Rags lack of decency

When they went 8 points clear my gobby nephew txt me the picture of the City bus with the wheels fallen off, not heard from him since we beat them,I want revenge !
match going reds I know have been generous in their congratulation tbf

plastic rag muppets I know are very very quiet indeed lol
Proper mates will, like mine congratulate you, it's the "social media" mates who disappear into the inky blackness. People you're friends with on Facebook but don't really see all that often. The number of "Champ20ns", "Put back in your place", "It's all gone quiet from the bitters" statuses and comments that appeared on my timeline after the Arsenal game was unbelieveable. Nothing from them for months but, as soon as they felt safe that their gloating couldn't ever possibly come back and bite them they were out in droves. Now, after we won 6 in a row, and they dropped 8 points, there's a deathly hush from them. No congratulations, no begruding acceptance that the better side won, nothing at all in fact, except for cowardly silence. Ignore the matter as if it never happened.
Matty said:
Proper mates will, like mine congratulate you, it's the "social media" mates who disappear into the inky blackness. People you're friends with on Facebook but don't really see all that often. The number of "Champ20ns", "Put back in your place", "It's all gone quiet from the bitters" statuses and comments that appeared on my timeline after the Arsenal game was unbelieveable. Nothing from them for months but, as soon as they felt safe that their gloating couldn't ever possibly come back and bite them they were out in droves. Now, after we won 6 in a row, and they dropped 8 points, there's a deathly hush from them. No congratulations, no begruding acceptance that the better side won, nothing at all in fact, except for cowardly silence. Ignore the matter as if it never happened.

Absolutely, a few sincere congrats from red family and friends (who go to OT) and the rest disappear.

Spurs fans the same. I sent congrats when they pipped us for 4th. Heard nothing from them for a couple of years now.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I've not had any post through my letterbox since last Saturday.

The Rag postman has been giving it the fucking big one for weeks and if it goes on any longer, it won't be just the title he has lost.

My postman is a rag - but we were in same primary school and he's ok.
Our window cleaner is a rag. I put a poster of us lifting the FA cup last year, facing outwards. Needless to say what I've done since Sunday!!!

Loving it!!!!
I got so much shit from them during the season when it looked like they were on the up.Apart from that, I didnt get much until Arsenal beat us and they got in their comfort zone. When we won it I did get texts from these people congratulatin me. To be honest, I find it pretty rich to dish out shit and then congratulate when it didnt go their way. Its kind of like the lad bullying a smaller guy but then suddenly changing his tone and kissing his arse once his bigger brother turns up.

What I have seen that makes them look as bad as we all expect,is t-shirts like the ones iv seen 'mates' sporting on facebook with a road sign that reads 'Manchester 3(miles) Liverpool 5 (miles),City fook off- stating how many times they have won the champs league. You couldnt make it up, even turning to kissing Liverpools arses.Like saying 'come on,we used to hate you but lets gang up on City because we ent got the bollox to do it on our own'.

Iv not rubbed it in to other fans as I dont want us to turn into those fookin scumbags, but I ent holding back on the rag fookers.Usually a few simple pics on facebook do the job.
One of the dads at my lads school was all giddy as fuck when they went 8 pts clear,jabbing me in the ribs and saying we've blown it,i said i feel we will win it on goal difference and when we do come and talk n be giddy with me then..
Even after we beat newcastle he was still saying its under control..
I havn't seen him at school for a couple of weeks,i guess he's lost his testicles somewhere between newcastle and qpr,fucking gobshite..

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