Reform UK Party Limited Company

Maybe so, but if we want them to disappear then our media and politicians need to do better than just spend a few weeks calling them names.

Check out their Deputy Fuhrer on BBC. Pretending that his English nationalist racist fascistic voters voted for his English Nationalist racist fascistic party because they wanted a libertarian's fantasy low tax regime and gave a shit about there being a border in the Irish Sea.
They're not stupid but they are deeply unpleasant people.
Problem is we are spoiling for a fight. That is more than enough to keep them interested.

I can liken it to dog training/handling. Or parenting.

Scolding and reasoning is not the preferred tactic, because we inadvertantly reward them with attention. That is often more than enough to keep the behaviour going.

You have to remove that reward. Then they go off and find something else to do.

To paraphrase every nice turn of words, every historically / philosophically minded reproach.

"Oooh, our precious politics. You mustn't!"

There's the problem. Increase the percieved value of politics to them at the same time as saying "not for you!".

Like, if we carry on, we can stop them. Obviously, we can't.

Moreover, their right to a vote and expression is right at the heart of the preciousness of democracy. But we want to reshape that basic right to make it sound like we want it to. That it's for people with 'our' sensibility.

Anything to hide, each and any of us is just one person with equal rights.

It seems an example of false pride, false effort. I believe people quickly react to that sort of thing. It acts to further this over identification with a romanticised dream of what our self is and how politics validates that.

It increases and entrenches emotional investment in it. We're not debating issues, we're engaging in a phony conflict over their right to be the individual they decide, over their right to expression and the vote.

With less of this... less emotional BS, less personal, less personality - it becomes boring all over again.

Seriously. Ignore them! Flatter them. Then shuffle them out.

The other approach is doomed, it just keeps it all going.
The rise of Reform is concerning, but hopefully it serves one purpose and that is to make the Tory party sensible again, but it depends which nutjob takes over as leader. Johnson bless his cuddly little cotton socks has well and truly fucked them over.

The question is where do Reform go from here, my concern is they have a mandate to go further right like Marie Le Pen.
The rise of Reform is concerning, but hopefully it serves one purpose and that is to make the Tory party sensible again, but it depends which nutjob takes over as leader. Johnson bless his cuddly little cotton socks has well and truly fucked them over.

The question is where do Reform go from here, my concern is they have a mandate to go further right like Marie Le Pen.
They'll likely turn into a one issue party which will exist to press Labour on immigration. However, that also really depends upon what Labour does on immigration because so far nobody knows what they're going to do.

I'm not concerned about Reform because they can never win an election so it actually doesn't matter. Farage is the only reason why Reform have done quite well but he isn't going to stick around for 5 years. We're not going to see Le Pen proportions in the UK.

A major worry for anyone left of centre would be if Farage unites with the Tories and that's a real possibility given this time tomorrow the Tories will be battered, leaderless and rudderless. The one thing that the Tories have always done is moved fast and ruthlessly, so coalition with Farage could be their answer?
I am voting reform because I am not a fat bastard on benefits waiting for a nhs appointment because of diabetes like most labour voters
So to be clear, you're of average build, with a job, with no ongoing health issues, and not waiting for an nhs appointment?
Sounds to me like you have a pretty decent life, other than being a racist judgemental condescending ****.

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