Ref Watch

All I can say is I have never noticed an incident where a referee has stopped play without making a decision to get the VARs opinion. It certainly didn’t happen in the handball incident that you used as an example. Play continued until it was out of play in the other half. I’ll keep an eye out. Out of interest, how does play restart in these instances, when the VAR rules there’s been no offence?
He stopped play immediately after the ball went out, which was fairly quickly in the case of the handball incident.

In the case of the Mitoma potential penalty incident, the ball was immediately out of play and he stopped play to just stand outside of the penalty box and listen to his earpiece, again telling all of the players approaching him that was what he was doing.

Play resumes normally as it always does.

Again, you are trying to shift to non-sequitur to distract from your argument having no weight in reason or fact.

Referees are leaning on VAR to make decisions for them, rather than make the decisions themselves and have VAR confirm if they are correct or not.

There will be more examples of this as the season goes on and I am sure you will continue to explain them away for some strange reason.
He stopped play immediately after the ball went out, which was fairly quickly in the case of the handball incident.

In the case of the Mitoma potential penalty incident, the ball was immediately out of play and he stopped play to just stand outside of the penalty box and listen to his earpiece, again telling all of the players approaching him that was what he was doing.

Play resumes normally as it always does.

Again, you are trying to shift to non-sequitur to distract from your argument having no weight in reason or fact.

Referees are leaning on VAR to make decisions for them, rather than make the decisions themselves and have VAR confirm if they are correct or not.

There will be more examples of this as the season goes on and I am sure you will continue to explain them away for some strange reason.

Ok, so he didn’t “stop play”. He waited for the ball to go out of play and then delayed the restart until the VAR had informed him he’d not seen a clear error and he can restart the game. That’s two completely different things and is exactly how it is supposed to work.
Ref watch with Gallagher
Fulham‘s blatant penalty ignored and not brought up. Anthony’s kick out ignored and not brought up.
All about referee protection yet no action or discussion about Rat face telling the ref to fuck off again
Just another week of corrupt officiating swept under the carpet

Just another non-incident worthy approach by Dermot the PiGMOL spokesman - rag transgressions conveniently ignored.

Better not to watch imo as it is so fucking predictable where rags and /or dippers are involved.
Ok, so he didn’t “stop play”. He waited for the ball to go out of play and then delayed the restart until the VAR had informed him he’d not seen a clear error and he can restart the game. That’s two completely different things and is exactly how it is supposed to work.
No, not making a decision on the pitch and stopping play (or “delaying restart”, as you put it) so that VAR can then make the decision for the referee is not exactly how it is supposed to work. Referees are officiating games differently now, and it is obvious to literally everyone but you.

Even beyond that, you aren’t arguing the point, you’re again trying to play the semantics game to distract from your stance increasingly having little weight in reason or fact.

Genuine question: are you a member of the PGMOL management team?

It’s difficult to understand why you would continually make irrational arguments and excuses for the many established issues with the current state of officiating and VAR otherwise.

What do you gain by being the apologist for the FA, PL, and PGMOL?
If play stops for VAR when the ball is out of play, it starts as it normally would.

I don't think that refs are not making decisions - that would be specifically counter to the regs.

I think instead that there is a tendency to make a 'safe' decision, knowing that VAR should pick up some of those incidents. I think in some cases, they make a decision and may ask VAR to e.g. confirm something being inside the area, although VAR should check anyway regardless.
I don't think it's the way it should be used, but it's my impression. It's possible the ref is just explaining to VAR what he saw and why he played on, as that allows VAR to look for an error in what the ref thinks he saw (as opposed to a judgement on something the ref says he saw clearly).

This can look like they're not making decisions, but I don't recall seeing a ref stop play with the ball in play unless VAR is directing him to a screen review, or a definite line call (e.g. penalty area in/out).
I would say this is a very generous interpretation of the current trend in officiating but one that is far more rational and reasonable than “nothing has changed, everything is working exactly as it should”.

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