Ref Watch

As much as I am still buzzing about yesterday’s result I am still fuming with some of the decisions. How is the trip by Fred on Kev not a penalty? It’s nailed on everyday. I am wondering if the refs view is blinded by the player in front but surely VAR has to step in?

As for the Casemiro stamp ending in a free kick to them….
Simple answer lies with man in var incompetent or bent.
The hand ball has to be deliberate OR he has to have made his body naturally bigger (or whatever the actual wording is). In my opinion, by moving his arm up when he did, he gave them the excuse they needed. I get that you disagree. I agree with you that it's a shit decision. I agree with you that the pigmol is gunning for us.
If you jump without using your arms for leverage you'll end up jumping like a masai mara tribesman
Its clear to all Jacks arm position was clearly a consequence of him jumping to try and head the ball. So because of this action he cannot be judged to have made himself unnaturally bigger. So no infringement and completely justifiable.

And this is where I disagree. You clearly see Jack's arms go up as he jumps (natural), they then go down as he goes down (natural) then his left arm goes back up for no reason (not natural). Like I said to someone else,.stand up and jump as high as you can, and tell me what your arms do on the way down.
The hand ball has to be deliberate OR he has to have made his body naturally bigger (or whatever the actual wording is). In my opinion, by moving his arm up when he did, he gave them the excuse they needed. I get that you disagree. I agree with you that it's a shit decision. I agree with you that the pigmol is gunning for us.
If you jump without using your arms for leverage you'll end up jumping like a masa mara tribesman
Stand up and jump as high as you can and tell me that you move your arms up on the way down.
Do not forget that most headers are not from a standing start but the result of forward motion, so gravity alone does not come into play. Just think about long jumpers how after the initial leap, the legs are then thrust forward to gain extra momentum. Staying with football how many times do players get smacked in the face when contesting headers.
i say this every season:

how can there STILL be people on here that claim there is NO anti city bias or anti city agenda
Too right there's an agenda. Bent as fuck. Media. Pigmol. Yank owners. New York Times. The Atletic and the dodgy scribes. We're so good we still beat the feckers. Oh, SKY. BT. BBC. ITV. DRINK IT IN YOU TOSSERS. hic!
As much as I am still buzzing about yesterday’s result I am still fuming with some of the decisions. How is the trip by Fred on Kev not a penalty? It’s nailed on everyday. I am wondering if the refs view is blinded by the player in front but surely VAR has to step in?

As for the Casemiro stamp ending in a free kick to them….
Yep, I'm the same. It's absolutely blatent on Kev.

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