Reform UK Party Limited Company

You and all the wokey leftists and middle of the road Tories need to take a reality check.

I don't think anyone who votes Reform (and I will do this time) realistically expects them to form a Government (and probably for the most part hope they won't). Most people that are voting are going to do so as a protest vote to give the main two political parties a massive kick up the arse that they desperately need.

I for one am sick and tired of all these politicians both Tories and Labour that won't answer questions and every time they come out they have a script and they never deviate from it - It's sickening and both Labour and Tories are the same.

The best way I can think of about getting a decent ruling Government is to have a proportional representation system where you will see your vote counting... and they (the Politicians) will have to work much harder to get them. The current system has gone well beyond its sell by date and needs change.
It’s funny it’s always fans of the parties that attract the bottom feeders of society who bang on about reality checks.
Your reality or the reality of all the other people voting for the racist shitshow is not mine thank you very much.
Be careful you don’t scrape your knuckles walking to the ballot box.
You and all the wokey leftists and middle of the road Tories need to take a reality check.

I don't think anyone who votes Reform (and I will do this time) realistically expects them to form a Government (and probably for the most part hope they won't). Most people that are voting are going to do so as a protest vote to give the main two political parties a massive kick up the arse that they desperately need.

I for one am sick and tired of all these politicians both Tories and Labour that won't answer questions and every time they come out they have a script and they never deviate from it - It's sickening and both Labour and Tories are the same.

The best way I can think of about getting a decent ruling Government is to have a proportional representation system where you will see your vote counting... and they (the Politicians) will have to work much harder to get them. The current system has gone well beyond its sell by date and needs change.
Wokey Leftists. You just invalidated every point you were trying to make with those two words. But do enjoy your protest vote for a fascist Putin sympathiser.
My question is, did all those now clamouring for PR do so when Johnson got his 80-seat majority on 43.5% of the vote? I think not.

I was advocating PR when many of you on here were still in their Dad's ballsack. But don't delude yourself it will solve everything. It means perpetual government by coalition. That means two or three parties get together and strike a deal. They may or may not agree on a deal you like. Either way, their manifestos will be vitiated.

Do you know why the main parties are mealy-mouthed? Because they have to be, as they are all seeking the largest minority vote possible, and to do that you have to try to appeal to as broad a range of voters as you can. The non-Tories also know that if they give the slightest opening, the Tory press will crucify them. Honesty does not get you elected.

By the way 'woke' means alert to injustice. As opposed to being an ignorant bigot. Though it's an American term, and like all the other political shit imported from the USA, has no real place in this country. A general point - we are way too influenced by American 'thought' in politics, and it's high time we abandoned our love affair with their delusions and started patterning ourselves on successful countries like Finland and Denmark instead.
My question is, did all those now clamouring for PR do so when Johnson got his 80-seat majority on 43.5% of the vote? I think not.

I was advocating PR when many of you on here were still in their Dad's ballsack. But don't delude yourself it will solve everything. It means perpetual government by coalition. That means two or three parties get together and strike a deal. They may or may not agree on a deal you like. Either way, their manifestos will be vitiated.

Do you know why the main parties are mealy-mouthed? Because they have to be, as they are all seeking the largest minority vote possible, and to do that you have to try to appeal to as broad a range of voters as you can. The non-Tories also know that if they give the slightest opening, the Tory press will crucify them. Honesty does not get you elected.

By the way 'woke' means alert to injustice. As opposed to being an ignorant bigot. Though it's an American term, and like all the other political shit imported from the USA, has no real place in this country. A general point - we are way too influenced by American 'thought' in politics, and it's high time we abandoned our love affair with their delusions and started patterning ourselves on successful countries like Finland and Denmark instead.
I am like you and have been advocating PR for years and years, It may be tougher, politicians may have to work a bit harder (bless 'em).

I fully recognise the risks involved and we could end up with Italian style politics where you never get a majority.... but think about this;#: Labour could and probably will end up with a landslide majority of 200+ seats meaning they will be able to herd their sheep into doing anything.... yet they will around only 45% of the public vote... does that seem correct?
I am like you and have been advocating PR for years and years, It may be tougher, politicians may have to work a bit harder (bless 'em).

I fully recognise the risks involved and we could end up with Italian style politics where you never get a majority.... but think about this;#: Labour could and probably will end up with a landslide majority of 200+ seats meaning they will be able to herd their sheep into doing anything.... yet they will around only 45% of the public vote... does that seem correct?
No, it doesn't, but as I said no one moaned when Johnson got his majority on a minority of the vote. The press was full of shit about what a huge and decisive mandate he had been given.

In 2019 PR would almost certainly have given us a second referendum instead of Johnson's hopelessly botched Brexit.

Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, and too many people are anti-FPTP now because they see it working against them instead of (as is usually the case) for them. Usually, the left vote is divided the right vote is united. That's what's changed.

I would be very, very, very surprised if any party elected on FPTP changed the system. The only hope is a coalition where one of the partners insists on PR. Funnily enough, we had that situation with the Con-Lib coalition, but Cameron somehow wangled a referendum on AV (which no one wanted). Even many PR supporters voted against that. And now that is seen (by many people) as a mandate against PR, even though PR was never offered. In fairness, it was a far more decisive majority than the Brexit vote, so you can see a certain logic there.

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