
In the interests of fairness, I think it's worth highlighting that Michael Oliver was very good tonight. West Ham fans probably won't agree because of the penalty decision (even though it was a correct call in my view), but that just highlights the point I was making earlier that all fans feel aggrieved about refs at some point.
In the interests of fairness, I think it's worth highlighting that Michael Oliver was very good tonight. West Ham fans probably won't agree because of the penalty decision (even though it was a correct call in my view), but that just highlights the point I was making earlier that all fans feel aggrieved about refs at some point.

Yeah agree he was good, oh to have ref referee us like that every game like the scum get.
In the interests of fairness, I think it's worth highlighting that Michael Oliver was very good tonight. West Ham fans probably won't agree because of the penalty decision (even though it was a correct call in my view), but that just highlights the point I was making earlier that all fans feel aggrieved about refs at some point.

Nice easy game for him to ref as West Ham hardly made a tackle of note and let us play. The pen was really the only decision he had to make and it was a pen. Soft but a pen all the same. There have been some decent ones recently. Atkinson was good the other week
In the interests of fairness, I think it's worth highlighting that Michael Oliver was very good tonight. West Ham fans probably won't agree because of the penalty decision (even though it was a correct call in my view), but that just highlights the point I was making earlier that all fans feel aggrieved about refs at some point.

The problem with the Laws of the Game these days is that the knobs like Shearer, either as part of his BBC brief but more likely down to the fact that he's pretty clueless, attempt to add a level of interpretation that is wholly unnecessary and wholly wrong. He suggested that the pen last night was a wrong call! Nobody likes a pen conceded whether it's fair and square or a Swamp Donkey dive, but to come up with the verdict of 'no pen' on a clear and obvious trip is just the kind of nonsense he delivers as standard.

Imagine Bottler Michael deciding that the foul on Zab had been perpetrated on one of the home side at The Bridge, The Emirates, Anfield, The Lane or The Swamp. I wonder what Conte et Co would say about it, what the RagDipperArseHaringeyMeedya would write and what would happen to Oliver if that wasn't given.

We have been shafted by more than a couple of referees' incompetence, for want of a gentler word, and, though I haven't seen the whole range of refereeing across the whole PL, I would suspect that there isn't a team who can display being on the wrong end of the length and breadth of refs' partiality as we can. And that doesn't include the sheer bloody nonsense that the FArce disciplinary committee come up with from time to time.
In the interests of fairness, I think it's worth highlighting that Michael Oliver was very good tonight. West Ham fans probably won't agree because of the penalty decision (even though it was a correct call in my view), but that just highlights the point I was making earlier that all fans feel aggrieved about refs at some point.

Completely agree. That penalty decision was an also an example of why I'm wary of introducing video replays for anything further than offsides or goals, as there will be differing interpretations based on the individual (and why a lot of analysis of refereeing is flawed. It wasn't definitely a penalty or not, I think he could have interpreted it either way and been correct).
Oliver was good but was there many tackles from either team? Regarding the penalty and Shearer saying no, that's fine as I'm on the fence a bit, but it's all these pundits who started the "there was contact so he's entitled to go down" nonsense and I can picture Shearer saying these exact words. Not sure how that was different to any other similar penalty where there was contact.
Not sure if anyone has seen, but yet again the red shite should have 2 more red cards today...Young and Romero!

As you can imagine the BT commentators brushed them both aside and the ref bottled both Tackles!,,

No wonder PEP is fucked with them Already!!!
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I too was amazed that the commentators did not mention the dive. It looked like the slow motion replay was cut short when they realised it was a dive. So I rewound the tv and replayed it.
A definite dive. But no discussion of it ? And then in the second half Young goes it with stud's showing. A yellow card for sure, possible red. So Young should certainly have been sent off for
two yellow cards. But will it be mentioned again by the media. No it won't................... Not a dominant discoure ?

As the ref's basic nature is being unbiased and "Fair Play" is key, the media will certainly compare that foul to Fernandinho's.
And they will find it was compleeeeeeeeetely different. No card, simple. Dinho: straight red, simple too.

If all that happened in Russia I would shrug off. But England?? Wtf is going wrong there?
The biggest problem with referees at the moment is just plain incompetence in my opinion, rather than anything more sinister. I appreciate that the game is faster than ever, and that it is undoubtedly an incredibly difficult job, but the current crop of refs are probably the worst I can remember. It says a lot when Clattenburg and Atkinson are the two best.

The sooner some form of video reffing comes in, the better.
Quite often Halsey,Poll ,Gallagher and Webb fail to agree on decisions,so who will the Video Refs be if former FIFA Officials can`t come to a concensus?
That 'tackle' by swallow diver Young today for the rags was as bad as Aguero's and therefore should be played on continuous loop by SkyUtd & BBCrags, but they're too busy gushing about Rooney and how united totally dominated. FCUK OFF!!!!!!!

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