Really Winds me up


Well-Known Member
28 Mar 2010
When people ask me who I support and when i say City, They say oh Glory Hunter and I only support them since last season. really bugs me, considering ive had the complete piss taken outta me at school for being a city fan the days when joey barton was our best player etc.
it is really annoying i must admit and its the norm in Ireland......i normally just ask them questions about there own club and find most of them know fuck all the majority being rags and red scouse fans....who was your manager before fergie??? stumps them every-time. Piss-taking in school was all worth it for the days were having now though.
Me : no glory hunter I've been going for years,what about you?
Them(response of 80 % ): watch them on tv when I can cos its impossible to get a ticket at swamp,an field,never ton,Leeds,Wigan et al....
Me :there's always ways of getting tickets if you are a proper fan!
At this point subject is changed or they throw in prohibitive cost of football,work,family commitments ,traffic congestion or some other twaddle! game over 3 points to me
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I love it when people say this sort of thing to me, as it affords me the opportunity to impose the force of my personality upon them.

They usually wave the white flag after five or so minutes.

I would love someone to accuse me of being a Glory Hunter. Love it.

i'd get medieval on their arse.
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I love it when people say this sort of thing to me, as it affords me the opportunity to impose the force of my personality upon them.

They usually wave the white flag after five or so minutes.

I would love someone to accuse me of being a Glory Hunter. Love it.

i'd get medieval on their arse.
Pliers and blow-torch?
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I love it when people say this sort of thing to me, as it affords me the opportunity to impose the force of my personality upon them.

They usually wave the white flag after five or so minutes.

I would love someone to accuse me of being a Glory Hunter. Love it.

i'd get medieval on their arse.
You'd think given my age (same as yours DD) they'd think before making the suggestion.

They always wish they hadn't very shortly afterwards ;-)

We've earned our stripes and with it the right to be a little smug, I reckon.
One thing I found funny teams go to the swamp and sing "We support our local team" then come to our place and sing it.

So who do Mancunians support then?

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