouse blue and red and arsenal where you will see
similar threads ........FOOK EM ALL ..WE ARE CITY FROM MAINE ROAD

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