Rag delusion.

SkyBlueFlux said:
I wouldn't waste your time arguing with somebody who is so obviously vehemently opposed to everything you're going to say.

I simply don't bother. What's the point on debating issues with people who just choose to abandon logic and say what they know is going to wind you up the most?

Trying to get reason out of these people is like nailing jelly to a wall. It's just a completely pointless exercise. It's like arguing with a five year old who likes Barney the dinosaur that Top Cat is better. Honestly guys, if they want to believe what suits them best, then that's what they'll do and nothing you say will change it. Your insulting your own intelligence by justifying them with a response. Ignore them.
Just stop. Seriously.

That's possibly the best summing up of them I've heard for a while.
I, like most of us do try and argue with rags occasionally, but fuck me it is a total waste of time.
come_as_you_are said:
de niro said:
come_as_you_are said:
i love these threads,

all this stories about meeting with rags followed by loads of back slapping by other bm posters, im guessing these stories are all 100% correct to ? obviously

you seem to talk to loads of rags ? im guessing you must all work in surrey,kent,ireland ? surely to god... oh no wait. they dont go to games do they.

carry on

they do go to the games, they're the plastics that stop our mates (real macs) going to the games.

mind you a rag i know has 2 season tickets at cold trafford, he farms them out to mugs whilst he watches EVERY game in the pub, he even goes in early to put his coat on his favourite chair then goes back home till match time.

only rags would do this.

maybe he doesnt fancy being ripped week in week out (if the story is true that is, cause lets face it your not nicknamed the liars for nothing), iv seen on this forum that posters are quite happy with your fanbase growing and have seen tourist types at the etihad. tell me when you end up like us,liverpool,chelsea,arsenal getting ripped off at home games and seeing your support diluted will you be at a home game paying 50quid to watch city v a non league team ? then wanting to go down south to pay 55quid to see city play fulham the week after ?

seeing how only 20k (if that) turned up for the leicester game when tickets were a tenner.

only rags would rather sit in the pub with their mates and save money in this climate.... as opposed to the zaney and wacky blues ey

stick to pushing your deluded myths about manchester being blue, all mancs support citeh bla bla bla

or covering up derby defeats on here.... oops
Not one City fan thinks "all Mancs support Citeh". We're not fucking stupid.

"Liars"? Biggest load of shit, ever! We aren't known as the liars, that's just very unimaginative and false, like most of your fanbase! What have we ever lied about? Haha, "the liars", deary me! You are a desperate man aren't you?!

Here's a bit of truth. You're a fucking ****! I'd never go on a Rag forum. But if I did I'd put myself across to the Rags a lot better than you are to us. You seem like a desperate little twat who needs more fulfilment from life so has come on here to get a rise out of winding up Blues, but you just look a Charlie! If you came on here and had a bit of banter about things but also some substance to your posts and some decent debate you'd be treated a lot better, but you talk a load of shit fella!

Plus what are you on about? There were 27755 at the Leicester game. That's about normal for early round cup games just after Christmas for us. We get larger cup attendances than that before Christmas (36358 v Scunthorpe 2 years ago in the Oct League Cup 2nd round). We also got around 35000 in all Europa Lg home games last season. That's a lot more than you got against Torpedo Moscow in 1993 - there were merely between 15-20k there that night. Here's some PROOF (so to show we're not "liars" - ahaha still making me chuckle that, "liars" ha!) listen to the commentator at 0:44 seconds:

So how the fuck can you have the cheek to sing about attendances at us?!
Hmm, on the question of defences I'd say mine would be.


They can say all they like about a 'fit' Ferdinand but the fact is he's not been fit for two seasons. Every time he's out he comes back a little bit slower.
Yeah.. i mean i think evra and vidic you'd have to consider. Assuming you use both, maybe clichy over richards at this moment? And komps for sure no question.
just call me a munich mate, no need to piss about with this cringey rag bollocks.

how am i wumming ? im being totally honest here

oh lets dig some old boring photos up, congrats.... you really showed this rag lolz you should start a thread now about how you out witted a rag cause city fans are menkul[/quote]

Mods your attention please,when i used the M****H word i got a warniing.No comlaint there,but surely this rag poster deserves one too.
Or a double standard is being used.
green pennies said:
Yeah.. i mean i think evra and vidic you'd have to consider. Assuming you use both, maybe clichy over richards at this moment? And komps for sure no question.
but then you would have 2 left backs
i had a similar one a few weeks ago, braggin about phil jones, and how he was the bargain of the century, as hes only 19 or whatever.

I claimed richards is 23 now and been playin at prem level since he was younger than Jones.

his reply was simply the same, "but richards is shit"

cant win with the fuckers, all defensive and spout utter bollocks.
ahahaha never heard anyone nickname us the liars before, but i really really hope, big grown men do call us that.
Sounds like a crying child taking his ball home while turning his head and thru the sobs shouting " you liars" haha love it.
green pennies said:
Yeah.. i mean i think evra and vidic you'd have to consider. Assuming you use both, maybe clichy over richards at this moment? And komps for sure no question.
but then you would have 2 left backs
I suppose in this hypothetical, i assumed clichy could rediscover the right foot his father forced him to forget. If you had to pick the better fb is all.

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