Raoul Moat

quiet_riot said:
mackenzie said:
"I have no Dad. I'm all alone."

Pitiful really.

Aka: "I'm a bastard"?

No shit Sherlock!

Read it again QR and tell me that is not pitiful.

This is not to detract from the poor bloke who was left dying in his garden, simply because he forged a relationship just weeks before with Moat's ex. That was dreadful.

It's more to do with why "some" people grow into monsters that play the part that they think society expects of them yet are really damaged underneath.
Ireland Haroo said:
mackenzie said:
I'm glad the Police at least tried to bring it to a peaceful end.

The man was obviously filled with paranoid rage, but the accounts of what he shouted out during last night are actually quite sad.

He should never have been released, and the prison authorities at least tried to warn of his potential for further violence. That this information was not acted on is unfortunate but not a surprise. It happened to me nearly 30 years ago when my nutter of an ex was released from HMP and the Police said to me and my family that they could do nothing unless he was violent again.

What was he shouting?

Fuck off Gazza i don't want to go on the piss!

Have you ever seen out like it in your life. Unhinged loon about to blow his head off and this pillock is posing for the camera.
Well i would just like to say that despite the awful events of last night, i think it was the funniest thread ive ever seen on bluemoon. there was about 20 of us who were glued to bluemoon and sky news, and funny comment after comment kept on coming out. If it isnt put in the classics thread, then it will be in my personal classics, and probably the best ever for me. Well done to all involved, at one point i was actually histerical with laughter and tears streaming down my face, take a bow!!!

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