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When the Salisbury poisonings happened Corbyn went out on a limb to suggest it wouldn’t be the Russians. He only wound his neck in when the security services released pictures and videos of the fully identified Russians on their day trip to Salisbury.
So, when presented with the evidence he came to the correct conclusion?
He's nothing to me bobert. Not sure why you need to imagine everyone fits into a few neat and simple boxes in your own head? There are certainly plenty of things about farage that are disturbing and disingenuous, and his ability to package some fairly extreme views into a palatable 'man of the people' package possibly makes him a worry.
I think the collapse of the big two party's is the real problem. The Tories obviously, but also the hollowing out of Labour into a vacuous neo-liberal project leaves the poor and disenfranchised vulnerable to extremism and populism.

I did enjoy ‘the hollowing out of Labour into a vacuous neo-liberal project’ word salad.

Fuckers aren’t even in Govt yet and you’re already angling to blame them for the rise of some authoritarian weirdo. Sometimes you try to hard with the bad faith arguments and takes. You should let people know what you really think and want for a change.
Generally, the far left and the far right have more in common than you'd think, to the point where they're holding hands on some issues e.g. Brexit.
currently there is a twitter fight between Farage and Johnson about who first blamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Ukraine and not Putin .......... this election is the most mental one ever - hoping for a period of steady as she goes Politics please
Corbyn has repeatedly criticised Putin over the years.

Fair point.

Equally, his comments about not sending arms to Ukraine in the guise of a call for peace was a misjudgment and misread of Putin’s ambitions. He was also a signatory of ‘All who care’ which called for Ukraines neutrality and the immediate end of arms to Ukraine. Aside from this being somewhat high handed in excluding the Ukrainians from deciding what they would like for themselves, it only called for phased withdrawal of Russian troops. It was in effect an invitation to Russia to occupy Ukraine.

And then there is Seamus Milne and Ukraine.

I’ll stick with my view on the far right and far left being in accord with their stance on Ukraine.

Also I think we are in the wrong thread for this discussion :)
currently there is a twitter fight between Farage and Johnson about who first blamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Ukraine and not Putin .......... this election is the most mental one ever - hoping for a period of steady as she goes Politics please

Starmer being as boring as fuck can’t come quickly enough :)
I did enjoy ‘the hollowing out of Labour into a vacuous neo-liberal project’ word salad.

Fuckers aren’t even in Govt yet and you’re already angling to blame them for the rise of some authoritarian weirdo. Sometimes you try to hard with the bad faith arguments and takes. You should let people know what you really think and want for a change.
I did say exactly what I think, you just don't like it and have no actual opinions of your own. Just a long list of things you don't like and a fluffed up sense of self worth. Essentially bobert, you are a bit of a bigot.
I did say exactly what I think, you just don't like it and have no actual opinions of your own. Just a long list of things you don't like and a fluffed up sense of self worth. Essentially bobert, you are a bit of a bigot.

First time I’ve been accused of having no actual opinions. Most people hate my fucking opinions.

Also, no idea how this squares with having a long list of things I don’t like, which kind of sounds like a list of opinions. Mind you, it is a fucking long list.

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