Re: Kompany's red card and appeal? (merged)

MCFC BOB said:
blueinsa said:
The game is dieing a slow death.

Miss 80 mins of a match and a further 4 games for kicking a football and not touching an opposing player.
It's two footed. Whether you touch the player you are attempting to tackle or not, the rules state that if you lunge in to a challenge with both feet off the floor, you've got to walk.

Go take a read of the rule book and show me where it says that?

Rule book is here....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 11_12e.pdf</a>

The only rules for a red card are
* Serious Foul Play.
* Violent Conduct.
* Spitting at an opponent or other person.
* denying the opposition a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberatly handling the ball.
* Denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the players goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or penalty kick.
*Using offensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures.
*receiving a second yellow.

At most Kompany's tackle is reckless which is classed as a yellow

Page 111: Reckless: Means that the player has acted with complete disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, his opponent A player who plays in a reckless manner must be cautioned.

The red was bullshit and the FA are pathetic.
Next time Vinnie, just run up behind wighead and kick the fucker as hard as you can.....

.....apparently, that will just get you a 2 game ban!
perhaps now is the time

for city to start withdrawing their players from england squads following the disgraceful appeal verdict

if the fa dont want to see whats right why should we help them
monty silva said:
Does this mean Gerrard is a cert to be sent off tomorrow, his trademark 2 footed scissor tackles are the norm for him. A precedent has been set now.

This is the problem,once a shite decision like this is upheld red cards will be handed out for everything. People saying forget it and move on need to get a grip,you will be seeing plenty more reds for great tackles from now on.
BlueForever123 said:
It was never going to get overturned. When at the game I thought it was a perfectly good challenge and I still think the game is mad if you can't make challenges like that, but the fact is the law says 2 footed challenges are a red so they werent going to overturn.

I know there have been loads of incidents similar where people have not got send off - someone on talksport last night mentioned a Shrek challenge on Sagna last season that Durham and Gough just glazed over, but in these appeals I very much doubtthey don't compare 1 challenge to another. They will have just looked at the footage and said yes, he's gone in with both feet, can't do that so a red.

No point all moaning about it, what we need to do now is get behind the players on the pitch and see them through the next month. We are arguably missing our 2 most influential players in Vinnie and Yaya but lets shove it up the rest of the teams and prove we have the balls to win this.

Vinnie will still have an influence from the side lines and the way we changed formation in the second half makes me feel this will be the plan for the next 4 games which I think we will win.
It is a piss take. Unless the media start make a big hoorah about slide tackling in football and question the FA and show them Rooney's kick they appealed against, then this is a lost fight lads.

Fuck it. Vinny could do with a rest, we're lucky its only gonna hit us on 2 prem games. We've got faith in Savic, Micah, Lescott and co.. I'm just thinking that with Shrek and Wio (the Prem's shitest defender) being pleased with this outcome, we'll slap it back in their faces with 4 straight wins in the games !! NO DOUBT ... Lets go City!
Failsworth_Blue said:
MCFC BOB said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
Two footed? Not a chance. There was only ever one foot making a movement towards the ball. When you make a slide tackle where do you expect the other foot to be, behind his body so he's doing the splits? His other leg had to go from, the movement wasn't of two feet together so therefore it wasn't a two footed tackle. Are you saying that if he has to win the ball with a slide tackle/interception in forward motion which means both feet have to come through although not together then he shouldn't make the tackle, should he just let Nani have the ball then?
Yes, two footed. I expect his other leg to be tucked under.

His leg tucked under where? His body? Next time you play football, try and make a tackle where the foot you are going to win the ball with moves forward at speed and try and keep your leg tucked under your body, it's near impossible and would risk serious injury, both his feet had to come through. It wasn't a two footed tackle as only one foot was ever moved towards the ball, the trailing came through after the ball had been won clearly. It is in no way a two footed tackle, not in a million years.
One footed tackle, leg tucked under the body:


Kompany's tackle:

<br /><br />-- January 10th, 2012, 3:32 pm --<br /><br />
grunge said:
MCFC BOB said:
blueinsa said:
The game is dieing a slow death.

Miss 80 mins of a match and a further 4 games for kicking a football and not touching an opposing player.
It's two footed. Whether you touch the player you are attempting to tackle or not, the rules state that if you lunge in to a challenge with both feet off the floor, you've got to walk.

Go take a read of the rule book and show me where it says that?

Rule book is here....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 11_12e.pdf</a>

The only rules for a red card are
* Serious Foul Play.
* Violent Conduct.
* Spitting at an opponent or other person.
* denying the opposition a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberatly handling the ball.
* Denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the players goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or penalty kick.
*Using offensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures.
*receiving a second yellow.

At most Kompany's tackle is reckless which is classed as a yellow

Page 111: Reckless: Means that the player has acted with complete disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, his opponent A player who plays in a reckless manner must be cautioned.

The red was bullshit and the FA are pathetic.
They've banned him for 'serious foul play'. Do some reading yourself.
The concern is Carroll particularly at Anfield. Him aside, looking at the challenges Savic will face, I'm relatively confident.
The only time he has struggled so far was at QPR facing their aerial bombardment. No matter how accomplished a defender he is and will be that was a big ask for a lad new to the Premier League.

He'll do fine IMO but we need Joleon to really step up to the plate now and be a leader of those around him. He's got it in him to do this - confident, intelligent and opinionated. Him and Hart have to really be men through this and they will be.

Plus there is a slight upside (only slight) in that Vinnie can now rest up and come back as imperious as ever for the title run-in.

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