Real Madrid Vs Manchester City Post Match Thread

The Flash said:
I have never, and, nor do I ever hope to see again, our Captain duck out of the way of a ball travelling at speed toward the goal.

I watched it again, was pretty shocking tbh.
Why Bobby persists in buying full backs who know nothing about defending or (don't want to know) is truly baffling. If you wan't to make your centre halfs look ordinary then that's the way to do it. Vinny is constantly being pulled out position to cover the right back position. That's the key reason for his poor form thus far. He thrusts Micah or zabs, you couldn't say the same for Maicon. It's not as if they are blessed with pace or end product. Maicon is a total fuck up, kolorov even allowing for his goal ditto. Neither silva or nasri protects that position enough for me, especially nasri.
Bobby hasn't cracked Europe before, on the evidence so far he still has some way to go.
Oh and by the way we're long gone past glorious defeats!
Everyone I spoke to coming out of the ground last night was proud of our lads, fuck any negative cunts!!!
I said this at HT, 'proper' being the quick snip as my previous post was taking the piss out of people saying we were playing rubbish (basically ignore the first sentence, I was taking the piss)-


What's pissed me off is we shit it. Our tactics were spot on however when we took the lead we absolutely bricked it. You simply can't do that when your game plan is to soak up the oppositions attacks and store energy until the latter stages of the game. What's the point if, when you realise "Woah, our tactics worked - we're beating Real Madrid" - you then bottle it. You may as well have used the tactics from Munich.

I'm annoyed, I'm annoyed by the happy clappers who say to be proud, I'm annoyed by our captain ducking under a ball travelling to goal. In short - I'm hugely pissed off.

I feel for Y. Toure. He played his part successfully, perhaps he should have scored his chance to make it 2-0 however apart from that - well played.

Unfortunately we have no bottle, we let adrenaline take over. You can't use those tactics without bottle.
Marvin said:
The cookie monster said:
We were battered
Don't try and mask it.
And yet could have scored 5

They deserved to win, but battered we were not. Kept them at arms length with just Ronaldo shots to worry about for the most part

Doesn't really matter. We lost, but we can't help but dissect it all
We were torn apart, you can make as many long post as you like marvin saying what we did and how many chances we had

We scored 2 goals and maybe could of had another
Yet we were dismantled in near enough every department,except for ya ya.

They are not 1 of the best 2 teams in the world for nothing
Scotty76 said:
Everyone I spoke to coming out of the ground last night was proud of our lads, fuck any negative cunts!!!
No-one is saying they're not proud, what we are saying is that we were lucky to be infront for a start, and lucky not to be 3 down after half an hour. If it was Barca we played last night, they would have taken their chances and put us to the sword no trouble. We have to play better if we are to progress. The fact we were 2-1 up in Madrid with 3 minutes left really doesn't tell the true story of the game. Nonetheless though, no-one is bashing the players, merely pointing out that they need to perform better against these teams.

As an aside, have you ever fucked a negative ****? ;-)
Quote:As for that last goal, I wonder if Komps is too damned intelligent, and is, quite simply, thinking too much (like a chess player), rather than just doing?

When I went to bed last night I was convinced Kompany bottled it,watching again after I've calmed down,I think he was going to head clear,when the ball suddenly dipped.He got caught in 2 minds & was hoping Hart could save it rather than deflecting the ball or handballing. Still gutted mind.
Ovo said:
didactic said:
Kompany and Tevez were both very poor and besides the goal Kolorav was horrible too.

I'm not having that about Tevez. Find a striker in the world who would have done better, you can't. He was so isolated and did a great job of holding it up when the ball was actually played into him.
completely agree - isolated for much of the game, as soon as he had someone to play with he was a danger
Over reactions on Bluemoon?? NEVER! Beforehand everyone was talking about not wanting to get humiliated, well we didn't. Yes we should have won that game and we fucked it up, it happens to the best of teams and especially at the Bernabeau in the Champs League as its clear UEFA have a hard-on for Real Madrid and Barca. With a little more leadership (i think Vinny should have been the one pushing the players forward instead of Javi trying to get the players to push up) and more belief in ourselves we would have beaten them. The positives, we scored 2 goals against them away that proves to the players we can score against them at home. Nasty had a great debut, did not look out of place at all, Barry was decent and that was his first start after injury, Edin was clinical and thats not to mention the best player on the pitch Yaya Toure...they were shit scared of him all night.
Marvin said:
didactic said:
Kompany and Tevez were both very poor and besides the goal Kolorav was horrible too.
You don't know what you are talking about. Tevez was immense playing for most of the game on his own.
Totally true - Fantastic work rate and spirit

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