reading tickets selling fast {merged}

SWP's back said:
marco said:
so not only is level 3 not open but it looks like tickets will sell out over the next hour or two in the other levels, valuable selling time wasted by the club for not having level 3 up now

Here you go:


schools are out i see!
BillyMC said:
Blue Mooner said:
Lets get this right, this is a huge game for the club and it demands a good atmosphere but the club can't be certain because of all the JCL's that the whole ground would be a sell out.

Therefore they close the top two tiers to ensure a better atmosphere and there are no gaps which would dilute the atmosphere. I fully support this policy despite the fact it actually involves me moving from CB level 3

Plus if we make it a 47,000 capacity game we would be forced to give Reading a higher allocation diluting our home advantage even further. Why would any blue want this ?[/b]Imo it serves right all those who couldn't be bothered to go to the earlier rounds if you miss out. Maybe next time you will decide to turn out to support the club.

I put the clubs success over my own selfish requirements as others have said you have a great view wherever you sit and just enjoy the different atmosphere, that's what I'm gonna do.

Forced to give Reading more tickets......your just making this up as you go along arent you.

Usually in the cup games the away team has to have a certain percentage of the ground around about 15% or 6000 tkts which reading was offered but they only took 2800 so no, selling the 47000 would not mean giving them the extra allocation
lancs blue said:
SWP's back said:
So you would rather 37k turned up and were spread all over the ground that was fully open?

Thus the atmosphere gets diluted. It looks shit. It costs more for the club to steward, police and serve etc.

As I have stated along with many others - A SC guarantees your seat for league matches, not club matches. Deal with it.

You could get a job running City's TO with that fine attitude to customer service.

I have no desire to care too much about all these fans that decide to turn up only when there is a trip to Wembley running on the back of it.

Luckily for our fans, I have nothing to do with it or they would get that.<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:52 pm --<br /><br />
marco said:
SWP's back said:
Here you go:


schools are out i see!

How very droll. Make that up yourself eh?
SWP's back said:
lancs blue said:
You could get a job running City's TO with that fine attitude to customer service.

I have no desire to care too much about all these fans that decide to turn up only when there is a trip to Wembley running on the back of it.

Luckily for our fans, I have nothing to do with it or they would get that.

if your having a sly pop at fans who have missed the early rounds 'which it seems to me you are' maybe you should offer a contribution to there mortgages so they can make games, its ok for some fans paying mummy and daddy £10 or in some cases fuck all
SWP's back said:
lancs blue said:
You could get a job running City's TO with that fine attitude to customer service.

I have no desire to care too much about all these fans that decide to turn up only when there is a trip to Wembley running on the back of it.

Luckily for our fans, I have nothing to do with it or they would get that.

-- Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:52 pm --

marco said:
schools are out i see!

How very droll. Make that up yourself eh?

Your arrogance knows no bounds i see yet again on here!

Who the fuck are you that you can differentiate between who has or who hasn't been to games on here?

Who put you in charge?

Keep kissing your biceps big man!
lancs blue said:
Blue Mooner said:
Lets get this right, this is a huge game for the club and it demands a good atmosphere but the club can't be certain because of all the JCL's that the whole ground would be a sell out.

Therefore they close the top two tiers to ensure a better atmosphere and there are no gaps which would dilute the atmosphere. I fully support this policy despite the fact it actually involves me moving from CB level 3

Plus if we make it a 47,000 capacity game we would be forced to give Reading a higher allocation diluting our home advantage even further. Why would any blue want this ?

Imo it serves right all those who couldn't be bothered to go to the earlier rounds if you miss out. Maybe next time you will decide to turn out to support the club.

I put the clubs success over my own selfish requirements as others have said you have a great view wherever you sit and just enjoy the different atmosphere, that's what I'm gonna do.
Reading were offered the option of the full 6k allocation but chose to take only 2,800. The capacity is officially 47k, what City are pissing about at doesn't affect the size of the away allocation.

This is purely speculative but I 'think' City can make Reading pay for the number of tickets they ask for only on the premise that we could sell those tickets ourselves (ie close the third tiers) We could only guarantee that if we close the top two tiers.

ie we can't say to Reading you pay for what you take if we couldn't sell the available tickets ourselves (The argument being that you would be denying City fans tickets by taking seats that you don't then sell)

Arsenal and Chelsea have both done that to us this season hence lower allocations.

I think you will find that is the rationale behind not having tier 3's open. Makes sense to me.

Irrespective, if it means the lower tiers are fuller generating a better atmosphere then I am in full support.
lancs blue said:
SWP's back said:
So you would rather 37k turned up and were spread all over the ground that was fully open?

Thus the atmosphere gets diluted. It looks shit. It costs more for the club to steward, police and serve etc.

As I have stated along with many others - A SC guarantees your seat for league matches, not club matches. Deal with it.

You could get a job running City's TO with that fine attitude to customer service.

I particularly like the "this is your punishment" angle he's been using.

Call me a cynic, but the club are playing an absolute blinder on this one.

Somebody has been telling porkies, and I suspect this entire thread is a little convenient.

The fact the club have been forced to resort to an appeal from the players should tell you a lot, as are the initial plans to keep top tiers closed for now.

I have been told by someone who 'does know' the current state of play, the intention was to keep the lower levels packed - similar to what they did v Forest couple years back.

We then have well-intentioned posters concentrated in one thread, 'I'm going', 'I'm going, too', 'I'm going with three mates'.

Well that's about 400 people so far...

It adds to the fear the club wants, that people could 'miss out'.

Two tiers of 12,000 closed, away fans of 2,700, some late panic buying - result - still around the 30-35k mark.

As for seat checkers, forget it, I am informed the same principle applies, we keep thousands off the scope, so to perpetuate a demand.

I'm not sure what the Forest attendance was, but they had an entire end, and it didn't look too bad.

Aside from the result, of course.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Call me a cynic, but the club are playing an absolute blinder on this one.

Somebody has been telling porkies, and I suspect this entire thread is a little convenient.

The fact the club have been forced to resort to an appeal from the players should tell you a lot, as are the initial plans to keep top tiers closed for now.

I have been told by someone who 'does know' the current state of play, the intention was to keep the lower levels packed - similar to what they did v Forest couple years back.

We then have well-intentioned posters concentrated in one thread, 'I'm going', 'I'm going, too', 'I'm going with three mates'.

Well that's about 400 people so far...

It adds to the fear the club wants, that people could 'miss out'.

Two tiers of 12,000 closed, away fans of 2,700, some late panic buying - result - still around the 30-35k mark.

As for seat checkers, forget it, I am informed the same principle applies, we keep thousands off the scope, so to perpetuate a demand.

I'm not sure what the Forest attendance was, but they had an entire end, and it didn't look too bad.

Aside from the result, of course.

Fair and entirely reasonable post that wont be too far off the mark when you think about it.
Blue Mooner said:
lancs blue said:
Reading were offered the option of the full 6k allocation but chose to take only 2,800. The capacity is officially 47k, what City are pissing about at doesn't affect the size of the away allocation.

This is purely speculative but I 'think' City can make Reading pay for the number of tickets they ask for only on the premise that we could sell those tickets ourselves (ie close the third tiers) We could only guarantee that if we close the top two tiers.

ie we can't say to Reading you pay for what you take if we couldn't sell the available tickets ourselves (The argument being that you would be denying City fans tickets by taking seats that you don't then sell)

Arsenal and Chelsea have both done that to us this season hence lower allocations.

I think you will find that is the rationale behind not having tier 3's open. Makes sense to me.

Irrespective, if it means the lower tiers are fuller generating a better atmosphere then I am in full support.
The decision only makes( a small amount if any) sense if demand is satisfied before we reach 36000.

If we have to open the top tiers thousands of people had to relocate for nothing, which costs a lot of money in processing time, as well as costing goodwill.

Let's see what happens.

Our last two home cup quarter finals had bigger gates than this and our attendances are 20% up since then

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