Ref Watch

Doesn't matter how bad you think the Rat Face incident was. There was a line, which he crossed. You simply cannot lay a hand on an official.
That’s what I think. There was a slight difference between the two incidents but not enough for the hair splitting to give players of certain clubs a free pass. No controversy if Fernandes had been given a ban. It’s amusing to watch the squirming to justify degrees of action or inaction though.
Honestly, when you hear comments from the likes of Dermot how can anyone not think the alleged bias as a minimum towards certain clubs exists or at worst, the game is utterly bent?

Mitrovic and Fernandez incidents are exactly the same. Both angry at decisions, both screaming at an official and both our hands on yet only one is sanctioned and only one will get the book thrown at them and only one has these bent counts desperately making excuses for him.
And, if Fernandez had been punished by the FA retrospectively, I’d imagine Mitrovic doesn’t happen. Of course, he might just be a knob and it wouldn’t have made any difference, but the precedent looked to have been set, that you CAN touch an official and there will be no punishment.
Rugby League player gets 10 week ban for grabbing referee with a maximum sentence of 12 months. It’s almost like there’s a correlation between possible punishment and player behaviour! Who knew?
That’s a good shout, now that I think about it.

By the way, I think you were stretching the meaning of tolerant in your previous post. ;-)

I had many discussions with Alan Harper’s ‘Tash, if that’s who you mean.

I think you’re overestimating my commitment to do whatever it is that would achieve, if you think I’m going to be firing up two devices and chatting away to myself in a thread.
I had many discussions with Alan Harper’s ‘Tash, if that’s who you mean.

I think you’re overestimating my commitment to do whatever it is that would achieve, if you think I’m going to be firing up two devices and chatting away to myself in a thread.
I would never overestimate you!

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