Reform UK Party Limited Company

It'd be easy to grant him a second chance if he wasn't still a racist, hateful **** at the age of 60. He's poison.

Yes it's the subtext of any second chance. Hitler had the opportunity for a second chance.

Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison, where he dictated Mein Kampf to fellow prisoners Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess. On 20 December 1924, having served only nine months, Hitler was released.

We all know how that turned out.*

*Most of us do. The others need to read a book without pictures.
Forget the fascism and racism.

Reform is offering a 'programme' that involves unfunded expenditure on a massive scale. Making Liz Truss seem like the acme of prudence. This would (if it happened!) lead to huge interest rate rises and quite possibly a crashed £. If you doubt it, look at Truss's legacy.

The funny thing is when Corbyn wanted to increase public expenditure he put forward a costed manifesto that was signed off by economists. But people found that too scary, as it would 'bankrupt the country'.

So why this change in attitude? It is, by the way, impossible to bankrupt a country with its own fiat currency. However, what happens when you sharply increase borrowing (the only way Farage's programme could be financed in the real world) is you shove up inflation and interest rates and devalue the currency. Of course, none of this will matter much to multi-millionaires living abroad, but for us ordinary saps it will be absolutely devastating. Indeed, you better own your own house outright, because rents and mortgages will soar to new heights.

The only reason I can think of for the change in attitude is that some people hate this country so much that they are willing to burn it to the ground as long as immigrants and 'darkies' suffer. That's quite terrifying. And some people think Frogface is a 'patriot'. Bollocks, there's more to being a patriot than waving a flag and hating foreigners. The real patriots of WW2 would not have pissed on the likes of Farage if they were on fire.
Forget the fascism and racism.

Reform is offering a 'programme' that involves unfunded expenditure on a massive scale. Making Liz Truss seem like the acme of prudence. This would (if it happened!) lead to huge interest rate rises and quite possibly a crashed £. If you doubt it, look at Truss's legacy.

The funny thing is when Corbyn wanted to increase public expenditure he put forward a costed manifesto that was signed off by economists. But people found that too scary, as it would 'bankrupt the country'.

So why this change in attitude? It is, by the way, impossible to bankrupt a country with its own fiat currency. However, what happens when you sharply increase borrowing (the only way Farage's programme could be financed in the real world) is you shove up inflation and interest rates and devalue the currency. Of course, none of this will matter much to multi-millionaires living abroad, but for us ordinary saps it will be absolutely devastating. Indeed, you better own your own house outright, because rents and mortgages will soar to new heights.

The only reason I can think of for the change in attitude is that some people hate this country so much that they are willing to burn it to the ground as long as immigrants and 'darkies' suffer. That's quite terrifying. And some people think Frogface is a 'patriot'. Bollocks, there's more to being a patriot than waving a flag and hating foreigners. The real patriots of WW2 would not have pissed on the likes of Farage if they were on fire.

They can offer what they want - even Farage admits they are not expecting to form a Govt so it doesn't matter. The important thing for them is that they appeal to the anti-forriner, anti-everything morons that form their base. Most of them follow Farage not a Party so they don't even care he has signalled he expects to lead the Tory Party by 2026 ....... as it happens its because of his stance and position that his "plans" are put properly under the microscope they are shown to be bollocks but its important to stress that none of their base understand that and probably just think "well its Nigel so they would say that wouldn't they".

Worthy of note is how Tice has distanced himself from all this - I suspect that having been usurped by Farage for the leadership he is happy to let him take the questioning I presume because he thinks Farage can take the flak as part of his role.
Forget the fascism and racism.

Reform is offering a 'programme' that involves unfunded expenditure on a massive scale. Making Liz Truss seem like the acme of prudence. This would (if it happened!) lead to huge interest rate rises and quite possibly a crashed £. If you doubt it, look at Truss's legacy.

The funny thing is when Corbyn wanted to increase public expenditure he put forward a costed manifesto that was signed off by economists. But people found that too scary, as it would 'bankrupt the country'.

So why this change in attitude? It is, by the way, impossible to bankrupt a country with its own fiat currency. However, what happens when you sharply increase borrowing (the only way Farage's programme could be financed in the real world) is you shove up inflation and interest rates and devalue the currency. Of course, none of this will matter much to multi-millionaires living abroad, but for us ordinary saps it will be absolutely devastating. Indeed, you better own your own house outright, because rents and mortgages will soar to new heights.

The only reason I can think of for the change in attitude is that some people hate this country so much that they are willing to burn it to the ground as long as immigrants and 'darkies' suffer. That's quite terrifying. And some people think Frogface is a 'patriot'. Bollocks, there's more to being a patriot than waving a flag and hating foreigners. The real patriots of WW2 would not have pissed on the likes of Farage if they were on fire.
Quite brilliant!
Forget the fascism and racism.

Reform is offering a 'programme' that involves unfunded expenditure on a massive scale. Making Liz Truss seem like the acme of prudence. This would (if it happened!) lead to huge interest rate rises and quite possibly a crashed £. If you doubt it, look at Truss's legacy.

The funny thing is when Corbyn wanted to increase public expenditure he put forward a costed manifesto that was signed off by economists. But people found that too scary, as it would 'bankrupt the country'.

So why this change in attitude? It is, by the way, impossible to bankrupt a country with its own fiat currency. However, what happens when you sharply increase borrowing (the only way Farage's programme could be financed in the real world) is you shove up inflation and interest rates and devalue the currency. Of course, none of this will matter much to multi-millionaires living abroad, but for us ordinary saps it will be absolutely devastating. Indeed, you better own your own house outright, because rents and mortgages will soar to new heights.

The only reason I can think of for the change in attitude is that some people hate this country so much that they are willing to burn it to the ground as long as immigrants and 'darkies' suffer. That's quite terrifying. And some people think Frogface is a 'patriot'. Bollocks, there's more to being a patriot than waving a flag and hating foreigners. The real patriots of WW2 would not have pissed on the likes of Farage if they were on fire.
You and all the wokey leftists and middle of the road Tories need to take a reality check.

I don't think anyone who votes Reform (and I will do this time) realistically expects them to form a Government (and probably for the most part hope they won't). Most people that are voting are going to do so as a protest vote to give the main two political parties a massive kick up the arse that they desperately need.

I for one am sick and tired of all these politicians both Tories and Labour that won't answer questions and every time they come out they have a script and they never deviate from it - It's sickening and both Labour and Tories are the same.

The best way I can think of about getting a decent ruling Government is to have a proportional representation system where you will see your vote counting... and they (the Politicians) will have to work much harder to get them. The current system has gone well beyond its sell by date and needs change.
You and all the wokey leftists and middle of the road Tories need to take a reality check.

I don't think anyone who votes Reform (and I will do this time) realistically expects them to form a Government (and probably for the most part hope they won't). Most people that are voting are going to do so as a protest vote to give the main two political parties a massive kick up the arse that they desperately need.

I for one am sick and tired of all these politicians both Tories and Labour that won't answer questions and every time they come out they have a script and they never deviate from it - It's sickening and both Labour and Tories are the same.

The best way I can think of about getting a decent ruling Government is to have a proportional representation system where you will see your vote counting... and they (the Politicians) will have to work much harder to get them. The current system has gone well beyond its sell by date and needs change.
Have you factored in him actually winning and what that might do for the country?

Which bit do you think Farage ad libs? He’s got a script too.

No winning party will change to PR. Why would they, if it gives them less chance of winning next time around?

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