Re: Kompany's red card and appeal? (merged)


What's done is done.

Let's get over it now and stop getting at each other's throats about the technicalities of the rules or whether it was 2 footed or not.

Just saying.
hertsblue said:
So banned for 4 games for 1 red v Wolves (non agressive) and 1 Shocker of a Red v utd.

But Evra and Giggs walk away with nothing. Lampard nothing.

The Fa and Pl are more scripted than the WWE.

Now, how about bringing the game into disrepute charges v ferguson, Rooney and ferdinand for comments re Kompnay after the game and on twitter. Also be interesting to find out who was on the 3 man panel (probably cheif executvies of Pool, Utd and Arsenal).

Sick to death how we are seen as an easy target time and time again and seeing others not have the same laws upheld against them.

Tell you what, if we win the PL it will be a big Fuck You to the FA, we won this despite your best efforts.

Delighted we are so professional in our approach but its seen as weakness by officials. Time to start acting like turds like everyone else. Look at Chelsea. Moan moan moan about decisions and now look at what they get away with

This is why is get soo fookin annoyed - if Vinny had to go then so be it but so should have Giggs no fookin consistency
blueinsa said:
MCFC BOB said:
Neville Kneville said:
Because the person trying to win the tackle isn't in control of their own body whilst flying through the air.

So you also want players sent off for leaving the ground trying to win a header or trying to volley a ball or trying to bicycle kick it?
That's different and you know it is.
Hansen's been harping on for weeks about how losing Kompany would derail us, to the point where I thought he was trying to put a price on Vinnie's head. Now he's got his wish, we can show him again how little he knows.
dctid said:
Matty said:
MCFC BOB said:
Expected this reply. Kompany went in two-footed. If you can't see it here, then I suggest you trade your blue-tinted specs for some with actual lenses in.


Fucks sake, I've only said this about 20 times, but I guess I've got to say it again.





The challenge needs to be:-




Those are the criteria, nothing to do with 1 or 2 feet, can we PLEASE stop saying "it's 2 feet therefore it's a red card".

Kompany possibly lunged, he didn't use excessive force in the opinion of a great many people, however it's a judgement call, and he most certainly NEVER endangered Nani, as Nani was nowhere near Kompany's feet at any point.

If you have TWO feet off the ground you are deememd to not be in control of your body and therefore making a reckless tackless and like it or lump it that is what referees will view these tackles and penalise accordingly - complain all you wish but that the way these types of tackles are being penalised and there are countless examples of this - agreed there are example where they are not being given but that is to do with the imcompetence of the referee.

The rules are the same but the interpretation is different

1. Two feet off the ground automatically assumed that you are not in control of your body hence a reckless tackle
2. One foot on the ground assumes that you are in control of your body and then the excessive force or whatever then comes into it.

its shit because there is no leeway or common sense to be applied but that is the way it is viewed.

Utter rubbish.

Reckless tackle and serious foul play are totally different offences. A reckless tackle is punishable by a booking, and ONLY a booking.

Kompany was found guilty of serious foul play, and as such he HAD to have met the 3 criteria I mentioned above, lunged in, used excessive force AND endangered the opponent. The rules, as lain out by FIFA, physically state that the numbe rof feet used, 1 or 2, is irrelevant when it comes to serious foul play, I've said this already, on several occaions, and even quoted the actual rule, twice. The referee's interpretation of a challenge is EXACTLY the same, whether it be 1 or 2 footed, if he deems it serious foul play it must meet all 3 criteria, in BOTH situations. Kompany didn't. Foy got it wrong. The FA, unsurprisingly, backed the incompetant referee, as they have done on many occasions this season, and compounded his incompetant decision.
hertsblue said:
So banned for 4 games for 1 red v Wolves (non agressive) and 1 Shocker of a Red v utd.

But Evra and Giggs walk away with nothing. Lampard nothing.

The Fa and Pl are more scripted than the WWE.

Now, how about bringing the game into disrepute charges v ferguson, Rooney and ferdinand for comments re Kompnay after the game and on twitter. Also be interesting to find out who was on the 3 man panel (probably cheif executvies of Pool, Utd and Arsenal).

Sick to death how we are seen as an easy target time and time again and seeing others not have the same laws upheld against them.

Tell you what, if we win the PL it will be a big Fuck You to the FA, we won this despite your best efforts.

Delighted we are so professional in our approach but its seen as weakness by officials. Time to start acting like turds like everyone else. Look at Chelsea. Moan moan moan about decisions and now look at what they get away with

Agree with that ...but I think we should just concentrate on what we can affect which is our behaviour on the field. whether there is a conspiracy or not, we have picked up several red cards lately and the manager should be using this fact to remind players about their conduct in games.

If we don't give the officials excuses to book us...they can't book us.
MCFC BOB said:
blueinsa said:
MCFC BOB said:
Because the person trying to win the tackle isn't in control of their own body whilst flying through the air.

So you also want players sent off for leaving the ground trying to win a header or trying to volley a ball or trying to bicycle kick it?
That's different and you know it is.

Is it really?

You base your argument on a lack of control due to being off your feet and my examples mean being off your feet and not having the same amount of control of your body.
if that's worth a red card and a 4 game ban then i'm fucking adolf hitler.

brilliant tackle.
DenisLawBackHeel74 said:
hertsblue said:
So banned for 4 games for 1 red v Wolves (non agressive) and 1 Shocker of a Red v utd.

But Evra and Giggs walk away with nothing. Lampard nothing.

The Fa and Pl are more scripted than the WWE.

Now, how about bringing the game into disrepute charges v ferguson, Rooney and ferdinand for comments re Kompnay after the game and on twitter. Also be interesting to find out who was on the 3 man panel (probably cheif executvies of Pool, Utd and Arsenal).

Sick to death how we are seen as an easy target time and time again and seeing others not have the same laws upheld against them.

Tell you what, if we win the PL it will be a big Fuck You to the FA, we won this despite your best efforts.

Delighted we are so professional in our approach but its seen as weakness by officials. Time to start acting like turds like everyone else. Look at Chelsea. Moan moan moan about decisions and now look at what they get away with

Agree with that ...but I think we should just concentrate on what we can affect which is our behaviour on the field. whether there is a conspiracy or not, we have picked up several red cards lately and the manager should be using this fact to remind players about their conduct in games.

If we don't give the officials excuses to book us...they can't book us.

They will find a way. Look at the laughable excuse of a booking De Jong got against Sunderland. 7th minute, 1st foul, hardly any contact= straight yellow. We seem to be booked for fuck all and yet opponents given 4/5 chances before a yellow is produced.

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