Really stupid Facebook Status's...


stonerblue said:
andyhinch said:
I have never been on, looked at Facebook in my life, does this make me a bit sad?

I was told off for asking why he bothered posting a vid on here that a girl had sent him on facebook of some fuckin boy band ponce proposing or summat.
He said i thought i was 'too cool for facebook'.

Not quite the truth, someone or you implied it was sad to use Facebook - my response was 1 billion people use Facebook so i suppose your too cool for it...

And Andy... Facebook is not much different to Bluemoon
Few thoughts on the issue:

1. I look at facebook several times a day. Dont make many statuses, i use twitter to vent my spleen, but i do use it for sending private messages to mates lile email (and being a nosey twat)

2. The photo argument is intriguing; i am glad that others find the obsession with pictures very odd too. As a student, many of my friends (most of my friendlist actually who are all students) seem to think that the benchmark of a succesful student is how many photos they can be tagged in in nightclubs, pulling stupid poses like they are an A list celeb. I dont do the picture thing myself and have been pulled up on it by mates at other universities ('where are all your freshers photos?' etc)

3. These photo whores are nothing other than attention seekers imo. They put photos of themselves on facebook doing mundane tasks, like sitting there doing some work or cooking a meal. I DONT GIVE A FUCK.

4. I have to use facebook as deleting it would basically be deleting myself from humanity, as it is how everything gets said and organised and remembered these days.
Markt85 said:
stonerblue said:
andyhinch said:
I have never been on, looked at Facebook in my life, does this make me a bit sad?

I was told off for asking why he bothered posting a vid on here that a girl had sent him on facebook of some fuckin boy band ponce proposing or summat.
He said i thought i was 'too cool for facebook'.

Not quite the truth, someone or you implied it was sad to use Facebook - my response was 1 billion people use Facebook so i suppose your too cool for it...

And Andy... Facebook is not much different to Bluemoon
I'm sure took me years to go on this though
Josh Blue said:
To balance the argument facebook does have some good qualities, for example, it is good for storing your pictures and finding people you lost touch with but in the long run it is a waste of your potential.
The same could be said for posting 4,400+ messages on an anonymous online football forum in just two years, but you still do that.

It's a website you don't like, that's fine. But to make generalisations about people who do have a use for it is a bit off in my opinion, especially when you clearly enjoy spending time on a website that plenty more people would view as a bit odd.
Dubai Blue said:
Josh Blue said:
To balance the argument facebook does have some good qualities, for example, it is good for storing your pictures and finding people you lost touch with but in the long run it is a waste of your potential.
The same could be said for posting 4,400+ messages on an anonymous online football forum in just two years, but you still do that.

It's a website you don't like, that's fine. But to make generalisations about people who do have a use for it is a bit off in my opinion, especially when you clearly enjoy spending time on a website that plenty more people would view as a bit odd.

True. If asked in public if I had a social network account or regularly posted on an internet forum, I'd always admit to the social network one and keep my membership on here quiet.

At least with FB you can say you're there for the ladies or to keep up with mates who've since moved away or whatever.
DannyBoy2890 said:

Has anyone got this annoying **** on facebook?
He's a city fan, but he talks absolute shite all day, everyday!
Sometimes tempted to delete him but I found him entertaining in a shit sort of way.

A fine trick. I fell for it and turned into Clarkie all at once. Fair play!

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