Re: Kompany's red card and appeal? (merged)

Matty said:
dctid said:
Matty said:
Fucks sake, I've only said this about 20 times, but I guess I've got to say it again.





The challenge needs to be:-




Those are the criteria, nothing to do with 1 or 2 feet, can we PLEASE stop saying "it's 2 feet therefore it's a red card".

Kompany possibly lunged, he didn't use excessive force in the opinion of a great many people, however it's a judgement call, and he most certainly NEVER endangered Nani, as Nani was nowhere near Kompany's feet at any point.

If you have TWO feet off the ground you are deememd to not be in control of your body and therefore making a reckless tackless and like it or lump it that is what referees will view these tackles and penalise accordingly - complain all you wish but that the way these types of tackles are being penalised and there are countless examples of this - agreed there are example where they are not being given but that is to do with the imcompetence of the referee.

The rules are the same but the interpretation is different

1. Two feet off the ground automatically assumed that you are not in control of your body hence a reckless tackle
2. One foot on the ground assumes that you are in control of your body and then the excessive force or whatever then comes into it.

its shit because there is no leeway or common sense to be applied but that is the way it is viewed.

Utter rubbish.

Reckless tackle and serious foul play are totally different offences. A reckless tackle is punishable by a booking, and ONLY a booking.

Kompany was found guilty of serious foul play, and as such he HAD to have met the 3 criteria I mentioned above, lunged in, used excessive force AND endangered the opponent. The rules, as lain out by FIFA, physically state that the numbe rof feet used, 1 or 2, is irrelevant when it comes to serious foul play, I've said this already, on several occaions, and even quoted the actual rule, twice. The referee's interpretation of a challenge is EXACTLY the same, whether it be 1 or 2 footed, if he deems it serious foul play it must meet all 3 criteria, in BOTH situations. Kompany didn't. Foy got it wrong. The FA, unsurprisingly, backed the incompetant referee, as they have done on many occasions this season, and compounded his incompetant decision.

Two feet off the ground is automatically considered serious foul play because the tackler is not in control of his body.

Like it or lump it that the interpretation of the rules and that is how refs are referring the game and there are countless examples the most recent being the Wolves lad against Le Arse.
MCFC BOB said:
They've banned him for 'serious foul play'. Do some reading yourself.

And where exactly does it say a 2 footed tackle is 'serious foul play'?

Oh that's right, it doesn't.
MCFC BOB said:
Neville Kneville said:
MCFC BOB said:
Fair enough. But if you lunge through the air at a player - like Kompany did - their safety is in danger.

It's a harsh decision, but it's most likely the correct one.

Why ?
Because the person trying to win the tackle isn't in control of their own body whilst flying through the air.

I don't understand all this 'not in control of your body crap.' When a goalkeeper makes a flying save can he not move his hands, arms, knees, legs, head, arse or anything? This so called rule is disingenuous to say the least, if somebody has no control whatsoever over their body once their feet have left the floor the Olympic High Diving competition would be as boring as fuck.
Techno said:
DenisLawBackHeel74 said:
hertsblue said:
So banned for 4 games for 1 red v Wolves (non agressive) and 1 Shocker of a Red v utd.

But Evra and Giggs walk away with nothing. Lampard nothing.

The Fa and Pl are more scripted than the WWE.

Now, how about bringing the game into disrepute charges v ferguson, Rooney and ferdinand for comments re Kompnay after the game and on twitter. Also be interesting to find out who was on the 3 man panel (probably cheif executvies of Pool, Utd and Arsenal).

Sick to death how we are seen as an easy target time and time again and seeing others not have the same laws upheld against them.

Tell you what, if we win the PL it will be a big Fuck You to the FA, we won this despite your best efforts.

Delighted we are so professional in our approach but its seen as weakness by officials. Time to start acting like turds like everyone else. Look at Chelsea. Moan moan moan about decisions and now look at what they get away with

Agree with that ...but I think we should just concentrate on what we can affect which is our behaviour on the field. whether there is a conspiracy or not, we have picked up several red cards lately and the manager should be using this fact to remind players about their conduct in games.

If we don't give the officials excuses to book us...they can't book us.

I hear what you're saying but it's got to be a level playing field. Maybe we should play in slippers rather than footy boots so that we can't be accused of going in studs up!

But we know its not a level playing field...has never been a level playing field.

There are two ways to beat the system, give them no excuses, by playing blindingly good football....or by infiltrating the organisation from within....much like the scum and pool have done.

I am an advocate of both paths.
mike channon´s windmill said:
Chill lads and lasses and just smile

Karma has a wonderful way of evening things out

Look at the rags draw for example

As for Rooney, Evra and Foy, they will reap what they have sown

Of that I am convinced

Absolutely bang on pal!
sound like a bunch of bitches,its done now lets get on with it,bluemoon has shown over the last few days that there are a number of pussies on here,got to take it on the chin and move on,you lot seem to be looking for excuses for not winning the league,we need a winning support,not a bunch of soppy arsed whingers.
Two feet off the ground does not mean a player is not in control and there was nothing out of control about Vinnie's tackle; and that's what it was, a tackle. VK - as was I - was livid that a free kick had been awarded even before Foy the Fool brandished a red card.

That tackle was not worthy of a four match ban. The punishment is so out of proportion in this instance that it's not true and it's hugely frustrating that nothing can be done about it.

That doesn't mean that Vinnie and his team mates can't learn a lesson from the incident.
You only have to look at the video from behind the City goal to knwo that Kompany was fully in control of the tackle. He even moved his right foot to get to the ball, it was a great tackle.
If you've watched City's last 10 games or so and not come to the conclusion that we're treated differently by refs, you haven't been watching. I don't know if that proves there is an agenda against us, but contextually it is OK for referees to allow our players to get kicked around the pitch while the slightest thing we commit is a (often first-offense) booking.

*Think about the context of the sending off. Derby match, 10th minute, first foul. For THAT tackle — winning all the ball and making LITERALLY no contact with Nani, who does not go to ground or even appeal for a free kick — to warrant a STRAIGHT red card is asinine. If you want to enforce this silly two-footed rule, a verbal warning is quite sufficient at that stage of the game given everything above.

There is no way a STRAIGHT red card should have been produced. Regardless of the City comeback Foy effectively ended the game. Maybe it's just inept refereeing, but City has consistently been the victim of it this season.
(crap) decision now made...we need to move on though I hope the club do what Pulis did last season and send the F f~~~ing A a DVD of allth inconsitencies with which Stoke were treated.

Meanwhile we have to draw the positives..

The rags bust a gut o hold on to their ever diminishing lead in the second half even when we were down to 10

We ahve a chance to get straight back on the horse after this frustrating result and take it out on the dippers, rather than festeering away through some useless international break

We can concentrate more on the league now regardless odf the cc result

Komps, if kept fit, will be able to return refreshed to lead us into the last couple of months of the season.

Savic may well take on the CH mantle and is brave and can learn.

We have a few key players to come back and they will add to our strength again.

The Rags and Spuds have more tricky away fixtures to play than we do

We can make this the opportunity to stay as vocally behind the players as we didon Sunday

Blantant injustice like this if well tapped by the management could galvanise an even fiercer team sipirit than before

Nil desperandum !!!!!

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