Re: Kompany's red card and appeal? (merged)

Given the inconsistency of the FA in dealing with sliding tackles why dont they take them out of the game completely. In effect this is what they're doing anyway because players can no longer judge whether a tackle constitutes a red card offence or not. How can any player be 100% sure when making a sliding tackle (esp with both feet) that he will not take out the player or would have been judged to have taken out the player if he hadn't got out of the way.

What I saw on Sunday was a good tackle where the player got the ball and dint take the player. It appears that is no longer good enough for officials.
Was hoping they would at least reduce it to 1 or 2 games.

But they were never going to cancel it. Refs would end up with an even worse reputation if FA would have cancelled such a HUGE decision. And FA don't want that do they?
Spineless FA!

How they have any credibility when they appeal Shrek turning and kicking an opponent and deem a good tackle in wet conditions and no complaint made by the player being tackled as suitable for a 3 match ban is incredible!!

Sick of this double standards!

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
The same FA that appealed a Rooney three match ban for a deliberate kick at an opponent. Let's take them to the next level and sue them......
Evra should of been sent off in that game for his elbow on Micah and wrapping his hands around Sergios face in the 2nd half! Plus he also went studs up on Barry in the 6-1 derby and only got a yellow. DISGRACE!


Look at this from last year, wasn't even a yellow!
Failsworth_Blue said:
MCFC BOB said:
blueinsa said:
The game is dieing a slow death.

Miss 80 mins of a match and a further 4 games for kicking a football and not touching an opposing player.
It's two footed. Whether you touch the player you are attempting to tackle or not, the rules state that if you lunge in to a challenge with both feet off the floor, you've got to walk.

Two footed? Not a chance. There was only ever one foot making a movement towards the ball. When you make a slide tackle where do you expect the other foot to be, behind his body so he's doing the splits? His other leg had to go from, the movement wasn't of two feet together so therefore it wasn't a two footed tackle. Are you saying that if he has to win the ball with a slide tackle/interception in forward motion which means both feet have to come through although not together then he shouldn't make the tackle, should he just let Nani have the ball then?
Yes, two footed. I expect his other leg to be tucked under.
Absolute fucking disgrace - if proof were needed that the whole set up is rotten to the core, that is is!
It was doomed the moment the ref refused to rescind it to be honest. They just won't go agianst 'one of their own'. What pisses me off is that we pay good money to be entertained and this is devaluing it. Not content with spoiling the game on Sunday the FA have now decided to try and ruin City for the next four games as well.
MCFC BOB said:
gazinho said:
MCFC BOB said:
It's two footed. Whether you touch the player you are attempting to tackle or not, the rules state that if you lunge in to a challenge with both feet off the floor, you've got to walk.

Just a quick question BOB what standard, if any, have you played football too? Not trying to be condescending in any way shape or form here by the way would just like to know
Used to play every now and then on a Sunday morning at u16s level in the Stockport Metro League. Why do you ask?

Because anyone who's played the game knows the difference between a two footed tackle ie. lunge and Vinnys tackle ie. 1 footed with his trailing leg coming from a different angle on Sunday.

Now not for 1 minute did I think it would get overturned by the bent bastards at the fa (not just against us) they were never going to go against and therefore undermine 1 of their 'elite' referees its just something were going to have to deal with and get on with our season.

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