Recent Robinho Interview [Merged]

Re: So who's slaggin Robby off now?

really dont agree Sir Kiam, last season yes but still when he was on it he was stupidly exciting to watch. But now proven by his Chelski performance, where even though he was still feeling his way back from injury, he was so much stronger on and off the ball. If people thought he went missing they are taking bollox, it was a team performance with a beautiful use of the football. He knows his role and he is going to be and already is a truely awesome asset for us. Anyone wo really thinks our unreal owners would sell a crown jewl, underestimate the level these guys operate at. Long live Robby I say...
Re: So who's slaggin Robby off now?

Matt Diablo said:
really dont agree Sir Kiam, last season yes but still when he was on it he was stupidly exciting to watch. But now proven by his Chelski performance, where even though he was still feeling his way back from injury, he was so much stronger on and off the ball. If people thought he went missing they are taking bollox, it was a team performance with a beautiful use of the football. He knows his role and he is going to be and already is a truely awesome asset for us. Anyone wo really thinks our unreal owners would sell a crown jewl, underestimate the level these guys operate at. Long live Robby I say...

we shall wait n see then...
Re: So who's slaggin Robby off now?

Love to see Robbie here for another 5 years or more.
But with the talk of Henry going to New York in the MLS, after the World Cup.
And Barca determined to bring in Robbie as his replacement.
Then I suppose we'll have to see what the summer brings.
Hope it is just speculation though.
Re: So who's slaggin Robby off now?

And just below that report, we find this link:

Which means that we can twist this in a number of directions:

1. Robinho never had any intention of leaving City & is now making his position known.
2. Robinho was interested in moving to Barca, but now that the deal is looking increasingly unlikely, he's back-tracking as quickly as possible.
3. The Daily Mail knows fuck all & is making things up in order to sell copy!

Based on the frankly ludicrous proposition that we were planning to replace Robbi with David Villa (who plays in a different position for fuck's sake), I'm going for a verdict of number 3, with a healthy dollop of number 2 mixed in for good measure.

"I love Manchester City"? What tripe! No you don't Robbi; I love Manchester City, you are merely employed by them! And what's more, I have no problem with that either!

I want the lad to stay at the club, he's magical to watch when he's on form & he's precisely the type of player that we need to take the club forward. But if any one of us were at a newly wealthy Russian club for instance, & Barca came calling, I think our nearest & dearest would be calling in the men with white coats if we were serious about being unmoved by the proposition!
Re: So who's slaggin Robby off now?

vonksbignose said:
And just below that report, we find this link:

Which means that we can twist this in a number of directions:

1. Robinho never had any intention of leaving City & is now making his position known.
2. Robinho was interested in moving to Barca, but now that the deal is looking increasingly unlikely, he's back-tracking as quickly as possible.
3. The Daily Mail knows fuck all & is making things up in order to sell copy!

Based on the frankly ludicrous proposition that we were planning to replace Robbi with David Villa (who plays in a different position for fuck's sake), I'm going for a verdict of number 3, with a healthy dollop of number 2 mixed in for good measure.

"I love Manchester City"? What tripe! No you don't Robbi; I love Manchester City, you are merely employed by them! And what's more, I have no problem with that either!

I want the lad to stay at the club, he's magical to watch when he's on form & he's precisely the type of player that we need to take the club forward. But if any one of us were at a newly wealthy Russian club for instance, & Barca came calling, I think our nearest & dearest would be calling in the men with white coats if we were serious about being unmoved by the proposition!

Option 3 for me.
Re: So who's slaggin Robby off now?

vonksbignose said:
"I love Manchester City"? What tripe! No you don't Robbi; I love Manchester City, you are merely employed by them! And what's more, I have no problem with that either!

You'd be surprised how 47,000 fans chanting your name will do for your affections.

I always remember watching one of Rosler's first games at City. I think that it's fair to say that he was never adored at any of his previous clubs in the same way that City fans took to him. I'll never forget the moment that he was subbed off late in the game, and the whole of Maine Road erupted in a Rosler chant. The guy had tears in his eyes leaving the pitch and I knew at that exact moment that he'd always be remembered as part of the club.

Rosler didn't come here loving City, but he certainly left it having done so.

Give Robbie time, it's not exactly like he was the darling of Madrid, and worshipped in the same way that he is at the CoM. To be honest, as soon as he scores this season, I think an awful lot of happiness and release of frustration is going to boil over. He can tell that he's been dying for a goal, and it's just not happening for him at the moment.

You can also feel the atmosphere in the crowd when he's about to shoot, there's a weird vibe that's just willing the ball in to the back of the net.
Re: So who's slaggin Robby off now?

I only doubt his ability to function effectively as a Premier League footballer?

That's a quote. No names.

Ability? Function?

He IS the best player skillwise to pull on a blue shirt.

As you lot say; End of.

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