Rate your cooking skills

-dabz- said:
I do a mean charcoal broiled pangolin cheek in a white wine and
ptarmigan spittal reduction, draped on a bed of seasonal vegetables,
followed by a custard tart with duck sperm sorbet garnished with arse crumbs. Cheese and biscuits and brandy and coffee to follow.

now your making my mouth water;-p
2bluegp said:
as a pro chef for over25 years, just about gettin the hang of it!!

if you need any tips, i`m sure BB.2.0 wont mind giving a few pointer, in fact i think he would love the chance to show some of us more unfortunate than himself how to do things the correct way. perhaps he could start a cookery class via the bluemoon forum.;-}
I won "Come dine with me" 1 year ago With 28 out of 30 given to me by my fellow guests...

I would say I am one of the greatest cookers of food on the planet...
r.soleofsalford said:
2bluegp said:
as a pro chef for over25 years, just about gettin the hang of it!!

if you need any tips, i`m sure BB.2.0 wont mind giving a few pointer, in fact i think he would love the chance to show some of us more unfortunate than himself how to do things the correct way. perhaps he could start a cookery class via the bluemoon forum.;-}

No, no no. I am not saying I could roll with a professional chef, it's a different ball game running a restaurant and cooking for many compared to what I do. All Im saying is that I have a real flair for it, and in my own small way I can really create some special dishes that would not be out of place in any house of fine dining.

On a related note I did some work for a company a while back who created these excellent adverts;

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcZqwR9tbJE" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcZqwR9tbJE</a>
Soooooooooo anyone know where I can get some nice Global knives really cheap and I mean very very very cheap!!! I can cook a bit so want a decent set for the kitchen instead of the crap the missus got when out shopping one day!
Guess not then... Fecking cheap crappy knives it is then, yeh thanks alot guys! Dont you worry about me having substandard presentation on my plates due to meat that looks like it's been shreded by a beast rather then carved by a genius. *Sob* I'll just carry on as is then eh.
-dabz- said:
I do a mean charcoal broiled pangolin cheek in a white wine and
ptarmigan spittal reduction, draped on a bed of seasonal vegetables,
followed by a custard tart with duck sperm sorbet garnished with arse crumbs. Cheese and biscuits and brandy and coffee to follow.

a hahahha ha ahah ah ahah ah

I'll have to have some of that, but can you share the secret of getting the scales off the ant-eater and preparing those arse crumbs?

come to think of it, how do you prep the duck ingredient?

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