Redemption for Robinho

alera said:
Could he be trusted in this game ? It would be like him to deliberately play badly, loose us the game to make sure we let him go.

This game is so important surely we cant even risk having him in the stadium tonight ? With the way he has acted I dont think he should have been allowed into training this week or had any access to the first team squad.

Too much of a distraction. Should have been sent home until this Santos transfer is sorted out one way or the other.
Give it a fucking rest! That first comment is absurd.
alera said:
Spurs, Everton ?

This game is so important can we really trust him to show up ? I cant. I would be surprised to see him in the squad, his head is clearly not right he clearly doesnt want to be at the club or play for us it would be a huge risk if he played any part tonight.

Fans have never been on his back hes never got anything but Adulation from city fans at matches its a complete myth. Moaning on a forum and getting on a players back at matches are 2 completely different things.

There's difference between underperforming and throwing a match deliberately, i don't see where you got the notion that deliberately making us lose would be like him? Or did he obviously want us to lost against Scunny, but just happened to score by accident?
As far as I'm concerned, Robbie is a City player in name only. The Robbie who's taken to the field in recent games is not the same one from last season. Whatever's happened to him in the intervening time is something only he can say.
His heart is not at the club, his soul is not at the club, and his spirit is not at the club

Agree totally he should not play.

Give it a fucking rest! That first comment is absurd.

With Robinho these days I honestly dont know what to think. I hope he wouldnt do that but with the way he has performed and behaved I certainly can trust him in this game. Having watched the away games against Spurs and Everon recently where he was given a good opportunity to get himself back in the team and put in truley shocking performances I dont know what other conclusion to make.

We know he is a quality player, so when he plays that bad and puts in no effort what else are we meant to think ?

He was shocking in those recent away games so how can we assume he will turn it on in an even more hostile enviroment and difficult away game tonight which is much more important ?

Anyway I cant see any chance he will play tonight or even be on the bench Robinho and Santos are saying its a done deal and he will be back in Brazil by the end of the week if this is true or not hes clearly not in a fit state of mind to play in a game like this.

Hand on heart can people honestly trust him to play today and put in a decent shift ?
alera said:
Could he be trusted in this game ? It would be like him to deliberately play badly, loose us the game to make sure we let him go.

This game is so important surely we cant even risk having him in the stadium tonight ? With the way he has acted I dont think he should have been allowed into training this week or had any access to the first team squad.

Too much of a distraction. Should have been sent home until this Santos transfer is sorted out one way or the other.

You, Alera, are an utter, utter prick!
Why because I dont trust Robinho to put in the effort in a crucial game ? Its not like he has done much to suggest he would recently.
alera said:
Why because I dont trust Robinho to put in the effort in a crucial game ? Its not like he has done much to suggest he would recently.

In his last game he scored one and set one up. Your little witch hunt is pathetic
Sorry guys, wasn't trying to stir up another Robinho argument. I was just wondering, presuming it was his last game, whether an outstanding performance and possibly a goal tonight would be any kind of redemption for him.
In his last game he scored one and set one up. Your little witch hunt is pathetic

In fairness agaisnt a div 1 side and it was his first semi acceptable performance in 12 months. One swallow does not make a summer.

I honestly cant trust him to pay tonight this much is true, if its deliberate or he just doesnt try what is the difference ? This game is just too important, his attitude stinks, he clearly doesnt want to play for the club. He might not care that its our first chance of a cup final in 30 years but I certainly do.

Sorry if it upsets people I just cant trust him to play any part in this game, if others can fair play they are better men than me.

Really we should bury this and get on with the game tonight. Whatever people think and its clearly an immotive issue its gone too far in this and the other thread, I have had enough of talking about Robinho with such an important game tonight. So I will leave you all too it. As far as I am concerned I have wasted enough time talking about him.
alera said:
Could he be trusted in this game ? It would be like him to deliberately play badly, loose us the game to make sure we let him go.

This game is so important surely we cant even risk having him in the stadium tonight ? With the way he has acted I dont think he should have been allowed into training this week or had any access to the first team squad.

Too much of a distraction. Should have been sent home until this Santos transfer is sorted out one way or the other.

This is utter bollocks, I have cheered this bloke to the rafters when he has played for us and then critized about his attitude on here when he played like he couldnt be bothered to be here , but the above statement is way out of order. I doubt if he will play but if he does and puts in a good shift then it will be a perfect opportunity to ram a few words down peoples throats including mine and I will be delighted,

I dont know if you have noticed but Man U are shite

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