Rangers Thread - 2021/22

i would love both teams to come to england , for me they would have to start at the conference level and work their way up, im sure they would rise quickly through the leagues with the fan bases they both have,so maybe take the hit for 3/4/5/ seasons to get to the "big" league, im sure its not a popular view though :)
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If the stories of being totally and utterly skint are true, then maybe it will be. My mate has had about 30 emails asking him to buy everything from lottery tickets, kits, to shares. He's not a happy teddy. Bless.

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No be long until 2162.lol.
i would love both teams to come to england , for me they would have to start at the conference level and work their way up, im sure they would rise quickly through the leagues with the fan bases they both have,so maybe take the hit for 3/4/5/ seasons to get to the "big" league, im sure its not a popular view though :)
I’d love a British Prem. I think having them in the a British league would add a great deal to the league. And I always consider myself British over English anyway so I think we should all play together

I also think it would also be good for both of them as well because after a while of experiencing what other big clubs fans are like every week, they’ll all realise how backwards they all are in Glasgow and grow the fuck up when it comes to their sectarian shit. The big sets of English fans wouldn’t stand for their shit.

I’d start them in the Championship at first though.
Rangers being financially imprudent again? Who'd have thunk it?
They went all in and some. Dangerous game thinking the CL will save the day. Hype can easily be believed and if you have a press who are predominantly fans of the club, and keep exaggerating how good they are then trouble at Mill is always a problem likely to rear its head. Against Malmo, it was 35 minutes all guns blazing, but that bit of class to find a defence splitting pass isnt there. The last ten minutes of the first half Malmo stsrted to show their teeth. They got a man sent off and everybody, apart from Malmo thought, this is it gift wrapped. Second half Malmo went up a gear and Rangers lack of creativity meant they never looked like scoring. For years we have fucked up the CL because we never had a defence worth a single fuck. We still havent got one, but we will, hopefully recruit at least three other defenders. Rangers need a Turnbull, McGreggor or Christie who can make those passes. We need defenders who can stop losing stupid goals. Until we sort out these problems, both of us will continue to get handed our arse in europe even against teams who have even less resources than us. And against the best teams its watching from behind d the couch.

It will be interesting to see how they deal with thier debt and balancing the books. Their support will demand they spend and if they do, the whole fucking Mill could collapse again. Gerrard admitted players may need to be sold. And its guts like Morelos, Kent, Tavenier, young Patterson, who is a class act, that would bring in the most. My big pal is looking worried. The tragedy for the ****, is he hasn't any hair to pull out. Double whammy for the baldy bawbag. I will be with him throughout though, offering support and love on an hourly basis. He sent me a rext when Ange was appointed, it simply said. The gift that just keeps giving. I think I might be using that sooner rather than later back at him. Lets fucking hope so.

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