Raheem Sterling - 2016/17 performances

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I really, really hope that this is Raheem's coming out party. A solid performance against these idiots and the media will get off his back once and for all.

He's been immense this season. A goal and a win against these would probably be the foundation for him taking his career to the next level.
Christ, if you're basing the lads game over the last two games then he'll never win.....

We get it, you don't rate him!!

I'm absolutely baffled as to how people don't rate Sterling. He's arguably been our most consistent attacker this season, and has been absolutely terrific. Guardiola seems to love him, too. We've got some idiot's supporting us.
I wasn't writing him off.but I was saying he needs to get his act together,quick,and v Arsenal and once yesterday,he showed what he used to do all the time for Liverpool,but let's not get too giddy yet,2 games do not make a season,he still has plenty to improve on......plenty

He didnt. You just watched the pro dipper media make it look like he did.

Take a close look, last season was statistically his best season in football, yet we all think he underperformed.

He's on track to have his best year yet.
I have this argument at work quite regularly. I think we can all see the strengths and weaknesses to Sterling's game but who of similar age and in his position is currently better than him in the world? Obviously this is subjective but I cannot think of many.

In this country, I think we have a downer on our own players and concentrate too much on the negative aspects. 'He doesn't do this' and 'he can't do that', these players get written off too easily. Barkley is going through it and Sterling has had to endure too much criticism. The lad has only just turned 22. Yes, there are aspects of his game he has to improve on, like consistency, final delivery and finishing but also look at the great things he can do.
He didnt. You just watched the pro dipper media make it look like he did.

Take a close look, last season was statistically his best season in football, yet we all think he underperformed.

He's on track to have his best year yet.

He didn't ? Didn't what ? run at defenders and fuck them over,I think you will find he did,which ultimately got him a big money move,as the most exciting young player around,several games spring to mind what I saw in his Liverpool days
He didn't ? Didn't what ? run at defenders and fuck them over,I think you will find he did,which ultimately got him a big money move,as the most exciting young player around,several games spring to mind what I saw in his Liverpool days
I mean he scored like 14 goals, including two that turned our game round to top our UCL group. That sounds pretty good to me.
I have this argument at work quite regularly. I think we can all see the strengths and weaknesses to Sterling's game but who of similar age and in his position is currently better than him in the world? Obviously this is subjective but I cannot think of many.

In this country, I think we have a downer on our own players and concentrate too much on the negative aspects. 'He doesn't do this' and 'he can't do that', these players get written off too easily. Barkley is going through it and Sterling has had to endure too much criticism. The lad has only just turned 22. Yes, there are aspects of his game he has to improve on, like consistency, final delivery and finishing but also look at the great things he can do.

Only player that is around his age and better than him is Dembele from Dortmund.
He didn't ? Didn't what ? run at defenders and fuck them over,I think you will find he did,which ultimately got him a big money move,as the most exciting young player around,several games spring to mind what I saw in his Liverpool days

Look, just compare the balls to the wall approach of Rodgers Liverpool vs the stagnant mess that was Pellegrini's team last year. In Rodgers system they collectively ran around like headless chickens, which left tons of space for Raheem. Then compare that to our woeful build up play last year, and Raheem's been quoted as saying he didnt like the tactics as he was told to hold the ball and lay off to the overlapping full backs. In spite of this, he still had his best statistical season and this year we're seeing a team playing more to his strengths and he's reaping the benefits as a result.
Look, just compare the balls to the wall approach of Rodgers Liverpool vs the stagnant mess that was Pellegrini's team last year. In Rodgers system they collectively ran around like headless chickens, which left tons of space for Raheem. Then compare that to our woeful build up play last year, and Raheem's been quoted as saying he didnt like the tactics as he was told to hold the ball and lay off to the overlapping full backs. In spite of this, he still had his best statistical season and this year we're seeing a team playing more to his strengths and he's reaping the benefits as a result.

Well.like I said earlier,let's hope we see a lot more of what he has been showing he can do for the second part of the season,I do have belief in him,honest I do,as he showed what can be achieved by getting at the defenders,he could easily become our match winner on loads of occasions
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