Reform UK Party Limited Company

If you work with them. Can you tell me the illegall immigrants who follow Islam respect women.
Don’t know any illegal immigrants myself,plenty of legal ones though, but maybe pop down to your local women's refuge centre and see how many abused women were from relationships with illegal immigrants, or even just muslims. Sure you’ll find plenty were from none immigrant relationships.
Don’t know any illegal immigrants myself,plenty of legal ones though, but maybe pop down to your local women's refuge centre and see how many abused women were from relationships with illegal immigrants, or even just muslims. Sure you’ll find plenty were from none immigrant relationships.
It’s almost as though being a **** isn’t confined to one particular creed or colour.
If you work with them. Can you tell me the illegall immigrants who follow Islam respect women.

I've worked with plenty of legal Muslim immigrants, first and second generation.

Anecdotally, I've never witnessed them acting pejoratively towards women - in fact, they are, by and large, exceedingly normal people who are just trying to get on like the rest of us. I've seen a fair amount of British folks acting pejoratively towards women but as they make up a much larger part of the work force that's probably just statistics, I don't then assume all British people hate women.

I have issues with Islam as a religion, in the same way I have issues with Christianity. I find them all medieval and regressive. I would never live in a theocratic Islamic state precisely because they don't have the freedoms that we here enjoy. Ironically, the people who are most vehemently against Islam are often the ones trying to turn us into a white people's version of Saudi Arabia. But in the same way Christians vary in their levels of radicalism, so do Muslims - and some unhelpful heuristic of assuming all Muslims are abusive to women is just a nonsense.

It makes me laugh that people will vote for Reform under the guise that the Muslims coming in disrespect our women, when we have had Reform candidates in the last week being openly disrespectful towards women. A bit of moral consistency applies here, perhaps?
Err, 'illegal immigrants' can't work.

Are those the ones who get given houses and cost £8m per day to be housed in 5 star luxury hotels, get given mobile phones and cars too?

Some people are sooooooooo gullible

Just to be clear as the wording might be a bit odd, when I say I work with Asylum Seekers, I work helping them. Which is why in my original post I spoke about the dismal conditions they inhabit.

I don't literally work with them as colleagues. I do work with plenty of English born Muslims though, enough to know they're just as normal as the rest of us.

The reform nutter who replied to me referred to them as illegal immigrants which is a misnomer in itself, the guy is a melon. Him and a couple of others in this thread just think Asylum Seekers are what's fucking up this country having voted in that shower that's been in charge 14 years. Least they're splitting the nutcase vote this time round.
Don’t know any illegal immigrants myself,plenty of legal ones though, but maybe pop down to your local women's refuge centre and see how many abused women were from relationships with illegal immigrants, or even just muslims. Sure you’ll find plenty were from none immigrant relationships.
Are you actually saying no women where battered or abused before immigration surged under theTories?

That's Tommy Reich and Brown Shirt Garbage patter.

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