Reform UK Party Limited Company

Because they don’t care.
I'm not sure they don't care, I just think people are numb to it. Hardly a week goes by without someone being compared to Hitler or their policies being akin to the Nazis that it just becomes white noise - Boris, farage, Cummings, Corbyn (lol), braverman, Patel, etc. that's just a few off the tip of my head, and the problem is that when someone really dangerous comes along it doesn't register. Boy who cried wolf etc.
Even if you're just toying with supporting Farage and his goons, remember, he was known for marching singing Hitler Youth songs, thinks Trump is OK and now appears to be considered an ally by the Russion regime. But I guess just like Brexit, at least you know what you're voting for.
I'm not sure they don't care, I just think people are numb to it. Hardly a week goes by without someone being compared to Hitler or their policies being akin to the Nazis that it just becomes white noise - Boris, farage, Cummings, Corbyn (lol), braverman, Patel, etc. that's just a few off the tip of my head, and the problem is that when someone really dangerous comes along it doesn't register. Boy who cried wolf etc.

Farage, Cummings and Corbyn have always had a strong pro-Russian stance. The Morning Star has been bigging up Farage for his stance on Ukraine. The far right and far left have an identical stance on the Ukraine war and Syria.

And no, people are not numb. Farage appeals to them with his attitudes and racism. The media in the main has never called out Farage. They adopt your policy of pandering and appeasing him. Worked a treat so far.
Some of their policies.. MORE fossil fuel, but learn how to adapt to climate change! hahaha.
And an inquiry into the covid vaccine!! They're just pandering to the thickest members of the population. Many of them it seems too.
China are opening two new coal mines a month! We are literally pissing in the ocean. Politicians all over the world insist we all go over to electric vehicles immediately to get to net zero by 2030, which isn’t that far away. Then they hit China with massive import tarrifs to stop cheap EV’s coming into the country which would enable the western world to meet the net zero targets. How the fuck does that work?
Farage, Cummings and Corbyn have always had a strong pro-Russian stance. The Morning Star has been bigging up Farage for his stance on Ukraine. The far right and far left have an identical stance on the Ukraine war and Syria.

And no, people are not numb. Farage appeals to them with his attitudes and racism. The media in the main has never called out Farage. They adopt your policy of pandering and appeasing him. Worked a treat so far.
Corbyn has repeatedly criticised Putin over the years.
Corbyn has repeatedly criticised Putin over the years.
When the Salisbury poisonings happened Corbyn went out on a limb to suggest it wouldn’t be the Russians. He only wound his neck in when the security services released pictures and videos of the fully identified Russians on their day trip to Salisbury.
Farage, Cummings and Corbyn have always had a strong pro-Russian stance. The Morning Star has been bigging up Farage for his stance on Ukraine. The far right and far left have an identical stance on the Ukraine war and Syria.

And no, people are not numb. Farage appeals to them with his attitudes and racism. The media in the main has never called out Farage. They adopt your policy of pandering and appeasing him. Worked a treat so far.
He's nothing to me bobert. Not sure why you need to imagine everyone fits into a few neat and simple boxes in your own head? There are certainly plenty of things about farage that are disturbing and disingenuous, and his ability to package some fairly extreme views into a palatable 'man of the people' package possibly makes him a worry.
I think the collapse of the big two party's is the real problem. The Tories obviously, but also the hollowing out of Labour into a vacuous neo-liberal project leaves the poor and disenfranchised vulnerable to extremism and populism.

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