
Never mind blaming the officials ... once again we fucked up big style.Too many players were negative,too many players were off key and too may players at times didn`t want to get stuck in and put their brains into gear.We are far too slow at moving the ball quickly from a -b, without going sidewards or backwards on countless occasions.
The linesman cheated there is simply no other word for it. When Sane crossed the ball the Linesman was level with the edge of the penalty area. Factually he couldn't possibly have seen the ball go out. He has ruled the goal out on the basis of a 'wild guess'.Why would he do that? A big question and one that the club should do everything in their power to get to the bottom of. Other incidents this season might be explained away. This one is the clearest yet that there is systemic cheating happening.
I wonder what the officials think of today's performance. Would you think they sit down and look at it again, and the lino who flagged, is he gonna hold his hand up and realise he's buggered another team, or are they gonna wrap themselves in the notion of 'a series of honest mistakes, and that's football,' as they know it?

You'll never know. They're bigger than fergie, they do what they want
Fuck all in it and dont forget, its immediately preceded by Pawson giving a foul against yaya in midfield for having the audacity to chip and try running away from an Arsenal player.

I'd say you couldn't make it up but Pawson did today for 120 mins.

Non penalty, blind linesman, best player kicked off the park and plenty of yellow cards to stop us putting a foot in on them whilst they can basically do whatever the fuck they like to us.

Football is just great isnt it?

I can't recall Pawson having a decent game whenever I've seen him. Like a lot of them, he hides behind the authority that PiGMOL, the PL, and the FA bestow on him, like all the Whistling Wankers do! There are so many instances this season where we could sit down more than a handful of refs and linos and ask them ever so politely, "Just what the fuck were you doing there? Where in the Laws of the Game does that decision appear?'
had a result in mind from the first whistle and got it. Don't think the players and club appreciate just how on it we have to be and just how good we have to be to prove it, Mancini showed that for all his faults. He got it, I don't think the current regime has quite yet, and that's coming from me, not a Mancini lover.
hmmm...maybe but again it would have to be a huge conspiracy.

the penalty today was one but he dint give the one against navas either.

the disallowed goal....well its bad decision by the lino not the ref but he does put his flag up straight away which says to me even though he was wrong he was doing it honestly was a gut reaction and he does it before the ball is put in by aguero (and then sterling).....wrong decision but I'm not sure is blatant cheating
unless that lino was stood on the dead ball line he is guessing and they are not allowed to guess so he cant make that call
The linesman cheated there is simply no other word for it. When Sane crossed the ball the Linesman was level with the edge of the penalty area. Factually he couldn't possibly have seen the ball go out. He has ruled the goal out on the basis of a 'wild guess'.Why would he do that? A big question and one that the club should do everything in their power to get to the bottom of. Other incidents this season might be explained away. This one is the clearest yet that there is systemic cheating happening.

Absolutely bang on the money. So to win a game against the top 4/5 if you take out the goals and decisions we won't get, to win against these teams we have to be a minimum of 3/4 goals better.

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