Reform UK Party Limited Company

It's quite nice to see a large bunch of people on this thread pushing back against the one or two Reform voters, you'd think given the club we all love are owned by a Muslim, they'd be a bit more open minded, alas.

As someone who works with asylum seekers (they're not entering the country illegally because there's no legal route.) people think they're getting put up at the ritz and claridges. Even the high end hotels they are put into, all the facilities are closed, the rooms are adjusted for double occupancy, there's no personal space, they get fed what they're given, very little choice, not allowed to earn even though they'd like to, not allowed more than 50 quid a week after being dispersed into hmos/houses in poor states. Yes, everything else is paid for but since they're not allowed to work, there's not much else they can do. Can't buy anything, can't eat as well as they'd like, no luxuries. They get given a shite phone for contact from the HO. that's about it. They're not on a million benefits. They don't get free cars.

If you vote reform, you are a racist. You might not like the label, but if the boot fits.

Christ, you're irritating. Believe it or not, pal, this is a board for the Team, Manchester City, so we're rather more interested in what happens here than poor run down Wales, might be something to do with the country getting fuck all money from London but if the millions who keep voting for labour in Wales are wrong, and you're right, then why do they keep voting them in? Maybe you are just a sordid racist and try to back your views with b-but Labour, an old right wing tactic.

Both parts of your question are racist, people are concerned about the colours of people entering the country and their gender, nobody bats an eyelid at Ukranian refugees, but asian/african ones, suddenly there's too many. Also, we've freedom of expression not speech in this country and it's not freedom of consequence. You're entitled to feel how you want and me and others on this thread are entitled to call you a deluded racist sheepshagger.

Btw, you keep calling people racist for insulting the Welsh. Last I checked, the Welsh are not a race.

It's a shame to hear this, I live in Oldham town centre and haven't seen any major racism myself but I don't really go into locals and that. I do plan on moving as soon as I can closer back to family however, and if that's how it is, I won't look back.

Okay, so everyone who has 'seen and done things' and 'know how this world works' only vote Reform.

Guess I've not done anything at all in my life.

Whataboutism from people defending right wing parties. I dunno if you're trying to add balance to the thread but you just sound like you're defending racists.
I actually feel for anyone who is fleeing from countries that are run by terrorists I really do. But when you get to this count
You probably think they only respect those without cervices.

I was going to add a coupllllllle of extra Ls too for authenticity.
You can not answer it can you
I actually feel for anyone who is fleeing from countries that are run by terrorists I really do. But when you get to this count

You can not answer it can you
It’s an easy answer. The vast majority do, it’s just the minority of intolerant cunts that don’t. It’s akin to people who think all people who think everyone that follows a religion are the same.
If you work with them. Can you tell me the illegall immigrants who follow Islam respect women.
I work with a Muslim. Very close friends with him. He treats his partner (a white woman from Salford) with nothing but respect.

Next time you're going to typecast, strain just a few extra sinews to find a less tired refrain.

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