Rag delusion.

southwalesjesus said:
Not being from Manchester I can't comment on your rags. But down here (South Wales and SW England) it is fairly widely accepted to disclude rags from discussions on football. On the basis that if they knew anything about football they wouldn't be rags. How many UTD fans do you know who watch a lot of football?

I'm the same as you mate from SW England, I've met about 6 City fans in 7 years living here. The rags i know think they know literally everything and only comment about the money. Always worthy of a laugh around them though.
Probably the best case of delusion happened to me last night. I mentioned to the father in law that Aguero had started well. Cue full on rant saying how he was over-rated, it was only Swansea, he wasn't a patch on Chicarito and that Michael fucking Owen was a better player as well! I pointed out that it may only have been Swansea but how do you account for the goals he scored against Real and Barca? Cue another full on rant about us buying success and their history and team spirit! I pointed out that their team against West Brom cost 10m more than ours against Swansea. Cue yet another 5 min rant that it was their money that was earned and ours was just given to us!

And this from a normally quiet guy who doesn't normally get riled.

They are seriously worried and I fucking LOVE it!
Do not talk to rags, they have no understanding of the game.

As soon as Jonny Evans was mentioned you should have given him a proper slap round the chops and just walked away

Good advice for any football talk with a rag. Actually, always good advice anyway.
markpollard said:
Probably the best case of delusion happened to me last night. I mentioned to the father in law that Aguero had started well. Cue full on rant saying how he was over-rated, it was only Swansea, he wasn't a patch on Chicarito and that Michael fucking Owen was a better player as well! I pointed out that it may only have been Swansea but how do you account for the goals he scored against Real and Barca? Cue another full on rant about us buying success and their history and team spirit! I pointed out that their team against West Brom cost 10m more than ours against Swansea. Cue yet another 5 min rant that it was their money that was earned and ours was just given to us!

And this from a normally quiet guy who doesn't normally get riled.

They are seriously worried and I fucking LOVE it!

ha ha , what a lovely read.
On the sports board on 4chan there are a few who think Hernandez is better than Aguero. Literally everyone who isn't a rag tells them to GTFO. Also the question was posed to all the Barca fans who they'd want in their front line if they could take one, Rooney or Aguero - and only one out of about 15 or so said Rooney.

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