Ref Watch

I have no idea what Humphrey is on about 'clearing it up' - that video doesn't definitely show it hitting the shoulder first at all. Combined with the other angle, which shows his arms in front of his body and batting it away, it's still a pen.
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I have no idea what Humphries is on about 'clearing it up' - that video doesn't definitely show it hitting the shoulder first at all. Combined with the other angle, which shows his arms in front of his body and batting it away, it's still a pen.

These wankers just won't let it lie..utter tossers ....I bet he was trawling the whole web to try and disprove the outrageously obvious.

**** needs to get a life..
Oh and a different job...

I have no idea what Humphries is on about 'clearing it up' - that video doesn't definitely show it hitting the shoulder first at all. Combined with the other angle, which shows his arms in front of his body and batting it away, it's still a pen.

It took 2 hours for that to appear and all it does is very slightly muddy the water. Is that the best they can do ? Uefa are as useless as the PL and the referees are equally as bad.
Peter Walton has stated it wasn't checked, why not ?

I have no idea what Humphries is on about 'clearing it up' - that video doesn't definitely show it hitting the shoulder first at all. Combined with the other angle, which shows his arms in front of his body and batting it away, it's still a pen.

It’s an example of why you have to see many angles of an incident before you can be sure. It’s also a factor of how long and hard you look too though. I’m not convinced var has even seen that angle or that it’s conclusive. I preferred it when the man in the middle ran the show. He was fallible but we accepted it and moved on. Now he sees nothing and we’re left with a greater sense of injustice because the fail safe technology is there to back him up rather than improve the game. Then it’s left to the media to sort it out, if the shirt’s the right colour. Every game it’s happening, fuckin tiresome.

I have no idea what Humphries is on about 'clearing it up' - that video doesn't definitely show it hitting the shoulder first at all. Combined with the other angle, which shows his arms in front of his body and batting it away, it's still a pen.

Funny how the one angle for the Llorente handball that shows it hit his hand didn’t seem to get as much showing.
I'm shocked that he went as far as to say that it wasn't looked at by he has

I'm shocked that he went as far as to say that it wasn't looked at by VAR.
Not sure why walton has a monitor link with Eufa. Remove that link and any other links that do not apply to VAR officials remove possibility of outside influences.
Defo hits his arm.

Only thing that saves him is arms are tucked in.
Stuff like that was constantly given at W.C.
I suspect had it been the other end it would have been too

If that late angle is fair, it's not handball. As you say, the arm isn't extended and it's on the upper arm - he can't make himself smaller.

The only thing that I can think of is that the ref saw it clearly from wherever he was standing.
Walton confirmed VAR hadn't looked at it, which means there was no request to do so.

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