Reform UK Party Limited Company

The current political landscape presents a complex scenario wherein the Reform party is gaining traction among the working class
By nefarious means, Reform are an overtly pro=Capitalist party, their message does not differ from any pro Capitalist party in history.
, potentially shifting the balance away from the Labour party in upcoming elections
That is possible because of the power of propaganda.
. The benefits of immigration are distributed unequally across different societal strata. For the establishment, immigration offers a cheap labor force that functions almost like modern-day serfdom. Meanwhile, the middle class benefits culturally and economically, accessing services and goods facilitated by immigrants, which influences their pro-immigration stance based on personal gains in culinary, service, and labor sectors.
There is truth in that statement, but it is not the full picture. The middle class and everyone else benefits from immigrants who work in public service.
To maintain this influx of affordable labor, those in power shape the narrative, often equating any critique of immigration with racism or aligning it with extremist ideologies
Only the far right do
. The middle class supports this narrative because they also reap benefits from the labor immigrants provide, whether it's in the form of coffee service or domestic work, while they selectively engage with diverse cultures.
Have you the evidence that supports this paragraph?
This selective engagement often ignores the negative aspects that accompany cultural diversity, such as social tension in under-resourced areas.
Manchester has had cultural diversity for hundreds of years, areas such as little Italy in Ancoats, they were under resourced areas at that time. Social tension now is because of a mixture of idiotic austerity and far right insurgency
Both the establishment and middle class appear to exert control over the working class and the 'lumpenproletariat,' expecting compliance with societal norms and rules. Ideally, multiculturalism could foster solidarity among the working class, yet it is often co-opted by those who gain the most from it. While a blend of cultures is perceived as enriching by some, it can lead to tension and conflict in resource-poor neighborhoods, where social and economic challenges are more pronounced than in affluent areas with professional residents and safer environments.
There is zero evidence of that, look up Prof Danny Dorling, but will gladly accept your evidence.
For some, the issue extends beyond racism;
it reflects a frustration with the working class not conforming to expected norms and behavior
. Though current unrest is framed around racial issues, the same dynamics would likely manifest if the protests were about wages, as this framing allows the establishment to maintain a sense of moral high ground.
Interesting thought
There have been instances where social services are invoked as a means of exerting control and asserting superiority, threatening to separate families based on divergent political views.
Labeling these views as racist further alienates the working class, reinforcing negative stereotypes that depict them as uneducated and undeserving
I am working class, I CHOSE not to be racist. I also have a history O level.
. Consequently, areas that once supported Labour are now gravitating toward Reform, perceived as the only political entity willing to listen without judgment or condescension.
I would argue that Labours move towards centrism has left a gap for reform to appeal to the socially conservative left that the like of Atlee always envisaged the party to be.
Regrettably, Reform's policies also threaten to dismantle the very social safety nets that many working-class and marginalised individuals rely on.
They are cunts, they are not cuddly, they are dangerous.
This leaves large segments of the working class and most of the lumpenproletariat in a precarious position, facing significant challenges regardless of their political choices.
I am a Socialist, i will never ever buy the lies of the far right and I will keep banging the drum for my politics until the day that I die.

Your post was really interesting, thank you for posting, we do need valid debate about the issues our great country faces and your post has helped.

Modern capitalism shits on the working class, especially the 'lower' working class, from a great height.

Having said that, many members of the so-called 'working class' do not help themselves. You only have to look at the records of some of the rioters lately brought to justice.

The government should be in the business of helping people to advance themselves. But as the saying goes, it takes two to tango. The government cannot wave a magic wand and make unemployable people employable.

The decline of trade unions doesn't help, by the way. Too many atomised individuals with no idea what to do, no one to help them or guide them, no one to educate them - barring evil charlatans on the internet with their filthy lies.
^^ that....real?

Wonder where Farage and co have been these past two weeks.

You'd hope some of the adults that run this country have had a word with Farage and those that platform him for 'entertainment hits' given the damage he'a caused the country.
This weekend in the place he calls home and where he pays tax ...... Brussells - no surget in Clacton he hasn't even got an office there - how is that even allowed?

I think he does pay tax on it but, as it gets paid to the limited company he set up and is the sole director of, he only pays 25% corporation tax, not the rates of income tax applicable to the hoi polloi.
He even claimed expenses for flying to the USA (£32,000) for ‘seeing his friend, who’d been shot (although he hadn’t, and ‘representing Clacton on the World Stage’.
You’ve got to love the absolute idiots who vote for these men because they represent ‘ordinary people’ and will lead the fight against the elite…..
And, he’s still not been back to Clacton since he won!
I think he does pay tax on it but, as it gets paid to the limited company he set up and is the sole director of, he only pays 25% corporation tax, not the rates of income tax applicable to the hoi polloi.
He even claimed expenses for flying to the USA (£32,000) for ‘seeing his friend, who’d been shot (although he hadn’t, and ‘representing Clacton on the World Stage’.
You’ve got to love the absolute idiots who vote for these men because they represent ‘ordinary people’ and will lead the fight against the elite…..
And, he’s still not been back to Clacton since he won!

I think the 32k was the value of what he was given to go on the Trump hunt, rather than an expenses claim. Harborne (who paid for it) was a very big Brexit Party donor (and also to Johnson).

It's in a block of freebies being declared.

The description was ridiculous though.
I think he does pay tax on it but, as it gets paid to the limited company he set up and is the sole director of, he only pays 25% corporation tax, not the rates of income tax applicable to the hoi polloi.
He even claimed expenses for flying to the USA (£32,000) for ‘seeing his friend, who’d been shot (although he hadn’t, and ‘representing Clacton on the World Stage’.
You’ve got to love the absolute idiots who vote for these men because they represent ‘ordinary people’ and will lead the fight against the elite…..
And, he’s still not been back to Clacton since he won!

I think you mean what idiots put up with politicians directors of companies self employed ........etc all having their noses in the trough. He is nowhere near the first or the last fucker who can't line his pockets quick enough.

Those idiots would be us I guess:-)
This weekend in the place he calls home and where he pays tax ...... Brussells - no surget in Clacton he hasn't even got an office there - how is that even allowed?

This **** only has a British passport because his application for a German passport was rejected because he put a false address on his application. British patriot my arse. The same as Yaxley-Lennon the British patriot who has an Irish passport and lives in Spain. The muppets who support and fund either of these twats are too gullible and stupid to realise they're gullible and stupid.

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