
Nobody will agree with me on this most likely, but I thought the ref was more than fair today, for a change. He was extremely lenient with a few of our tackles in the first half, Sane for example and as for the penalty, had Sterling gone down he would have hopefully have given it. Doesn't make it right, but perhaps, just perhaps, he assumed (wrongly) that Sterling playing on, meant he wasn't impeded. I know I know.

So, whilst his performance was far from perfect, given recent games the ref was decent, that aside, we had enough bloody good chances, yet again to win, my son and I were ecstatic when a certain Mr. Jesus scored the sadly offside goal in the last few.

Fact is he got it wrong. Penalty, red card, game over. If Pep can see it from half way line how come 3 officials can't see it.
Fucking done with these bent officials. Bring in the robots, appeals, reviews, the whole damn works.
How long do we stay silent? Wish the club would grow some balls, take the fine, and put them right in the spotlight. Seems to have worked for Peg/Whisky nose. Not even subtle any more. Just stinks of trying to restore "the old older" to the top four, at our expense. Fuckin bent as fuck, and we need to take a firm stance. The softly softly, lets all be pals, will get you fuckin nowhere. As proved, by how long this has been fuckin going on. American wrestling is less scripted, than this shit. Corrupt ****s!!
The referee had a horrible game today and that performance should be noted by whoever is responsible for assessing referees. Sterling had three penalty shouts, all viable but non given. NOT THE ONLY REASON we dropped two crucial points today but it certainly played its part in a very creepy-unlucky kind of match.
The media-led backlash against Stirling and City , seeping into the perceptions and decision-making of referees, was absolutely exemplified by that game this evening.
Today's decision stems from the referee being tainted with the same bias as 99% of all non city fans and that bias relates to wanting to see Sterling fail. To not see the push when it was so blatantly obvious is ridiculous.
Webb says if he'd have gone down it would have been a pen & a red but we know different.

It's every game & I can't help but think if Otamendi had have pushed Alli over it would have been a straight red know letter of the law & all that.

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