Rags lack of decency

At 4.50pm, still 1-2, I texted my rag brother in law with congratulations. When it all turned around, heard nothing back. They can give it out but can't take it.
They are off the twatometer scale altogether, but this is not a surprise
Got two texts after the game off rags, first one " congrats you have been by far the best team this season and deserved it" to which I replied "cheers". Second "Jammy c*nts" to which I replied " think you'll find it's spelt CHAMP16NS"
I don't want them to be gracious.

I want them to reveal the depths of their bitterness. I fucking love their faux misery and learned emotional reactions to the mighty man yoos epic fuck up.

Let them act like the pig fucking dick wits we know them to be.

By the same token, anyone (red or blue) who says 'Isn't it great that Manchester has 2 top teams' should quietly, but forcefully, go and fuck themselves.
It has been a bit of a mixture to be fair, a couple who were fair and admitted we deserved it, but others who would never admit it!

Strangely the worst reaction was from my girlfriend's ex-husband, who is not a Rag and for some reason hates that City are now the top team. Something about how we've bought it, yawn.

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