Rags lack of decency

Baconfaces ridiculous comment when he said all matches should finish at the same time... WTF ??????

Says it all really!!!
I have had some great messages of reds to be honest. One guy said something like 'top blue, supported the club through thin and thinner and deserves every bit of success and enjoyment this will give him'. I can guarantee I never said anything like that over their years of winning it. Most others have said congratulations but then there are the one or two mouths that have forgotten the league already and now talk about the Tevez RIP Fergie moment, the England squad and Dalgleish being sacked. Their not forgetting it that easily though!!
Living as I do in bandit country I do know a lot of reds (more reds than blues although strangely more blue season ticket holders than reds who visit OT on match days), I have had various responses ....

1) One who commented on a pic of the 6-1 scoreline I posted on facebook back in March "Haha you banged on about 6-1 but it means nothing now" ..... not heard from him since Sunday (he was a Port Vale fan when we were kids, became a Utd fan around 1998 weirdly)

2) Old mate from Wythenshawe who I run darts exhibitions with has come up with the original thing about City buying the league but has been honest enough to say, when a red in the pub claimed he was pleased the title was staying in Manchester, "Well I'm f##kin not"

3) One who followed Morecambe all over the country until he got hitched last year but has allegedly been a Utd fan all his life, spent the last few months posting stuff on facebook about Curly Watts / Ricky Hatton / Eddie Large crying didn't turn up for darts last night, no idea why.

4) Father & son who live next door to my Dad and came round in 99 after their treble with a bottle of champers, knocked on his door to ask when I was expected to visit, promising to bring a bottle round when I do..... we'll see.

And the funniest thing I've seen
5) <a class="postlink" href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150867158059279&set=a.303359524278.148864.275722274278&type=1&theater" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =1&theater</a>

The reds from all over the world branding City fans glory hunters, to be fair out of the 50 odd comments on the photo, 2 of the people live Manchester. I'm sure you can guess which ones.

Got 1 rag fan who is always texting my sister as they are really good friends everytime we lose and the rags won he would text her seen any good football lately. Needless to say not apeep from him, since we won the league. Must admit didn't here anything from him after we won 6-1 at the swamp, or after our home win. Guess he has gone into hiding.
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
Rags fall into 3 catagories.

1. The rag who goes to games and is a little like a City fan in his objective views of the game. They feel the emotion and pain like we do. This type will send you a text saying well done etc.

2. Those who don't go to games, but still call the rags "we" despite never having seen them live. (Live on TV doesn't count). This type of rag won't send you a text.

3. Those who go to games but are so bitter and twisted they'd kill their own mother before admitting City are the better side. This type won't send you a text.

And Fergie didn't send Bobby Manc any messages. He's obviously number 3.

I have only one rag mate who is a season ticket holder at the swamp. He left me a voicemail and text to say "congratulations,enjoy this.Next year we will want it back" Any genuine rag accepts we were the better team over the season as my mate did.

I still had to give him the 8points clear fact!!!
OFF's (old fart fergie) interview immediately after City won the EPL was a classic way to diss your competition. Not once did he call City by its name and then meandered off into United's accomplishments (which are many drat them).

He just looked like an old and broken man who drinks too much

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