reading tickets selling fast {merged}

marco said:
so not only is level 3 not open but it looks like tickets will sell out over the next hour or two in the other levels, valuable selling time wasted by the club for not having level 3 up now

Here you go:


Yes I'm clutching at straws a bit I know, although the timescales shouldn't be an issue. We have member cards the same as you guys. All we would need to do is show our ticket for the other area of the ground with our RFC member card and then be admitted to the segregated section. Even to the extent with more travelling fans paying at the gat on showing the membership card.
It's not going to happen I know, can't totally blame the police either I think they will be used expecting much more rivalry and issues than we would ever cause.
I cant purchase until Thursday due to being away at work at the moment and i just hope that the 3rd tiers have been opened by then.

All this closing of parts of the ground and moving season card holders around every other cup match is ludicrous though and it will only serve to piss people off.
Blue Mooner said:
Lets get this right, this is a huge game for the club and it demands a good atmosphere but the club can't be certain because of all the JCL's that the whole ground would be a sell out.

Therefore they close the top two tiers to ensure a better atmosphere and there are no gaps which would dilute the atmosphere. I fully support this policy despite the fact it actually involves me moving from CB level 3

Plus if we make it a 47,000 capacity game we would be forced to give Reading a higher allocation diluting our home advantage even further. Why would any blue want this ?

Imo it serves right all those who couldn't be bothered to go to the earlier rounds if you miss out. Maybe next time you will decide to turn out to support the club.

I put the clubs success over my own selfish requirements as others have said you have a great view wherever you sit and just enjoy the different atmosphere, that's what I'm gonna do.
Reading were offered the option of the full 6k allocation but chose to take only 2,800. The capacity is officially 47k, what City are pissing about at doesn't affect the size of the away allocation.
SWP's back said:
Leicester_royal said:
Thanks for being blunt, I'm not easily offended. Reading fans will clearly have taken up seats around the ground already. If I was the chief bobby I would sooner make a section available and call a ticket amnesty, if you like, and get them all in the same area. I am not blaming City for any of this but there are certain things where the club will have a much better chance of sorting it out than me phoning the Cheif constable n Manchester. Either way it looks as if tier 3 could do with being opened.

Yes mate but look at the timescales involved to sort that.

It is a nice idea but pie in the sky I am afraid.

Plus you are talking about GMP who are a load of (insert whichever word you choose)

-- Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:40 pm --

waspish said:
Double standards in my humble opinion! Poznan bought that many tickets all over the ground that the club got there arse into gear and changed it with the help of the police!

It can be done do the club want the hassle? Don't know................
It was not Poznan fans mate. It was Polish ex-pats living in the North West (there are hundreds of thousands of them). The club noticed with about a month to spare and moved non Polish sounding names out of Level 3.

It was a one off with plenty of time and under the police's orders.

Does no one bloody remember what happened only a few months ago on here when it suits their argument?

[this thread is like banging your head on a brick wall]

Fair do, I stand corrected...............
Blue Mooner said:
Lets get this right, this is a huge game for the club and it demands a good atmosphere but the club can't be certain because of all the JCL's that the whole ground would be a sell out.

Therefore they close the top two tiers to ensure a better atmosphere and there are no gaps which would dilute the atmosphere. I fully support this policy despite the fact it actually involves me moving from CB level 3

Plus if we make it a 47,000 capacity game we would be forced to give Reading a higher allocation diluting our home advantage even further. Why would any blue want this ?

Imo it serves right all those who couldn't be bothered to go to the earlier rounds if you miss out. Maybe next time you will decide to turn out to support the club.

I put the clubs success over my own selfish requirements as others have said you have a great view wherever you sit and just enjoy the different atmosphere, that's what I'm gonna do.
Top post exactly what i think
blueinsa said:
I cant purchase until Thursday due to being away at work at the moment and i just hope that the 3rd tiers have been opened by then.

All this closing of parts of the ground and moving season card holders around every other cup match is ludicrous though and it will only serve to piss people off.

So you would rather 37k turned up and were spread all over the ground that was fully open?

Thus the atmosphere gets diluted. It looks shit. It costs more for the club to steward, police and serve etc.

As I have stated along with many others - A SC guarantees your seat for league matches, not club matches. Deal with it.
Blue Mooner said:
Lets get this right, this is a huge game for the club and it demands a good atmosphere but the club can't be certain because of all the JCL's that the whole ground would be a sell out.

Therefore they close the top two tiers to ensure a better atmosphere and there are no gaps which would dilute the atmosphere. I fully support this policy despite the fact it actually involves me moving from CB level 3

Plus if we make it a 47,000 capacity game we would be forced to give Reading a higher allocation diluting our home advantage even further. Why would any blue want this ?[/b]Imo it serves right all those who couldn't be bothered to go to the earlier rounds if you miss out. Maybe next time you will decide to turn out to support the club.

I put the clubs success over my own selfish requirements as others have said you have a great view wherever you sit and just enjoy the different atmosphere, that's what I'm gonna do.

Forced to give Reading more tickets......your just making this up as you go along arent you.
SWP's back said:
blueinsa said:
I cant purchase until Thursday due to being away at work at the moment and i just hope that the 3rd tiers have been opened by then.

All this closing of parts of the ground and moving season card holders around every other cup match is ludicrous though and it will only serve to piss people off.

So you would rather 37k turned up and were spread all over the ground that was fully open?

Thus the atmosphere gets diluted. It looks shit. It costs more for the club to steward, police and serve etc.

As I have stated along with many others - A SC guarantees your seat for league matches, not club matches. Deal with it.

You could get a job running City's TO with that fine attitude to customer service.

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