Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

As someone who works in the Real Estate industry in America I can tell you these guys are much worse off then is being let on even by this article.

The dirty little secret in the American economy at the moment, well there's two number two being there is no recovery going on, is that while the housing market started this recession, we've yet to experience the real collapse which will be the commercial real estate market. It's the most over leveraged debt ridden market in America and when it goes(about 75% likely) it will destroy people like the Glazers. They will literally be left as paupers by the time the bankruptcy courts get done with them.

People can deny all they like, but these guys have a very real chance of bringing United down into bankruptcy with them, no matter what their fans and the FA want.
Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

Yeah, regardless of whether or not the extra 400 million is in United's name or not, they're in trouble.

If the other businesses aren't providing enough money for their debts, they'll draw money out of United. An unhealthy number of Glazer malls are underwater on their mortgages.

The Bucs, the NFL team that the Glazers own, are $143 million in debt; their games are blacked (won't be shown on TV) due to not enough people showing up at games. They are among the bottom 3 worst teams in the NFL and spend the least of all NFL teams by far.

United could very well be like the Bucs in 5 or 6 years, as United are following their blueprint to disaster-- spend big, get trophies, then wilt and die from the debt incurred from winning those trophies.
Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

DalbeyINUK said:
but these guys have a very real chance of bringing United down into bankruptcy with them, no matter what their fans and the FA want.

Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

Dave Whelan makes a comment shocker - can't stand that cnut! Hope Wigan go down due to this prick!
Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

Bobby4Mayor said:
music to my ears (eyes)

I think this is serious BAD news. Too much debt and they might just escape the fate of Woolworths - someone will come in and get offered a bargain price. We need MANUre with a fair burden of debt but just enough for the Glazers to hang on, and starve BaconFace of transfer funds, and just enough debt to make the galacticos think their pay cheques might have rubber corners.
Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

I will be surprised if Malcolm and Sons don't try and get some sort of injunction to stop The BBC showing this. The BBC is meant to be impartial (although from experience I know it isn't).

It sounds like it is going to be a pretty one sided show if it is made by Andy Green, a City Analyst who has joined the Green and Gold Movement..........now I know the Rags are getting worried about us, but I didn't know their Supporter Groups had Analysts keeping an eye on City!
Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

Don't know if anyone has posted this already, but there is a Panorama programme on about their debts tomorrow night. That should be good watching....

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