Re: Kompany's red card and appeal? (merged)

Funny old league. Winning the ball perfectly is a red card yet attempting to break someones leg like Cabaye did is nothing.

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Didsbury Dave said:
nmc said:
We all need to act and write to the FA - anyone got the e-mail address we can use - to make our feelings known re Mr Foy - who quite clearly thinks he had a good game on Sunday - the turd.

Why not go and bang your head against the wall for half an hour?

It is just as useful

I take your point but we do need to fight back at some point otherwise this will go on and on. The scum get better treatment because they demand it we don't we just take whatever is thrown at us.
nmc said:
We all need to act and write to the FA - anyone got the e-mail address we can use - to make our feelings known re Mr Foy - who quite clearly thinks he had a good game on Sunday - the turd.

You have to register with the FA site and obtain a FAN number.

I have writen to them and accused them of cowardice amongst other things.

I know it wont make any difference but if people write to them and keep it clean at least they will get the general feeling of the injustice here. I also quoted them begging FA to reduce Rooneys ban to put this into context.
Does this mean Gerrard is a cert to be sent off tomorrow, his trademark 2 footed scissor tackles are the norm for him. A precedent has been set now.
gazinho said:
MCFC BOB said:
gazinho said:
Just a quick question BOB what standard, if any, have you played football too? Not trying to be condescending in any way shape or form here by the way would just like to know
Used to play every now and then on a Sunday morning at u16s level in the Stockport Metro League. Why do you ask?

Because anyone who's played the game knows the difference between a two footed tackle ie. lunge and Vinnys tackle ie. 1 footed with his trailing leg coming from a different angle on Sunday.

Now not for 1 minute did I think it would get overturned by the bent bastards at the fa (not just against us) they were never going to go against and therefore undermine 1 of their 'elite' referees its just something were going to have to deal with and get on with our season.

Even if is a two footed tackle, which I disagree with but:

"The ruling for a two-footed challenge is that the moment a player leaves the floor, he is not in control of his own body," explained Referees' Development Officer for Manchester FA, Peter Roberts.

"If he takes the ball cleanly, it is a free-kick and a caution. If he takes the ball and the man, it is a free-kick and a dismissal for serious foul play.

"If he takes nothing of the ball and only the man, it is a dismissal for serious foul play. The only instance in which he can escape a dismissal is if he takes the ball and not the man."

I can't decide it the FA are juts stupid, stubborn or plain old corrupt.
Think we all need to chill a little,look,Vinny made a hard but fare tackle with no room for getting it wrong.The FA are going to back the referee on this one just as they always do.

I still think we have the personnel to get us through-we have two semis plus away at wigan,the only game im worried about is the Tottenham game.

Play the 5 at the back with the fullbacks pushing on like we did on Sunday and i dont see a problem,Vinny gets much needed rest for the final push.Savic looks composed enough to me,the only lumpers we are playing is Liverpool who just twat it towards Carroll,Wigan play football,so do Tottenham,the only area Savic looked dodgy was in the air v QPR.

Lets keep some perspective here,we have players coming back from injury in Dzeko and Balotelli

Barry's had a rest

Zabaleta and De jong are ample deputants and ran through brickwalls v United.

Yaya & Kolo should be back mid Feb

Aguero looks to have the bit between his teeth

The only real worry is Nasri's lack of form

Chillax people

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